tkz-graph.sty revision 2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981
% %
% tk-graphes.sty encodage : utf8 %
% %
% %
% Créé par Alain Matthes le 09-10-2007. %
% contribution : Rafael Villarroel 2007 (RV) %
% %
%% Objet : Création de graphes
\ProvidesPackage{tkz-graph}[18/11/2008 v 2.7d base for graphs]
% Init vertex
\newboolean{@twopt} \setboolean{@twopt}{false}
\newcommand*{\twoptoff}{\ifnum \catcode`\:=13 \catcode`\:=12 \setboolean{@twopt}{true} \fi}
\newcommand*{\twopton}{\if@twopt \catcode`\:=13 \setboolean{@twopt}{false} \fi}
\newboolean{@activ} \setboolean{@activ}{false}%
\setboolean{@activ}{true} \fi}%
\setboolean{@activ}{false} \fi}
\tikzset{pre/.style={<-,shorten <=1pt,>=stealth',semithick}}
\tikzset{post/.style={->,shorten <=1pt,>=stealth',semithick}}
% Simple Vertex
\define@cmdkey [GR] {SVS} {Shape}{}
\define@cmdkey [GR] {SVS} {MinSize}{}
\define@cmdkey [GR] {SVS} {LineWidth}{}
\define@cmdkey [GR] {SVS} {LineColor}{}
\define@cmdkey [GR] {SVS} {FillColor}{}
\presetkeys [GR] {SVS} {Shape = \VertexShape,
MinSize = \VertexSmallMinSize,
LineWidth = \VertexLineWidth,
LineColor = \VertexLineColor,
FillColor = \VertexFillColor}{}
\presetkeys[GR]{vertex}{NoLabel = true}{}%
\tikzset{VertexStyle/.style = {draw,
shape = \cmdGR@SVS@Shape,
color = \cmdGR@SVS@LineColor,
fill = \cmdGR@SVS@FillColor,
inner sep = 0pt,
outer sep = 0pt,
minimum size = \cmdGR@SVS@MinSize,
line width = \cmdGR@SVS@LineWidth}}}
% Normal Vertex
\define@cmdkey [GR] {SVN} {Shape}{}
\define@cmdkey [GR] {SVN} {MinSize}{}
\define@cmdkey [GR] {SVN} {LineWidth}{}
\define@cmdkey [GR] {SVN} {LineColor}{}
\define@cmdkey [GR] {SVN} {FillColor}{}
\define@cmdkey [GR] {SVN} {TextColor}{}
\presetkeys [GR] {SVN} {Shape = \VertexShape,
MinSize = \VertexInterMinSize,
LineWidth = \VertexLineWidth,
LineColor = \VertexLineColor,
FillColor = \VertexLightFillColor,
TextColor = \VertexTextColor}{}
\tikzset{VertexStyle/.style = {shape = \cmdGR@SVN@Shape,
minimum size = \cmdGR@SVN@MinSize,
line width = \cmdGR@SVN@LineWidth,
color = \cmdGR@SVN@LineColor,
fill = \cmdGR@SVN@FillColor,
text = \cmdGR@SVN@TextColor,
\SetVertexNormal% default
% Simple
\presetkeys [GR] {vertex} {NoLabel = true}{}%
\tikzset{VertexStyle/.style = {draw,
shape = \VertexShape,
color = \VertexLineColor,
fill = \VertexDarkFillColor,
inner sep = 0pt,
outer sep = 0.5\pgflinewidth,
text = \VertexTextColor,
minimum size = \VertexSmallMinSize,
line width = \VertexLineWidth}}
\tikzset{EdgeStyle/.style = {line width = \EdgeLineWidth,\EdgeColor}}
% Classic
\presetkeys [GR] {vertex} {LabelOut = true}{}%
\tikzset{VertexStyle/.style = {draw,
shape = \VertexShape,
color = \VertexLineColor,
fill = \VertexDarkFillColor,
inner sep = 0pt,
outer sep = 0.5\pgflinewidth,
text = \VertexTextColor,
minimum size = \VertexSmallMinSize,
line width = \VertexLineWidth}}
\tikzset{EdgeStyle/.style = {line width = \EdgeLineWidth,\EdgeColor}}
% Normal
\presetkeys [GR] {vertex} {LabelOut = false}{}%
\tikzset{VertexStyle/.style = {draw,
shape = \VertexShape,
minimum size = \VertexInterMinSize,
line width = \VertexLineWidth,
color = \VertexLineColor,
outer sep = 0.5\pgflinewidth,
fill = \VertexLightFillColor,
text = \VertexTextColor}}
\tikzset{EdgeStyle/.style = {line width = \EdgeLineWidth,\EdgeColor}}
% Shade
\presetkeys [GR] {vertex} {LabelOut = false}{}%
\tikzset{VertexStyle/.style = {shape = \VertexShape,
ball color = \VertexBallColor,
text = \VertexTextColor,
inner sep = 2pt,
outer sep = 0pt,
minimum size = \VertexBigMinSize}}
\tikzset{EdgeStyle/.style = {line width = \EdgeLineWidth,\EdgeColor,
double = \EdgeFillColor,
double distance = \EdgeDoubleDistance}}
% Dijkstra
\presetkeys [GR] {vertex} {LabelOut = false}{}%
\tikzset{VertexStyle/.style = {draw,
shape = \VertexShape,
color = \VertexLineColor,
fill = \VertexLightFillColor,
inner sep = 0pt,
outer sep = 0.5\pgflinewidth,
text = \VertexTextColor,
minimum size = \VertexInterMinSize,
line width = \VertexLineWidth}}
\tikzset{EdgeStyle/.style = {line width = \EdgeLineWidth,\EdgeColor}}
% Welsh
\presetkeys [GR] {vertex} {LabelOut = true}{}%
\tikzset{VertexStyle/.style = {draw,
shape = \VertexShape,
color = \VertexLineColor,
fill = \VertexLightFillColor,
inner sep = 0pt,
outer sep = 0pt,
text = \VertexTextColor,
minimum size = \VertexSmallMinSize,
line width = \VertexLineWidth}}
\tikzset{EdgeStyle/.style = {line width = \EdgeLineWidth,\EdgeColor}}
% Art
\presetkeys [GR] {vertex} {NoLabel = true}{}%
\tikzset{VertexStyle/.style = {shape = \VertexShape,
ball color = \VertexBallColor,
text = \VertexTextColor,
inner sep = \VertexInnerSep,
outer sep = 0pt}}
\tikzset{EdgeStyle/.style = {line width =\EdgeLineWidth,\EdgeFillColor}}
\tikzset{LabelStyle/.style = {}}
\presetkeys [GR] {init} {vstyle = Normal}{}
\presetkeys [GR] {vertex} {NoLabel = true}{}%
% add RV
\presetkeys [GR] {vertex} {NoLabel = false}{}%
\presetkeys [GR] {vertex} {LabelOut = true}{}%
\presetkeys [GR] {vertex} {LabelOut = false}{}%
\presetkeys [GR] {vertex} {Math = true}{}%
\presetkeys [GR] {cl} {Math = true}{}%
\presetkeys [GR] {vertex} {Math = false}{}%
\presetkeys [GR] {cl} {Math = false}{}%
% %<–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––>
% \tikzstyle{every node} = [node distance = 2cm,
% line width = 0.8pt]%
% Init SetUpVertex
% todo math
\define@cmdkey [GR] {SUV} {Lpos}{}
\define@cmdkey [GR] {SUV} {Ldist}{}
\define@cmdkey [GR] {SUV} {style}{}
\define@boolkey [GR] {SUV} {NoLabel} [true]{}
\define@boolkey [GR] {SUV} {LabelOut}[true]{}
\define@boolkey [GR] {SUV} {Math}[true]{}
\presetkeys [GR] {SUV} {Ldist = 0cm,%
Lpos = 0,%
style = {},%
LabelOut = false,%
NoLabel = false,
Math = false}{}
% SetUpVertex
\presetkeys [GR] {vertex} {Lpos = \cmdGR@SUV@Lpos,%
Ldist = \cmdGR@SUV@Ldist}{}%
\presetkeys [GR] {vertex} {NoLabel = true}{}%
\presetkeys [GR] {vertex} {LabelOut = true}{}%
\presetkeys [GR] {vertex} {Math = true}{}%
% Colors
\tikzset{VertexStyle/.append style = {ball color=#1}}
\tikzset{EdgeStyle/.append style = {color=#2,double=#3}}
\tikzset{VertexStyle/.append style = {ball color=#1}}
\tikzset{EdgeStyle/.append style = {color=#2}}
\tikzset{VertexStyle/.append style = {fill=#1}}
\tikzset{EdgeStyle/.append style = {color=#2}}
\tikzset{VertexStyle/.append style = {fill=#1}}
\foreach \v in {#2}
% Init Vertex
\define@boolkey [GR] {vertex} {empty}[true]{}
\define@cmdkey [GR] {vertex} {x}{}
\define@cmdkey [GR] {vertex} {y}{}
\define@cmdkey [GR] {vertex} {a}{}
\define@cmdkey [GR] {vertex} {d}{}
\define@boolkey [GR] {vertex} {Node}[true]{}
\define@cmdkey [GR] {vertex} {dir}{}
\define@cmdkey [GR] {vertex} {style}{}
\define@cmdkey [GR] {vertex} {position}{}
\define@cmdkey [GR] {vertex} {L}{}
\define@cmdkey [GR] {vertex} {Lpos}{}
\define@cmdkey [GR] {vertex} {Ldist}{}
\define@boolkey [GR] {vertex} {NoLabel}[true]{}
\define@boolkey [GR] {vertex} {Math}[true]{}
\define@boolkey [GR] {vertex} {LabelOut}[true]{}
\presetkeys [GR] {vertex} {Node = false,
NoLabel = false,
LabelOut = false,
empty = false,
Math = false,
x = {},
y = {},
a = {},
d = {},
dir = \EA,
position = {},
style = {},
L = {},
Ldist = 0cm,
Lpos = 0}{}
% Vertex
% coord rect todo coord polar and pos relative
\noexpand\node[inner sep = 0pt](#1)%
at (\cmdGR@vertex@x,\cmdGR@vertex@y){}}%
\noexpand\node[inner sep = 0pt](#1)%
at (\cmdGR@vertex@a:\cmdGR@vertex@d){}}%
\noexpand \node[inner sep = 0pt](#1)%
\begin{scope}[label distance = \cmdGR@vertex@Ldist]
\noexpand\node[outer sep=0pt,\nstyle,\cmdGR@vertex@style](#1)
at (\cmdGR@vertex@x,\cmdGR@vertex@y){%
\noexpand\node[outer sep=0pt,\nstyle,\cmdGR@vertex@style](#1)
at (\cmdGR@vertex@a:\cmdGR@vertex@d){%
\noexpand\node[outer sep=0pt,\nstyle,\cmdGR@vertex@style](#1)%
% End of Vertex
% EA east of #2
\def\cmdGR@vertex@position{\temp@position,right of=#2}
% WE west of #2
\def\cmdGR@vertex@position{left of=#2}
% NO north of #2
\def\cmdGR@vertex@position{above of=#2}
% SO south of #2
\def\cmdGR@vertex@position{below of=#2}
% NOEA north east of #2
\def\cmdGR@vertex@position{above right of=#2}
% NOWE north west of #2
\def\cmdGR@vertex@position{above left of=#2}
% SOEA south east of #2
\def\cmdGR@vertex@position{below right of=#2}
% SOWE south west of #2
\def\cmdGR@vertex@position{below left of=#2}
% Vertices
\foreach \fin in {#2}{%
\global\expandafter\let\csname label@\alph{tkzb@temp}\endcsname\liste}
\NO[#1,Lpos=45, x={},y={},Node=false](\label@b){\label@c}
\foreach \lab in {#3}{%
a = \gr@newangle,
d = \tikz@node@distance,
Lpos = \gr@posangle]{\lab}
% Edge style
\tikzstyle{EdgeStyle} =[]
% Init SetUpEdge
\define@cmdkey [GR] {SUE} {color}{}
\define@cmdkey [GR] {SUE} {label}{}
\define@cmdkey [GR] {SUE} {labelstyle}{}
\define@cmdkey [GR] {SUE} {labeltext}{}
\define@cmdkey [GR] {SUE} {labelcolor}{}
\define@cmdkey [GR] {SUE} {style}{}
\define@cmdkey [GR] {SUE} {lw}{}
\presetkeys [GR] {SUE} {color = \EdgeColor,
lw = \EdgeLineWidth,
label = {},
labeltext = black,
labelcolor = white,
labelstyle = {},
style = {}}{}
% SetUpEdge
\setkeys [GR] {SUE} {#1}%
\presetkeys [GR] {edge} {color = \cmdGR@SUE@color,
lw = \cmdGR@SUE@lw,
label = \cmdGR@SUE@label,
labeltext = \cmdGR@SUE@labeltext,
labelcolor = \cmdGR@SUE@labelcolor,
labelstyle = \cmdGR@SUE@labelstyle,
style = \cmdGR@SUE@style}{}
% Init Edge
\define@cmdkey [GR] {edge} {color}{}
\define@cmdkey [GR] {edge} {lw}{}
\define@cmdkey [GR] {edge} {style}{}
\define@cmdkey [GR] {edge} {label}{}
\define@cmdkey [GR] {edge} {labeltext}{}
\define@cmdkey [GR] {edge} {labelcolor}{}
\define@cmdkey [GR] {edge} {labelstyle}{}
\presetkeys [GR] {edge} {style = {pos=.5},
lw = \EdgeLineWidth,
label = {},
labeltext = black,
labelcolor = white,
labelstyle = {},
color = \EdgeColor}{}
% Edge
\noexpand \draw[color = \cmdGR@edge@color,%
line width =\cmdGR@edge@lw,%
EdgeStyle]}\@tempa (#2) to (#3)}{%
\noexpand \draw[color = \cmdGR@edge@color,%
line width =\cmdGR@edge@lw,%
EdgeStyle] (#2) to%
node[fill = \cmdGR@edge@labelcolor,
text = \cmdGR@edge@labeltext,
{\cmdGR@edge@label} (#3)}%
% Edges
\foreach \fin in {#2}{%
% Init loop
\tikzset{LoopStyle/.style = {in=235, out=125, distance=\cmdGR@loop@dist}}%
\tikzset{LoopStyle/.style = {in= 55, out=-55, distance=\cmdGR@loop@dist}}%
\tikzset{LoopStyle/.style = {in=135, out= 45, distance=\cmdGR@loop@dist}}%
\tikzset{LoopStyle/.style = {in=-45, out=225, distance=\cmdGR@loop@dist}}%
\define@cmdkey [GR] {loop} {color}{}
\define@cmdkey [GR] {loop} {label}{}
\define@cmdkey [GR] {loop} {labelstyle}{}
\define@cmdkey [GR] {loop} {style}{}
\define@cmdkey [GR] {loop} {dist}{}
\presetkeys [GR] {loop} {style = {pre,thick},%`
label = {},%
labelstyle = {},%
color = black,%
dist = 4cm,%
dir = WE}{}
% loop
\noexpand \draw[\cmdGR@loop@color] (#2)%
edge [LoopStyle,\cmdGR@loop@style]%
node [LabelStyle,\cmdGR@loop@labelstyle]%
{\cmdGR@loop@label} (#2)}\@tempa;%
% Init Graphes probabilistes
\define@cmdkey [GR] {grpb} {distance}{}
\define@cmdkey [GR] {grpb} {LposA}{}
\define@cmdkey [GR] {grpb} {LposB}{}
\define@cmdkey [GR] {grpb} {Ldist}{}
\define@cmdkey [GR] {grpb} {LoopDist}{}
\presetkeys [GR] {grpb} {distance = 5cm,%
LposA = 180,%
LposB = 0,%
Ldist = 0cm,%
LoopDist = 4cm}{}
% Graphes probabilistes
\tikzset{node distance = \cmdGR@grpb@distance}
\tikzset{LabelStyle/.append style ={pos=.5}}
%\presetkeys [GR] {vertex} {LabelOut = true}{}%
\Edge[style={post,bend left=60},label={$#4$},labelstyle={above}](grA)(grB)
\Edge[style={post,bend left=60},label={$#5$},labelstyle={below}](grB)(grA)
% End Graphes probabilistes
%<––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– fin –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––>