instr.ascii revision 74dfa6bc521350525358340117512f8afe9fdd26
Here are the basic instructions for using the ENTCS macro package.
The files should work seamlessly with LaTeX2e and with pdfLaTeX.
Assuming you have retrieved the necessary files, then,
1) Place the *.sty files in a directory where LaTeX looks for
input files. This can be the directory containing the source file
for your paper.
2) Read the file instraut.dvi file. This describes the generic
set of files elsart.sty and elsart12.sty, upon which the entcs
files are based.
3) (pdf)LaTeX and print the file example.tex. This file describes how
the ENTCS style files differ from the generic Elsevier article
styles. This file also provides a template for preparing your own
paper for your Proceedings. You simply can replace relevant
material in example.tex with your own data.
4) If you run into problems, contact your Program Chairman or me at
5) When you're finished, send a copy of your source file, together
with any macro files you need to your Program Chairman or whomever
is handling the processing of the papers.
Mike Mislove
Founding Editor
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science