Con.hs revision b87efd3db0d2dc41615ea28669faf80fc1b48d56
{- | Module : $Header$
- Description : Implementation of logic instance CK+CEM
- Copyright : (c) Daniel Hausmann & Georgel Calin & Lutz Schroeder, DFKI Lab Bremen,
- Rob Myers & Dirk Pattinson, Department of Computing, ICL
- License : GPLv2 or higher
- Maintainer :
- Stability : provisional
- Portability : portable
- Provides the implementation of the matching functions of conditional logic plus
- conditional excluded middle.
module GMP.Logics.Con where
import List
import Ratio
import Maybe
import Debug.Trace
import GMP.Logics.Generic
import GMP.Parser
-- instance of feature for CK+CEM
data Con a = Con [Formula a] deriving (Eq,Show)
instance (SigFeature b c d, Eq (b (c d)), Eq (c d)) => NonEmptyFeature Con b c d where
-- For any set of logically equivalent premises A1,...,An, there are two premises:
-- The first premise contains the (negated) stripped conclusions of (negative)
-- literals with a premise from A1,...,An.
-- The second premise contains just the statement that all A1,...,An are
-- logically equivalent.
nefMatch flags seq = let neglits premises = [ (Neg phi) | (Neg(Mod (Con (psi:phi:_)))) <- seq, psi `elem` premises]
poslits premises = [ phi | (Mod (Con (psi:phi:_))) <- seq, psi `elem` premises]
in if (flags!!1)
[ trace (" <Trying to match... Current antecedents:> ["
++ (pretty_list prems) ++ "]") $
[[Sequent (are_equiv prems)]] ++
[[Sequent ((neglits prems) ++ (poslits prems))]]
| prems <- (power_premises seq)]
[ [[Sequent (are_equiv prems)]] ++
[[Sequent ((neglits prems) ++ (poslits prems))]]
| prems <- (power_premises seq)]
nefPretty d = genfPretty d "[Con]"
nefFeatureFromSignature sig = Con
nefFeatureFromFormula phi = Con
nefStripFeature (Con phis) = phis
nefSeparator sig = "=>"
-- additional functions for the matching function of this logic
-- create sequent which states that all elements of the input list are equivalent
-- to the input formula.
are_equiv :: (Feature a b) => [Formula (a b)] -> [Formula (a b)]
are_equiv [] = []
are_equiv (psi:[]) = -- trace (" <Identity not needed to prove:> "
-- ++ (pretty psi) ++ " = " ++ (pretty psi)) $
are_equiv (psi:phi:xs) = -- trace (" <One pair to prove:> "
-- ++ (pretty phi) ++ " = " ++ (pretty psi)) $
(And (Neg (And (Neg psi) phi)) (Neg (And (Neg phi) psi))) :
(are_equiv (psi:xs))
-- return the premises of each positive or negative literal in the input sequent
con_premises :: (Feature Con b) => [Formula (Con b)] -> [Formula b]
con_premises seq = [psi | (Mod (Con (psi:phi:_))) <- seq] ++
[psi | (Neg (Mod (Con (psi:phi:_)))) <- seq]
-- return the list of all combinations of premises that appear in the input
-- sequent
power_premises :: (Feature Con b) => [Formula (Con b)] -> [[Formula b]]
power_premises xs = powerList (con_premises xs)
-- instance of sigFeature for Conditional logic with conditional excluded middle
instance (SigFeature b c d, Eq (c d), Eq (b (c d))) => NonEmptySigFeature Con b c d where
neGoOn sig flag = genericPGoOn sig flag