ModalKD.hs revision 98890889ffb2e8f6f722b00e265a211f13b5a861
{- |
Module : $EmptyHeader$
Description : <optional short description entry>
Copyright : (c) <Authors or Affiliations>
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : <email>
Stability : unstable | experimental | provisional | stable | frozen
Portability : portable | non-portable (<reason>)
<optional description>
{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
module GMP.ModalKD where
import GMP.GMPAS
import GMP.ModalLogic
import qualified Data.Set as Set
data KDrules = KDPR Int
| KDNR Int
deriving Show
data Rchoice = P | N | O
deriving Eq
instance ModalLogic ModalKD KDrules where
contrClause n ma =
let p = Set.difference ma n
in [Mimplies (Set.toList p) [aux]|aux <- Set.toList n]
++ [Mimplies (Set.toList p) []]
flagML _ = Sqr
parseIndex = return (ModalKD ())
matchR (Mimplies n p) =
case p of
[] -> if (n == []) then [] else [KDNR (length n)]
_ -> [KDPR (length n)]
guessClause r =
case r of
KDPR 0 -> [Pimplies [1] []]
KDPR n -> [Pimplies [n+1] [1..n]]
KDNR n -> [Pimplies [] [1..n]]