Combination.hs revision b87efd3db0d2dc41615ea28669faf80fc1b48d56
{- |
Module : $EmptyHeader$
Description : <optional short description entry>
Copyright : (c) <Authors or Affiliations>
License : GPLv2 or higher
Maintainer : <email>
Stability : unstable | experimental | provisional | stable | frozen
Portability : portable | non-portable (<reason>)
<optional description>
module Combination where
import List
import Char
import Ratio
-- ----------------------------------------
-- base logic and compositional types
-- e.g. Comp = composition, Fuse = fusion, Cond = conditional
-- --------------------------------
data BaseLogic = K | KD | C | G | P | HM deriving (Eq,Show)
data BaseCombo = Comp | CoProd | Fuse | Cond deriving (Eq,Show)
-- this is important: needs to be modified by anyone adding
-- a new logic, gives the type of modal operator index
modaltype :: String -> String
modaltype "K" = ""; modaltype "KD" = "";
modaltype "C" = "[Int]"; modaltype "G" = "Int";
modaltype "P" = "Rational";
modaltype "HM" = "Char";
-- a System type corresponds to a functor composition
-- a list of Flat types is a flat gluing
data System = L BaseLogic | Bin BaseCombo System System deriving (Eq,Show)
data Flat = FlatUnary BaseLogic Int Int | FlatBinary BaseCombo Int (Int,Int) deriving (Eq,Show)
-- ----------------------------------------
-- System type -> Flat gluing code
-- we use system to construct a tree, label with depth first search then
-- deconstruct tree to create flat gluing
-- ----------------------------------------
-- represent gluings with one variable only that is left implicit
-- data Glue = LL BaseLogic | UU BaseLogic Glue | BB BaseCombo Glue Glue deriving (Eq, Show)
data Glue = S | UU BaseLogic Glue | BB BaseCombo Glue Glue deriving (Eq, Show)
(<.>) :: BaseLogic -> Glue -> Glue; x <.> y = UU x y
infixr 4 <.>
(==>) :: Glue -> Glue -> Glue; x ==> y = BB Cond x y
infixr 1 ==>
(<+>) :: Glue -> Glue -> Glue; x <+> y = BB CoProd x y
infixr 2 <+>
(<*>) :: Glue -> Glue -> Glue; x <*> y = BB Fuse x y
infixr 3 <*>
-- compute the subterms of a gluing. The types of a gluing are then
-- the subterms without the term that defines the gluing itself.
subterms:: Glue -> [Glue]
subterms glue = let
t S = [S]
t (UU log glue) = (UU log glue):t(glue)
t (BB com glu1 glu2) = [BB com glu1 glu2] `union` (t glu1) `union` (t glu2)
in t glue
-- flatten
flatten :: Glue -> [Flat]
flatten glue = let
-- auxilary: get index noting that the full term is identified with S
idx :: Glue -> [Glue] -> Int
idx elem lst = case (elemIndex elem lst) of {
Nothing -> idx glue lst;
Just n -> n;
-- keep the list of types around to extract the corresponding numbers
-- idea: we recurse on the first argument that initilly contains
-- all types; the second argument is also the list of types and is
-- passed for reference. Upon each recursive call, the index of a
-- language equals the position where it is found in the list of
-- types.
aux:: [Glue] -> [Glue] -> [Flat]
aux [] glue = []
aux ((UU log glue):rest) all =
(FlatUnary log (idx (UU log glue) all) (idx glue all)):(aux rest all)
aux ((BB com glu1 glu2):rest) all =
(FlatBinary com (idx (BB com glu1 glu2) all) (idx glu1 all, idx glu2 all)):(aux rest all)
aux (S:rest) all = aux (glue:rest) all
-- recall that S identifies with the whole gluing
in aux (delete glue (subterms glue)) (delete S (subterms glue))
-- ----------------------------------------
-- render data types based on a flat gluing
-- typical usage: typeflat $ flatglue ((L KD <+> L G) ==> (L C <+> L G))
-- e.g. outputs ["L1 = F1 | .... | Cond1 L2 L5","L2 = F2 | ...",...]
-- ----------------------------------------
-- output first part of data type definition
inityp :: Int -> String
inityp n = concat $ intersperse ((show n)++" ")
["data L","= F","| T","| Atom","Int | Neg","L","| And","L","L","| Or","L","L",""]
-- render a flattening as a string
rendflat :: Flat -> String
rendflat (FlatUnary lgc id pid)
= (inityp id) ++ "| " ++ (show lgc) ++ (show id) ++ " " ++ stype ++ " L" ++ (show pid)
where sopUp = map toUpper (show lgc); stype = modaltype sopUp
rendflat (FlatBinary op id (n1,n2))
| (op == Fuse) = (inityp id) ++ "| Pi1_"++ sid ++ " L" ++ s1 ++ " | Pi2_" ++ sid ++ " L" ++ s2
| otherwise = (inityp id) ++ "| " ++ (show op) ++ (show id) ++" L" ++ s1 ++ " L" ++ s2
where s1 = show n1; s2 = show n2; sid = show id;
typeflat :: [Flat] -> [String]; typeflat fls = map rendflat fls
-- ----------------------------------------
-- Some utily functions to extract text between two markers
-- and find & replace text
-- ----------------------------------------
-- extract elements in a list between two markers lists
aftag :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a]; aftag _ [] = []
aftag tag s@(_:cs) | (isPrefixOf tag s) = drop (length tag) s | otherwise = aftag tag cs
bftag :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a]; bftag _ [] = []
bftag tag (c:cs) | (isPrefixOf tag (c:cs)) = [] | otherwise = c:(bftag tag cs)
extract :: (Eq a) => ([a],[a]) -> [a] -> [a]
extract (st,end) ls = bftag end (aftag st ls)
-- find and replace elements in a list
replace :: (Eq a) => ([a],[a]) -> [a] -> [a]; replace _ [] = [];
replace (tag,rep) s@(c:cs)
| (isPrefixOf tag s) = rep ++ (replace (tag,rep) (drop (length tag) s))
| otherwise = c:(replace (tag,rep) cs)
-- iteratively find and replace
replacem :: (Eq a) => [([a],[a])] -> [a] -> [a]
replacem [] str = str
replacem (t:ts) str = replacem ts (replace t str)
-- ----------------------------------------
-- code generation
-- given a flat gluing creates a 'mySat.hs' file
-- typical usage: gen $ flatten ((K <.> S) <*> (KD <.> S))
-- inspects template file gg.tmpl.hs to generate code
-- also uses "gg.head.hs" for top of file, "gg.util.hs" for footer
-- ----------------------------------------
gen :: [Flat] -> IO ()
gen fls =
let outf = "MySat.hs"
-- write header: imports, Logic class, Strip class
fhead <- readFile "gg.head.hs"
writeFile outf fhead
-- generate data types
let dtypes = concat $ intersperse " deriving (Eq,Show)\n" ((typeflat fls)++[""])
appendFile outf ("\n"++dtypes)
-- get template data
tmpl <- readFile "gg.tmpl.hs"
-- generate Strip class instances
let strp = extract ("BEGIN_STRIPPERS","END_STRIPPERS") tmpl
let strips = concat (genstrip fls strp)
appendFile outf strips
-- generate Logic class instances, requires 'provable' code & 'onlybox' code
let lgcstr = extract ("BEGIN_LOGIC","END_LOGIC") tmpl
let prvstr = extract ("BEGIN_PROVABLES","END_PROVABLES") tmpl
let boxstr = extract ("BEGIN_ONLYBOXS","END_ONLYBOXS") tmpl
let logics = concat (genlogic fls (lgcstr,prvstr,boxstr))
appendFile outf logics
-- generate matching rules
let matstr = extract ("BEGIN_MATCHINGS","END_MATCHINGS") tmpl
let matchings = concat (genmatch fls matstr)
appendFile outf matchings
-- write footer: fully generic software
ftail <- readFile "gg.util.hs"
appendFile outf ftail
-- generate Strip class instances
genstrip :: [Flat] -> String -> [String]
genstrip [] _ = []
genstrip ((FlatUnary uop id pid):fs) strps =
let sid = show id; spid = show pid; suop = show uop;
ustrp = extract ("BEGIN_UNARY_STRIP","END_UNARY_STRIP") strps
uopind = if (null(modaltype suop)) then "" else " _"
repls = [("_FROM_","L"++sid),("_TO_","L"++spid),("_UNOP_",suop++sid++uopind)]
in (replacem repls ustrp):(genstrip fs strps)
genstrip ((FlatBinary bop id (c1,c2)):fs) strps =
let sid = show id; sc1 = show c1; sc2 = show c2;
sbop = show bop; sbopUp = map toUpper sbop;
bstrp = extract ("BEGIN_"++sbopUp++"_STRIP","END_"++sbopUp++"_STRIP") strps
repls = [("_FROM_","L"++sid),("_TO1_","L"++sc1),("_TO2_","L"++sc2),("_BINOP_",sbop++sid)]
++ [("_UNOP1_","Pi1_"++sid),("_UNOP2_","Pi2_"++sid)]
in (replacem repls bstrp):(genstrip fs strps)
-- generate Logic class instances
genlogic :: [Flat] -> (String,String,String) -> [String]
genlogic [] _ = []
genlogic ((FlatUnary uop id _):fs) strs@(lgcstr,prvstr,boxstr) =
let sid = show id; suop = show uop;
uopind = if (null(modaltype suop)) then "" else " ind"
obox = extract ("BEGIN_BASIC_ONLYBOX","END_BASIC_ONLYBOX") boxstr
robox = replace ("_BOXED_",suop++sid++uopind++" x") obox
repls = [("_N_",sid),("_PROVABLE_",prv),("_ONLYBOX_",robox)]
in (replacem repls lgcstr):(genlogic fs strs)
genlogic ((FlatBinary bop id _):fs) strs@(lgcstr,prvstr,boxstr) =
let sid = show id; sbop = show bop; sbopUp = map toUpper sbop;
obox = extract ("BEGIN_"++sbopUp++"_ONLYBOX","END_"++sbopUp++"_ONLYBOX") boxstr
robox = replacem [("_BOXED_",sbop++sid++" x y"),("_ID_",sid)] obox
repls = [("_N_",sid),("_PROVABLE_",prv),("_ONLYBOX_",robox)]
in (replacem repls lgcstr):(genlogic fs strs)
-- generate matchings
genmatch :: [Flat] -> String -> [String]
genmatch [] _ = []
genmatch ((FlatUnary uop id pid):fs) matstr =
let sid = show id; spid = show pid;
suop = show uop; suopUp = map toUpper suop;
mat = extract ("BEGIN_"++suopUp++"_MATCHING","END_"++suopUp++"_MATCHING") matstr
repls = [("_ID_",sid),("_PID_",spid),("_UNOP_",suop++sid)]
in (replacem repls mat):(genmatch fs matstr)
genmatch ((FlatBinary bop id (c1,c2)):fs) matstr =
let sid = show id; sc1 = show c1; sc2 = show c2;
sbop = (show bop); sbopUp = map toUpper sbop;
mat = extract ("BEGIN_"++sbopUp++"_MATCHING","END_"++sbopUp++"_MATCHING") matstr
repls = [("_ID_",sid),("_CID1_",sc1),("_CID2_",sc2),("_BINOP_",sbop++sid)]
in (replacem repls mat):(genmatch fs matstr)