AbstractGraphView.hs revision 85ab61b931e22a72a53628b8aa5d059eeaedf1bd
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Jorina Freya Gerken, Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2004
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : hets@tzi.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (relies on Logic via DevGraph)
Interface for graph viewing and abstraction.
It is possible to hide sets of nodes and edges.
Using a composition table for edge types,
paths through hidden nodes can be displayed.
Graphs, nodes, and edges are handled via
descriptors (here: integers), while node and
edge types are handled by user-supplied strings.
module GUI.AbstractGraphView where
import DaVinciGraph
import Static.DevGraph (DGLinkLab)
import Common.Lib.Graph (LEdge)
import Logic.Logic --mkTyConApp
import GraphDisp
import GraphConfigure
import Destructible
import Data.List(nub)
import Data.IORef
import Data.Dynamic
import Common.DynamicUtils
tyconDGLinkLab :: TyCon
tyconDGLinkLab = mkTyCon "Static.DevGraph.DGLinkLab"
instance Typeable DGLinkLab where
typeOf _ = mkTyConApp tyconDGLinkLab []
{- methods using fetch_graph return a quadruple containing the modified graph, a descriptor of the last modification (e.g. a new node), the descriptor that can be used for the next modification and a possible error message-}
-- Which graph display tool to be used, perhaps make it more tool independent?
instance Eq (DaVinciNode (String, Int, Int)) where
(==) = eq1
instance Eq (DaVinciArc EdgeValue) where
(==) = eq1
graphtool = daVinciSort
type OurGraph =
Graph DaVinciGraph
-- Main datastructure for carrying around the graph,
-- both internally (nodes as integers), and at the daVinci level
type CompTable = [(String,String,String)]
data AbstractionGraph = AbstractionGraph {
theGraph :: OurGraph,
nodeTypes :: [(String,DaVinciNodeType (String,Int,Int))],
edgeTypes :: [(String,DaVinciArcType EdgeValue)],
nodes :: [(Int,(String,DaVinciNode (String,Int,Int)))],
edges :: [(Int,(Int,Int,String,DaVinciArc EdgeValue))],
-- probably, also the abstracted graph needs to be stored,
-- and a list of hide/abstract events with the hidden nodes/edges (for each event),
-- which is used to restore things when showIt is called
edgeComp :: CompTable,
eventTable :: [(Int,Entry)]}
type Descr = Int
type EdgeValue = (String,Int,Maybe (LEdge DGLinkLab))
type GraphInfo = IORef ([(Descr,AbstractionGraph)],Descr) -- for each graph the descriptor and the graph,
-- plus a global counter for new descriptors
data Result = Result Descr -- graph, node or edge descriptor
(Maybe String) -- a possible error message
data Entry = Entry {newNodes :: [(Descr,(String,DaVinciNode (String,Int,Int)))],
oldNodes :: [(Descr,(String,String))],
newEdges :: [(Int,(Int,Int,String,DaVinciArc EdgeValue))],
oldEdges :: [(Int,(Int,Int,String,EdgeValue))]
-- creates a new entry of the eventTable and fills it with the data contained in its parameters
createEntry :: [(Descr,(String,DaVinciNode (String,Int,Int)))] -> [(Descr,(String,String))] -> [(Descr,(Int,Int,String,DaVinciArc EdgeValue))] -> [(Descr,(Int,Int,String,EdgeValue))] -> Descr -> (Int,Entry)
createEntry nn on ne oe cnt = (cnt, Entry {newNodes = nn, oldNodes = on, newEdges = ne, oldEdges = oe})
-- zips two lists by pairing each element of the first with each element of the second
specialzip :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)]
specialzip [] _ = []
specialzip _ [] = []
specialzip (x:xs) (y:ys) = (x,y):(specialzip [x] ys)++(specialzip xs (y:ys))
-- similar to lookup, but also returns the decriptor
-- should only be used, if lookup will be successful (otherwise an error is thrown)
get :: Descr -> [(Descr,a)] -> (Descr,a)
get d list = case lookup d list of
Just r -> (d,r)
Nothing -> error ("get: descriptor unknown: "++(show d)++"\n"++(show (map fst list)))
-- lookup tables and failure handling
remove :: Eq a => a -> [(a,b)] -> [(a,b)]
remove x l = filter (\(y,_) -> not (x==y)) l
return_fail graphs msg =
return (Result 0 (Just msg))
-- lookup a graph descriptor and execute a command on the graph
-- the delete flag specifies if the graph should be removed from the graph list afterwards
-- fetch_graph :: Descr -> GraphInfo -> Bool -> a ?
fetch_graph gid gv delete cmd =
do (gs,ev_cnt) <- readIORef gv
case lookup gid gs of
Just g -> do (g',descr,ev_cnt',err) <- cmd (g,ev_cnt)
let gs'' = if delete then gs' else (gid,g'):gs'
writeIORef gv (gs'',ev_cnt')
return (Result descr err)
where gs' = remove gid gs
Nothing -> return (Result 0 (Just ("Graph id "++show gid++" not found")))
-- These are the operations of the interface
initgraphs :: IO GraphInfo
initgraphs = do newRef <- newIORef ([],0)
return newRef
makegraph :: String -> [GlobalMenu] ->
[(String,DaVinciNodeTypeParms (String,Descr,Descr))] ->
(String,Descr,Maybe (LEdge DGLinkLab)))] ->
CompTable -> GraphInfo -> IO Result
makegraph title menus nodetypeparams edgetypeparams comptable gv = do
(gs,ev_cnt) <- readIORef gv
let graphParms =
foldr ($$) (GraphTitle title $$
OptimiseLayout True $$
AllowClose (Just "closing window") $$
abstractNodetypeparams = LocalMenu
Button "Unhide abstracted nodes" (
\ (name, descr, gid) -> do oldGv <- readIORef gv
(Result descr error) <- showIt gid descr gv
case error of
Just _ -> do writeIORef gv oldGv
return ()
Nothing -> do redisplay gid gv
return ()
) $$$
Rhombus $$$
ValueTitle ( \ (name,descr,gid) -> return name) $$$
emptyNodeTypeParms :: DaVinciNodeTypeParms (String,Int,Int)
(nodetypenames,nodetypeparams1) = unzip (("ABSTRACT",abstractNodetypeparams):nodetypeparams)
(edgetypenames,edgetypeparams1) = unzip edgetypeparams
graph <- GraphDisp.newGraph graphtool graphParms
nodetypes <- sequence (map (newNodeType graph) nodetypeparams1)
edgetypes <- sequence (map (newArcType graph) edgetypeparams1)
let g = AbstractionGraph {
theGraph = graph,
nodeTypes = zip nodetypenames nodetypes,
edgeTypes = zip edgetypenames edgetypes,
nodes = [],
edges = [],
edgeComp = comptable,
eventTable = [] }
writeIORef gv ((ev_cnt,g):gs,ev_cnt+1)
return (Result ev_cnt Nothing)
delgraph :: Descr -> GraphInfo -> IO Result
delgraph gid gv =
fetch_graph gid gv True
(\(g,ev_cnt) -> do destroy (theGraph g)
return (g,0,ev_cnt+1,Nothing))
delallgraphs :: GraphInfo -> IO ()
delallgraphs gv = do
(gs,ev_cnt) <- readIORef gv
destroy_all gs ev_cnt
destroy_all [] _ = return ()
destroy_all ((gid,_):gs) ev_cnt = do
writeIORef gv (gs,ev_cnt)
Result _ _ <- GUI.AbstractGraphView.delgraph gid gv
(_,ev_cnt') <- readIORef gv
destroy_all gs ev_cnt'
addnode :: Descr -> String -> String -> GraphInfo -> IO Result
addnode gid nodetype name gv =
fetch_graph gid gv False (\(g,ev_cnt) ->
do case lookup nodetype (nodeTypes g) of
Nothing -> return (g,0,ev_cnt,Just ("addnode: illegal node type: "++nodetype))
Just nt ->
do existingNodesOfSameType <- sequence [(getNodeValue (theGraph g) davinciNode)|(descr,(tp,davinciNode)) <- (nodes g), tp == nodetype]
case elem name [existingName| (existingName, _,_) <- existingNodesOfSameType] of
_ -> do node <- newNode (theGraph g) nt (name,ev_cnt,gid)
return (g{nodes = (ev_cnt,(nodetype,node)):nodes g},ev_cnt,ev_cnt+1,Nothing)
-- True -> do return (g,0,ev_cnt, Just("addnode: node \"" ++ name ++ "\" of type " ++ nodetype ++ " already exists in graph " ++ (show gid)))
delnode :: Descr -> Descr -> GraphInfo -> IO Result
delnode gid node gv =
fetch_graph gid gv False (\(g,ev_cnt) ->
case lookup node (nodes g) of
Just n -> do deleteNode (theGraph g) (snd n)
return (g{nodes = remove node (nodes g)},0,ev_cnt+1,Nothing)
Nothing -> return (g,0,ev_cnt,Just ("delnode: illegal node: "++show node))
unclear how to implement, ask George
addlink :: Descr -> String -> String -> Maybe (LEdge DGLinkLab) -> Descr -> Descr -> GraphInfo -> IO Result
addlink gid edgetype name label src tar gv =
fetch_graph gid gv False (\(g,ev_cnt) ->
case (lookup edgetype (edgeTypes g),
lookup src (nodes g),
lookup tar (nodes g)) of
(Just et, Just src_node, Just tar_node) ->
do existingEdgesOfSameTypeAndPosition <- sequence [(getArcValue (theGraph g) davinciArc)|(descr,(srcId, tgtId, tp, davinciArc)) <- (edges g), tp == edgetype && srcId == src && tgtId == tar]
case lookup name [(nm,descr)|(nm,descr,graphId) <- existingEdgesOfSameTypeAndPosition] of
_ ->
do edge <- newArc (theGraph g) et (name,ev_cnt,label) (snd src_node) (snd tar_node)
return (g{edges = (ev_cnt,(src,tar,edgetype,edge)):edges g},ev_cnt,ev_cnt+1,Nothing)
{- Just _ -> do srcToString <- getNodeNameAndTypeAsString g src
tarToString <- getNodeNameAndTypeAsString g tar
return (g,0,ev_cnt,Just("addlink: edge \""++name++"\" from node "++(show src)++(srcToString)++" to node "++(show tar)++(tarToString)++" of type "++edgetype++" already exists in graph "++(show gid))) -}
(Nothing,_,_) -> return (g,0,ev_cnt,Just ("addlink: illegal edge type: "++edgetype))
(_,Nothing,_) -> return (g,0,ev_cnt,Just ("addlink: illegal source node id: "++show src))
(_,_,Nothing) -> return (g,0,ev_cnt,Just ("addlink: illegal target node id: "++show tar))
getNodeNameAndTypeAsString :: AbstractionGraph -> Descr -> IO String
getNodeNameAndTypeAsString g descr = case lookup descr (nodes g) of
Just (tp, davinciNode) ->
do (name, i, j) <- getNodeValue (theGraph g) davinciNode
return (" (\""++name++"\" of type "++tp++")")
Nothing -> error ("getNodeNameAndTypeAsString: unknown node: "++(show descr))
dellink :: Descr -> Descr -> GraphInfo -> IO Result
dellink gid edge gv =
fetch_graph gid gv False (\(g,ev_cnt) ->
case lookup edge (edges g) of
Just (_,_,_,e) ->
do deleteArc (theGraph g) e
return (g{edges = remove edge (edges g)},0,ev_cnt+1,Nothing)
Nothing -> return (g,0,ev_cnt,Just ("dellink: illegal edge: "++show edge))
redisplay :: Descr -> GraphInfo -> IO Result
redisplay gid gv =
fetch_graph gid gv False (\(g,ev_cnt) ->
do redraw (theGraph g)
return (g,0,ev_cnt+1,Nothing)
-- determines from the types of two edges the type of the path replacing them (using the edgeComp table of the graph)
determineedgetype :: AbstractionGraph -> (String,String) -> Maybe String
determineedgetype g (t1,t2) = case result of
[] -> Nothing
x:xs -> Just x
where result = [ t | (tp1,tp2,t) <- (edgeComp g), (tp1==t1)&&(tp2==t2)]
-- returns a pair of lists: one list of all in- and one of all out-going edges of the node
fetchEdgesOfNode :: AbstractionGraph -> Descr -> Maybe ([Descr],[Descr])
fetchEdgesOfNode g node = case sequence (map ((flip lookup) (edges g)) (map fst (edges g))) of
Just el -> Just ([descr|ed@(descr,(_,t,_,_)) <- (edges g), t == node],[descr|ed@(descr,(s,_,_,_)) <- (edges g), s == node])
Nothing -> Nothing
hidenodes :: Descr -> [Descr] -> GraphInfo -> IO Result
hidenodes gid node_list gv =
fetch_graph gid gv False (\(g,ev_cnt) ->
case sequence (map (\node -> lookup node (nodes g)) node_list) of
Just nl -> do -- try to determine the path to add and the edges to remove
case makepathsMain g node_list of
-- try to create the paths
Just (newEdges,delEdges) -> do -- save the old edges...
let oeDescr = nub ((concat (map fst delEdges))++(concat (map snd delEdges)))
oe = map (\ed -> get ed (edges g)) oeDescr
oldEdges <- saveOldEdges g oe
-- ... then try to remove them from the graph
(gs,_) <- readIORef gv
writeIORef gv (gs,ev_cnt+1)
deletedEdges@(Result de1 error1) <- hideedgesaux gid oeDescr gv
info1 <- readIORef gv
case error1 of
Nothing -> do -- determine the _new_ edges...
let existingEdges = [(src,tgt,tp)|(descr,(src,tgt,tp,daVinci)) <- (edges (snd (get gid (fst info1))))]
filteredNewEdges = [path| path@(src,tgt,tp) <- newEdges, notElem (src,tgt,tp) existingEdges]
-- ... and try to add them
paths@(Result de2 error2) <- addpaths gid filteredNewEdges gv --info1
case error2 of
Nothing -> do -- save the old nodes...
let on = map (\nd -> get nd (nodes g)) node_list
oldNodes <- saveOldNodes g on
-- ... then try to remove them from the graph
deletedNodes@(Result de3 error3) <- hidenodesaux gid node_list gv --info2
info3 <- readIORef gv
case error3 of
Nothing -> do -- save the changes in an entry
let g' = snd (get gid (fst info3))
newEdges = [edge| edge <- (edges g'), notElem edge (edges g)]
newEvent = createEntry [] oldNodes newEdges oldEdges ev_cnt
return (g'{eventTable = newEvent:eventTable g'},ev_cnt,(snd info3)+1,Nothing)
Just t -> return (g,0,ev_cnt,Just ("hidenodes: error hiding nodes: "++t))
Just text -> return (g,0,ev_cnt,Just ("hidenodes: error adding paths: "++text))
Just text -> return (g,0,ev_cnt,Just ("hidenodes: error deleting edges: "++text))
Nothing -> return (g,0,ev_cnt,Just "hidenodes: error making paths\n(possible reasons: an error occured getting the edges of the nodes\nor a pathtype could not be determined (missing entry in edgeComp table))")
Nothing -> return (g,0,ev_cnt,Just "hidenodes: unknown node(s)")
-- auxiliary function, which removes the nodes from the graph
hidenodesaux :: Descr -> [Descr] -> GraphInfo -> IO Result
hidenodesaux gid [] gv = do (gs,ev_cnt) <- readIORef gv
return (Result ev_cnt Nothing)
hidenodesaux gid (d:delNodes) gv = do deletedNode@(Result de error) <- delnode gid d gv
case error of
Nothing -> do hidenodesaux gid delNodes gv
Just t -> return deletedNode
-- returns the paths to add and the edges to remove
makepathsMain :: AbstractionGraph -> [Descr] -> Maybe ([(Descr,Descr,String)],[([Descr],[Descr])])
makepathsMain g node_list =
-- try to determine the in- and outgoing edges of the nodes
case sequence (map (fetchEdgesOfNode g) node_list) of
-- try to make paths of these edges
Just edgelistPairs ->
case sequence (map (makepaths g node_list) edgelistPairs) of
-- the paths to add (dangling ones are removed) and the edges to remove
Just paths ->
Just (removeDanglingEdges (nub (concat paths)) node_list,
Nothing -> Nothing
Nothing -> Nothing
-- removes those edges whose source or target node will be hidden
removeDanglingEdges :: [(Descr,Descr,String)] -> [Descr] -> [(Descr,Descr,String)]
removeDanglingEdges edges nodes =
[edge| edge@(src,tgt,_) <- edges, notElem src nodes && notElem tgt nodes]
-- returns a list of paths (ie source, target and type) to be added
makepaths :: AbstractionGraph -> [Descr] -> ([Descr],[Descr]) -> Maybe [(Descr,Descr,String)]
makepaths g node_list (inEdges,outEdges) =
-- try to lookup the edges of the node
case (sequence (map (\ed -> lookup ed (edges g)) inEdges),sequence (map (\ed -> lookup ed (edges g)) outEdges)) of
(Just ie, Just oe) ->
-- try to make paths out of them
case sequence (map (makepathsaux g node_list []) (specialzip ie oe)) of
-- return the paths
Just paths -> Just (concat paths)
Nothing -> Nothing
(Nothing,_) -> Nothing
(_,Nothing) -> Nothing
-- determines source, target and type of the path to be added and checks it using method checkpath
makepathsaux :: AbstractionGraph -> [Descr] -> [Descr] -> ((Descr,Descr,String,DaVinciArc EdgeValue),(Descr,Descr,String,DaVinciArc EdgeValue)) -> Maybe [(Descr,Descr,String)]
makepathsaux g node_list alreadyPassedNodes ((s1,t1,ty1,ed1),(s2,t2,ty2,ed2)) =
-- try to determine the type of the path
case determineedgetype g (ty1,ty2) of
-- return the checked path
Just ty -> checkpath g node_list alreadyPassedNodes (s1,t2,ty,ed1) -- ed1 is just a dummy value (Dummiewert)
Nothing -> Nothing
-- check, if the source or the target of an edge are element of the list of nodes that are to be hidden
-- if so, find out the "next" sources/targets and check again
-- remember which nodes have been passed to avoid infinite loops
checkpath :: AbstractionGraph -> [Descr] -> [Descr] -> (Descr,Descr,String,DaVinciArc EdgeValue) -> Maybe [(Descr,Descr,String)]
checkpath g node_list alreadyPassedNodes path@(src,tgt,ty,ed)
| elem src alreadyPassedNodes || elem tgt alreadyPassedNodes = Just []
| elem src node_list = -- try to determine the in- and outgoing edges of the source node
case fetchEdgesOfNode g src of
-- try to lookup ingoing edges
Just (inEdges,outEdges) -> case sequence (map (\ed -> lookup ed (edges g)) inEdges) of
-- try to make paths of these edges and the "tail" of the path (and recursively check them)
Just el -> case sequence (map (makepathsaux g node_list (src:alreadyPassedNodes)) (specialzip el [path])) of
Just p -> Just (concat p)
Nothing -> Nothing
Nothing -> Nothing
| elem tgt node_list = -- try to determine the in- and outgoing edges of the target node
case fetchEdgesOfNode g tgt of
-- try to lookup the outgoing edges
Just (inEdges,outEdges) -> case sequence (map (\ed -> lookup ed (edges g)) outEdges) of
-- try to make paths of these edges and the "init" of the path (and recursively check them)
Just el -> case sequence (map (makepathsaux g node_list (tgt:alreadyPassedNodes)) (specialzip [path] el)) of
Just p -> Just (concat p)
Nothing -> Nothing
Nothing -> Nothing
Nothing -> Nothing
| otherwise = -- nothing to be done
Just [(src,tgt,ty)]
-- adds the paths (given source, target and type)
addpaths :: Descr -> [(Descr,Descr,String)] -> GraphInfo -> IO Result
addpaths gid [] gv = do (gs,ev_cnt) <- readIORef gv
return (Result ev_cnt Nothing)
addpaths gid ((src,tgt,ty):newEdges) gv = do edge@(Result de error) <- addlink gid ty "" Nothing src tgt gv
case error of
Nothing -> do addpaths gid newEdges gv
Just t -> return edge
-- fetches all the nodes of the given type and hides them using hidenodes
hidenodetype :: Descr -> String -> GraphInfo -> IO Result
hidenodetype gid nodetype gv = fetch_graph gid gv False (\(g,ev_cnt) ->
-- check if the node type is valid
do case lookup nodetype (nodeTypes g) of
Just nt ->
do let nodelist = [descr|(descr,(tp,_)) <- (nodes g), tp == nodetype]
case nodelist of
[] -> do return (g,0,ev_cnt,Just ("hidenodetype: no nodes of type "++nodetype++" found in graph "++(show gid)))
node_list -> do (Result de error) <- hidenodes gid nodelist gv
info <- readIORef gv
return (snd (get gid (fst info)), de, (snd info), error)
Nothing -> return (g,0,ev_cnt,Just ("hidenodetype: illegal node type: "++nodetype))
hideSetOfNodeTypes :: Descr -> [String] -> GraphInfo -> IO Result
hideSetOfNodeTypes gid nodetypes gv =
fetch_graph gid gv False (\(g,ev_cnt) ->
case sequence [lookup nodetype (nodeTypes g)|nodetype <- nodetypes] of
Just typelist ->
do let nodelist = [descr|(descr,(tp,_)) <- (nodes g), elem tp nodetypes]
case nodelist of
[] -> return (g,0,ev_cnt,Just ("hidenodetype: no nodes"
++" of types "++(showList nodetypes ",")++
" found in graph "++(show gid)))
node_list -> do (Result de error) <- hidenodes gid nodelist gv
info <- readIORef gv
return (snd (get gid (fst info)), de, (snd info), error)
Nothing -> return (g,0,ev_cnt,Just ("hidenodetype: illegal node types "
++"in list: "++(showList nodetypes ",")))
--showList :: [String] -> String
--showList [] = ""
--showList (elem:[]) = elem
--showList (elem:list) = elem ++ ", " ++ (showList list)
-- like hidenodes, but replaces the hidden nodes by a new node
-- with a menu to unhide the nodes (not yet implemented)
abstractnodes :: Descr -> [Descr] -> GraphInfo -> IO Result
abstractnodes gid [] gv = fetch_graph gid gv False (\(g,ev_cnt) -> return (g,0,ev_cnt,Nothing))
abstractnodes gid node_list gv =
fetch_graph gid gv False (\(g,ev_cnt) ->
-- try to lookup the nodes of the list
case sequence (map (\nd -> lookup nd (nodes g)) node_list) of
Just nl -> -- try to lookup the in- and outgoing edges of the nodes
case sequence (map (fetchEdgesOfNode g) node_list) of
Just el -> do -- save the old edges
let oeDescr = nub ((concat (map fst el))++(concat (map snd el)))
oe = map (\edge -> get edge (edges g)) oeDescr
oldEdges <- saveOldEdges g oe
-- save the old nodes
let on = map (\node -> get node (nodes g)) node_list
oldNodes <- saveOldNodes g on
-- try to create the new abstract node and add its in- and outgoing paths
(Result de1 error1) <- replaceByAbstractNode gid node_list nl oeDescr gv --(gs,ev_cnt+1)
case error1 of
Nothing -> do -- try to remove the in- and outgoing edges of the nodes to be hidden
(Result de2 error2) <- hideedgesaux gid oeDescr gv
case error2 of
Nothing -> do -- try to remove the nodes of the list
(Result de3 error3) <- hidenodesaux gid node_list gv --info2
info3 <- readIORef gv
case error3 of
Nothing -> do -- save the changes in an entry
let g' = snd (get gid (fst info3))
newNodes = [nd| nd <- nodes g', notElem nd (nodes g)]
newEdges = [ed| ed <- edges g', notElem ed (edges g)]
newEntry = createEntry newNodes oldNodes newEdges oldEdges ev_cnt
return (g'{eventTable=newEntry:eventTable g'},ev_cnt,snd info3,Nothing)
Just t -> return (g,0,ev_cnt,Just ("abstractnodes: error hiding nodes: "++t))
Just t -> return (g,0,ev_cnt,Just ("abstractnodes: error hiding edges: " ++ t))
Just t -> return (g,0,ev_cnt,Just ("abstractnodes: error making abstract node: "++ t))
Nothing -> return (g,0,ev_cnt,Just "abstractnodes: error fetching the edges of the nodes")
Nothing -> return (g,0,ev_cnt,Just "abstractnodes: unknown nodes")
-- adds an abstract node, determines and adds its in- and outgoing paths
replaceByAbstractNode :: Descr -> [Descr] -> [(String,DaVinciNode(String,Int,Int))] -> [Descr] -> GraphInfo -> IO Result
replaceByAbstractNode gid node_list nl edge_list gv =
fetch_graph gid gv False (\(g,ev_cnt) ->
-- try to lookup the in- and outgoing edges of the nodes that are to be hidden
case sequence (map (\ed -> lookup ed (edges g)) edge_list) of
Just el -> do -- try to add an abstract node
(Result de1 error1) <- addnode gid "ABSTRACT" (show ev_cnt) gv
case error1 of
Nothing -> do -- determine its in- and outgoing paths...
let newEdges = [(src,de1,tp)| (src,tgt,tp,_) <- el, ((notElem src node_list) && (elem tgt node_list))]
++ [(de1,tgt,tp)| (src,tgt,tp,_) <- el, ((elem src node_list) && (notElem tgt node_list))]
-- ... and try to add them
(Result de2 error2) <- addpaths gid (nub newEdges) gv
info2 <- readIORef gv
case error2 of
Nothing -> do -- return the modified graph
let g' = snd (get gid (fst info2))
return (g',de2,snd info2,Nothing)
Just t -> return (g,0,ev_cnt,error2)
Just text -> return (g,0,ev_cnt,Just ("replaceByAbstractNode: error creating abstract node: "++text))
Nothing -> return (g,0,ev_cnt,Just "replaceByAbstractNode: error looking up the edges of the nodes")
hideedges :: Descr -> [Descr] -> GraphInfo -> IO Result
hideedges gid edge_list gv = fetch_graph gid gv False (\(g,ev_cnt) ->
-- check if all of the edges exist
case sequence (map (\edge -> lookup edge (edges g)) edge_list) of
Just el -> do -- save the old edges ...
let oe = map (\edge -> get edge (edges g)) edge_list
oldEdges <- saveOldEdges g oe
-- ... then try to remove them from the graph
(gs,_) <- readIORef gv
writeIORef gv (gs,ev_cnt+1)
(Result de error) <- hideedgesaux gid edge_list gv
info <- readIORef gv
case error of
Nothing -> do -- save the changes in an entry
let g' = snd (get gid (fst info))
newEntry = createEntry [] [] [] oldEdges ev_cnt
return (g'{eventTable = newEntry:eventTable g'},ev_cnt,snd info,Nothing)
Just text -> return (g,0,ev_cnt,Just ("hideedges: error hiding edges: "++text))
Nothing -> return (g,0,ev_cnt,Just "hideedges: unknown edges")
-- an auxiliary function, which removes the edges from the graph
hideedgesaux :: Descr -> [Descr] -> GraphInfo -> IO Result
hideedgesaux gid [] gv = do (gs,ev_cnt) <- readIORef gv
return (Result ev_cnt Nothing)
hideedgesaux gid (d:delEdges) gv = do dle@(Result descr error) <- dellink gid d gv
case error of
Nothing -> do hideedgesaux gid delEdges gv --info
Just t -> return dle
-- fetches all the edges of the given type and hides them using hideedges
hideedgetype :: Descr -> String -> GraphInfo -> IO Result
hideedgetype gid edgetype gv =
fetch_graph gid gv False (\(g,ev_cnt) ->
-- check if the edge type is valid
case lookup edgetype (edgeTypes g) of
Just et -> do let edgelist = [descr|(descr,(_,_,tp,_)) <- (edges g), tp == edgetype]
case edgelist of
[] -> do return (g,0,ev_cnt,Just ("hideedgetype: no edges of type "++edgetype++" found in graph "++(show gid)))
edge_list -> do (Result de error) <- hideedges gid edge_list gv
info <- readIORef gv
return (snd (get gid (fst info)), de, snd info,error)
Nothing -> return (g,0,ev_cnt,Just ("hideedgetype: illegal edge type: "++edgetype))
-- function to undo hide-events
showIt :: Descr -> Descr -> GraphInfo -> IO Result
showIt gid hide_event gv =
fetch_graph gid gv False (\(g,ev_cnt) ->
-- try to lookup the hide-event
case lookup hide_event (eventTable g) of
Just entry -> do -- try to remove the paths that had been added
(Result de1 error1) <- hideedgesaux gid (map fst (newEdges entry)) gv
case error1 of
Nothing -> do -- try to add the nodes that had been hidden
(Result de2 error2) <- shownodes gid (oldNodes entry) gv
case error2 of
Nothing -> do -- try to remove the nodes that had been added
(Result de3 error3) <- hidenodesaux gid (map fst (newNodes entry)) gv
case error3 of
Nothing -> do -- try to add the edges that had been hidden
(Result de4 error4) <- showedges gid (oldEdges entry) gv
info4 <- readIORef gv
case error4 of
Nothing -> do -- remove the event from the eventTable
let g' = snd (get gid (fst info4))
return (g'{eventTable = remove hide_event (eventTable g')},0,ev_cnt+1,Nothing)
Just t4 -> return (g,0,ev_cnt,Just ("showIt: error restoring old edges:\n-> "++t4))
Just t3 -> return (g,0,ev_cnt,Just ("showIt: error removing nodes:\n-> "++t3))
Just t2 -> return (g,0,ev_cnt,Just ("showIt: error restoring nodes:\n-> "++t2))
Just t1 -> return (g,0,ev_cnt,Just ("showIt: error removing edges:\n-> "++t1))
Nothing -> return (g,0,ev_cnt,Just ("showIt: invalid event descriptor: "++(show hide_event)))
-- adds nodes that had been hidden
shownodes :: Descr -> [(Descr,(String,String))] -> GraphInfo -> IO Result
shownodes gid [] gv = do (gs,ev_cnt) <- readIORef gv
return (Result ev_cnt Nothing)
shownodes gid ((node@(d,(tp,name))):list) gv =
do (gs,_) <- readIORef gv
let g = snd (get gid gs)
-- try to add the first node
writeIORef gv (gs,d)
nd@(Result de error) <- addnode gid tp name gv
case error of
Nothing -> do -- try to add the rest
shownodes gid list gv
Just _ -> return nd
-- adds edges that had been hidden
showedges :: Descr -> [(Int,(Int,Int,String,EdgeValue))] -> GraphInfo -> IO Result
showedges gid [] gv = do (gs,ev_cnt) <- readIORef gv
return (Result ev_cnt Nothing)
showedges gid ((edge@(d,(src,tgt,tp,value))):list) gv =
do (gs,_) <- readIORef gv
let g = snd (get gid gs)
-- try to add the first edge
writeIORef gv (gs,d)
let name = getEdgeName value
let label = getEdgeLabel value
ed@(Result de err) <- addlink gid tp name label src tgt gv
case err of
Nothing -> do -- try to add the rest
showedges gid list gv
Just _ -> return ed
-- creates a list of the nodes that will be hidden (ie descriptor,type and name)
saveOldNodes :: AbstractionGraph -> [(Int,(String,DaVinciNode(String,Int,Int)))] -> IO [(Int,(String,String))]
saveOldNodes g [] = return []
saveOldNodes g ((node@(de,(tp,davincinode))):list) = do (name,descr,gid) <- getNodeValue (theGraph g) davincinode
restOfList <- saveOldNodes g list
return ((de,(tp,name)):restOfList)
-- creates a list of the edges that will be hidden (ie descriptor,source,target,type and name)
saveOldEdges :: AbstractionGraph -> [(Int,(Int,Int,String,DaVinciArc EdgeValue))] ->
IO [(Int,(Int,Int,String,EdgeValue))] -- IO [(Int,(Int,Int,String,String))]
saveOldEdges g [] = return []
saveOldEdges g (edge@(de,(src,tgt,tp,davinciarc)):list) =
do value <- getArcValue (theGraph g) davinciarc
-- let name = getEdgeName value
restOfList <- saveOldEdges g list
return ((de,(src,tgt,tp,value)):restOfList)
getEdgeName :: EdgeValue -> String
getEdgeName (name,_,_) = name
getEdgeLabel :: EdgeValue -> Maybe (LEdge DGLinkLab)
getEdgeLabel (_,_,label) = label