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\def\lastname{Hausmann and Schr\"oder}
\title{Optimizing Conditional Modal Logic (Draft)}
\author[Bremen]{Daniel Hausmann\thanksref{ALL}\thanksref{myemail}}
\author[Bremen]{Lutz Schr\"oder \thanksref{ALL}\thanksref{coemail}}
\address[Bremen]{Deutsches Zentrum f\"ur k\"unstliche Intelligenz (DFKI)\\ Universit\"at Bremen, Germany}
\thanks[ALL]{This work is supported by DFG-project no1234}
\thanks[myemail]{Email: \href{mailto:Daniel.Hausmann@dfki.de} {\texttt{\normalshape Daniel.Hausmann@dfki.de}}}
\thanks[coemail]{Email: \href{mailto:Lutz.Schroeder@dfki.de} {\texttt{\normalshape Lutz.Schroeder@dfki.de}}}
We describe a specific optimization of the decision algorithm
of conditional modal logic. The general framework
of this optimization is the setting of coalgebraic modal logic,
the actual implementation is an extension to
the generic satisfiability solver for modal logics CoLoSS.
Coalgebraic modal logic, conditional logic,
satisfiability / provability, optimization by memoizing
Introduce here :)
Structure of the paper: First we give a short introduction to
the theory of coalgebraic modal logics, the general abstract
setting in which this paper takes place. Then we describe the
satisfiability (and provability) solving algorithm and its
optimization with regards to conditional modal logics. Finally, we
analyze the quality of this optimization by relating
the structure of the input formula to the amount of work which may
be saved by using the proposed optimization. Furthermore,
we compare our tool with other model checkers for conditional logic
and finally we discuss, to which extent the described
optimization could be used for other modal logics than just
conditional modal logic.
\section{Coalgebraic conditional logic}
Some theory here...
\section{The algorithm}
\subsection{The general sequent calculus}
A \emph{Sequent} $\Gamma$ is a set of formulae. A sequent that is
yet to be proven is called \emph{open sequent}, a sequent that has
already been shown to hold or that has already been refuted is
called a \emph{treated sequent}. A set $\mathcal{S}$ of treated
sequents together with a function $eval:\mathcal{S}\rightarrow
\{\top,\bot\}$ is called \emph{knowledge}. A \emph{premise}
$\Lambda$ is a set of open sequents.
\noindent A \emph{rule} $r=(\Lambda,\Gamma)$ consists of a premise
and a sequent (usually called \emph{conclusion}).
\noindent The generic sequent calculus is given by a set of rules
$\mathcal{R}_{sc}$ which consists of the finishing and the branching
rules $\mathcal{R}^b_{sc}$ (i.e. rules with no premise or more than
one premise), the linear rules $\mathcal{R}^l_{sc}$ (i.e. rules with
exactly one premise) and the modal rule $\mathcal R^m_{sc}$. The
finishing and the branching rules are presented in Figure~\ref{fig:branching}, the
linear rules are shown in Figure~\ref{fig:linear}. For now, we consider the modal
rule $\mathcal R^m_{sc}$ of the standard modal logic \textbf{K}
(as given by Figure~\ref{fig:modalK}). Note, that
it is possible to treat different modal logics with the same generic
calculus just by appropriately instantiating the modal rule.
\begin{tabular}{| c c c c |}
& & & \\[-5pt]
(\textsc {T})\inferrule{ }{\Gamma, \top} &
(\textsc {$\neg$F}) \inferrule{ }{\Gamma, \neg\bot} &
(\textsc {Ax}) \inferrule{ }{\Gamma, A, \neg A} &
(\textsc {$\wedge$}) \inferrule{\Gamma, A \\ \Gamma, B}{\Gamma, A\wedge B} \\[-5pt]
& & & \\
\caption{The finishing and the branching sequent rules $\mathcal{R}^b_{sc}$}
\begin{tabular}{| c c |}
& \\[-5pt]
(\textsc {$\neg\neg$})\inferrule{\Gamma, A}{\Gamma, \neg\neg A} &
(\textsc {$\neg\wedge$}) \inferrule{\Gamma, \neg A, \neg B}{\Gamma, \neg(A\wedge B)} \\[-5pt]
& \\
\caption{The linear sequent rules $\mathcal{R}^l_{sc}$}
\begin{tabular}{| c |}
(\textsc {\textbf{K}})\inferrule{\neg A_1, \ldots , \neg A_n, A_0}
{\Gamma, \neg \Box A_1,\ldots,\neg \Box A_n, \Box A_0 } \\[-5pt]
\caption{The modal rule of \textbf{K}}
Algorithm~\ref{alg:seq} makes use of the sequent rules in the following manner:
In order to show the \emph{provability} of a formula $\phi$, the
algorithm starts with the sequent $\{\phi\}$ and tries to apply all
of the sequent rules $r\in R_{sc}$ to it.
% explain what 'applying' means
The result of this one step of application of the rules will be a set
of premises $P$. The proving function is then recursively started on
each sequent of every premise in this set. If there is any premise
whose sequents are all provable, the application of the according rule is
justified and hence the algorithm has succeeded.
Due to $\ldots$ %what?
, the \emph{satisfiability} of a formula $\phi$ amounts to the provability
of its negation $\neg \phi$.
Step 1: Take the input formula $\phi$, construct the initial open
sequent $\Gamma_0 = \{\phi\}$ from it. Set i=0.\\
Step 2: Try to apply all rules $r\in R_{sc}$ to any open sequent
$\Gamma_i$. Let $\Lambda_i$ denote the set of the resulting open
Step 3: If $\Lambda_i$ contains the empty premise, mark the open
sequent $\Gamma_i$ as proven. If $\Lambda_i$ contains no premise at
all, mark the open sequent $\Gamma_i$ as refuted.\\
Step 4: Else, add all premises from $\Lambda_i$ to the set of open
premises and choose any premise from this set. Add all $\Gamma^j_i$
from this premise to the set of open sequents and continue with
Step 2.
Algorithm~\ref{alg:seq} is sound and complete w.r.t. provability. Furthermore,
Algorithm~\ref{alg:seq} has complexity X.
\subsection{The conditional logic instance}
The genericity of the introduced sequent calculus allows us to easiliy
create instantiations of Algorithm~\ref{alg:seq} for a large variety
of modal logics:
By setting $\mathcal R^m_{sc}$ to the rule shown in Figure~\ref{fig:modalCKCEM}
(where $A_a = A_b$ is shorthand for $A_a\rightarrow A_b\wedge A_b\rightarrow A_a$), we
obtain an algorithm for deciding provability (and satisfiability) of
conditional modal logic. Note however, that we restrict ourselves to the
examplary conditional modal logic \textbf{CKCEM} for the remainder of this section
(slightly adapted versions of the optimization will work for other conditional modal logics).
\begin{tabular}{| c |}
(\textsc {\textbf{CKCEM}})\inferrule{A_0 = \ldots = A_n \\ B_0,\ldots, B_j,\neg B_{j+1},\ldots,\neg B_n}
{\Gamma, (A_0\Rightarrow B_0),\ldots,(A_j\Rightarrow B_j),
\neg(A_{j+1}\Rightarrow B_{j+1}),\ldots,\neg(A_n\Rightarrow B_n) } \\[-5pt]
\caption{The modal rule $\textbf{CKCEM}$ of conditional modal logic}
In the follwing, we use the notions of \emph{modal premise} and
\emph{modal conclusion} to refer to the parameters of the modal operator of
conditional modal logic. The modal premise of a modal operator is not be confused
with the premise(s) of a sequent rule.
In order to decide, whether there is an
instance of the modal rule of conditional logic which can be applied to
the actual current sequent, it is necessary to create a preliminary premise
for each possible combination of equalities of all the premises of the
modal operators in this sequent. This results in $2^n$ new premises for
a sequent with $n$ top-level modal operators.
Consider the sequent $\Gamma=\{(A_0\Rightarrow B_0),(A_1\Rightarrow B_1),
(A_2\Rightarrow B_2)\}$. By instantiating the modal rule, several
new open premises
such as $\{\{A_0=A_1=A_2\},\{B_0,B_1,B_2\}\}$ or $\{\{A_0=A_2\},\{B_0,B_2\}\}$
may be obtained. Only after the equalities in the first sequent of each
of these premises have been shown (or refuted), it is clear, whether the
current instantiation of the modal rule is actually leading to a possibly
provable premise.
At first glance, it seems to be a more intelligent approach to first
partition the set of all premises of the top-level modal operators in the
current sequent into equivalence classes with respect to logical equality.
This partition does not only allow for a reduction of the number of newly
created open premises in each modal step,
but it also allows us to seperate the two parts of the conditional modal step
(i.e. the first part, showing the necessary equalities, and the second
part, showing that the resulting sequent - consisting of the appropriate
conclusions - is actually provable itself).
Consider again the sequent from Example~\ref{ex:cond}. By using the examplary
knowledge, that $A_0=A_1$, $A_1\neq A_2$ and $A_0\neq A_2$, it is immediate,
that there are just two reasonable instations of the modal rule, leading
to the two open premises $\{\{B_0,B_1\}\}$ and $\{\{B_2\}\}$. For the
first of these two premises, note that it is not necessary to show the
equivalence of $A_0$ and $A_1$ again.
In the case of conditional modal logic, observe the following: Since the
premises of the modal operators of a formula are not being changed by any
rule of the sequent calculus, it is possible to extract all possibly
relevant premises of a formula even \emph{before} the actual sequent
calculus is even applied. This allows us to first compute the equivalence
classes of all the relevant premises and then feed this knowledge into
the actual sequent calculus:
\section{The optimization}
A conditional premise that \emph{holds} nestings of depth $i$ is a
modal premise which contains at least one modal premise that holds
nestings of depth $i-1$ and which contains no modal premises that
hold nestings of depth greater than $i-1$. A
conditional premise which holds nestings of depth 0 is a modal
premise that does not contain any further modal operators.
Let $p_i$ denote the set of all modal premises which hold nestings
of depth $i$. Further, let $prems(n)$ denote the set of all modal
premises which hold nestings of depth at most $n$ (i.e.
$prems(n)=\bigcup_{j=1..n}^{} p_j$). Finally, let $depth(\phi)$ denote maximal
modal nesting in the formula $\phi$.
In the formula $\phi=((p_0\Rightarrow p_1) \wedge ((p_2\Rightarrow p_3)\Rightarrow p_4))
\Rightarrow (p_5\Rightarrow p_6)$,
the premise $((p_0\Rightarrow p_1) \wedge ((p_2\Rightarrow p_3)\Rightarrow p_4))$ holds
nestings of depth 2 (and not 1), $(p_0\Rightarrow p_1)$ and $(p_2\Rightarrow p_3)$ both
hold nestings of depth 1, and finally $p_0$, $p_2$ and $p_4$ all hold nestings of depth 0.
Furthermore, $prems(1)=\{p_0,p_2,p_4,(p_0\Rightarrow p_1),(p_2\Rightarrow p_3)\}$
and $depth(\phi)=3$.
We may now construct an optimized algorithm which may allows us
to decide satisfiability / provability of formulae more efficiently
in some cases. The optimized algorithm is constructed from two functions
(namely from the so-called pre-proving function and the actual proving
Step 1: Take a formula $\phi$ and a set of sets of formulae $K$ as
input. Set $\Gamma_0 = \{\phi\}$, $i=0$.\\
Step 2: Try to apply all rules $r\in \mathcal{RO}_{sc}$ (using
the knowledge $K$) to any open sequent $\Gamma_i$. Let
$\Lambda_i$ denote the set of the resulting open premises.\\
Step 3: If $\Lambda_i$ contains the empty premise, mark the open
sequent $\Gamma_i$ as proven. If $\Lambda_i$ contains no premise at
all, mark the open sequent $\Gamma_i$ as refuted.\\
Step 4: Else, add all premises from $\Lambda_i$ to the set of open
premises and choose any premise from this set. Add all $\Gamma^j_i$
from this premise to the set of open sequents and continue with
Step 2.
Algorithm~\ref{alg:optSeq} is very similar to Algorithm~\ref{alg:seq},
however, it uses a modified
set of rules $\mathcal{RO}_{sc}$ and it also allows for the
input of some knowledge in the form of a set of sets of formulae $K$.
This knowledge is then passed on to the modified modal rule of
conditional modal logic, which makes appropriate use of it.
$\mathcal{RO}_{sc}$ is obtained from $\mathcal{R}_{sc}$ by replacing
the modal rule from Figure~\ref{fig:modalCKCEM} with the modified modal
rule from Figure~\ref{fig:modalCKCEMm}.
\begin{tabular}{| c |}
(\textsc {\textbf{CKCEM}$^m$})\inferrule{\exists ec\in K. A_0, \ldots, A_n\in ec
\\ B_0,\ldots, B_j,\neg B_{j+1},\ldots,\neg B_n}
{\Gamma, (A_0\Rightarrow B_0),\ldots,(A_j\Rightarrow B_j),
\neg(A_{j+1}\Rightarrow B_{j+1}),\ldots,\neg(A_n\Rightarrow B_n) } \\[-5pt]
\caption{The modified modal rule \textbf{CKCEM}$^m$ of conditional modal logic}
Step 1: Take a formula $\phi$ as input. Set $i=0$, $K_0=\emptyset$.\\
Step 2: Generate the set $prems_i$ of all modal premises of $\phi$
which hold nestings of depth at most $i$. If $i<depth(\phi)$ continue
with Step 3, else set $K=K_{i-1}$ and continue with Step 4.\\
Step 3: For all combinations of formulae $A_a,A_b\in prems_i$, compute
Algorithm~\ref{alg:optSeq} ($A_a = A_b$, $K_i$). From the results of these computations,
construct $Eq_i$, the set of equivalence classes of modal premises that hold
nestings of depth at most $i$. Set $K_{i+1} = Eq_i$, $i = i + 1$ and
continue with Step 2.\\
Step 4: Call Algorithm~\ref{alg:optSeq} ($\phi$, $K$).
Algorithm~\ref{alg:preprove} first computes the needed equivalences $K$ of specific
subformulae of $\phi$ and then finally checks for provability of
$\phi$ (using the knowledge $K$): In order to show the equivalence of
two premises which hold nestings of depth at most $i$, we assume,
that the equivalence classes $K_{i}$ between premises which hold
nestings of depth less than $i$ have allready been computed; hence,
two premises are equal, if their equivalence is provable by
Algorithm~\ref{alg:optSeq} using only the knowledge $K_{i}$.
\subsection{Treatment of needed equivalences only}
Since Algorithm~\ref{alg:preprove} tries to show the logical equivalence of every combination
of any two modal premises that appear in $\phi$, it will have worse completion
time than Algorithm~\ref{alg:seq} on many formulae:
Consider the formula
$\phi=(((p_0\Rightarrow p_1)\Rightarrow p_2)\Rightarrow p_4)\vee
(((p_5\Rightarrow p_6)\Rightarrow p_7)\Rightarrow p_8)$.
Algorithm~\ref{alg:preprove} will not only
try to show the necessary equivalences between the pairs
$(((p_0\Rightarrow p_1)\Rightarrow p_2), ((p_5\Rightarrow p_6)\Rightarrow p_7))$,
$((p_0\Rightarrow p_1), (p_5\Rightarrow p_6))$ and $(p_0,p_5)$, but it will
also try to show equivalences between any two modal premises (e.g. $(p_0,
(p_5\Rightarrow p_6))$), even though these equivalences may not be needed
during the execution of Algorithm~\ref{alg:optSeq}.
Based on this observation, it is possible to assign a category to each pair of
modal premises that appear in it:
Two modal premises $A$ and $B$ are called \emph{connected (in $\phi$)} if
they both are the premise of a top-level modality.
Furthermore, we define sub-premises $C$ and $D$ of connected premises $A$ and $B$
to be connected to each other, if they appear at the same position in a chain
of modal premises (formally: $A=(\ldots(C\Rightarrow a_n)\ldots \Rightarrow a_0)$,
$B=(\ldots(D\Rightarrow b_n)\ldots \Rightarrow b_0)$).
Two modal premises $A$ and $B$ are called \emph{independant (in $\phi$)} if
they occur at a different modal depth (even though they may
hold nestings of the same depth).
The relevance of two premises with regard to each other is said to be
\emph{pending} if they occur at the same depth in $\phi$ but each
in the conclusion of a different modal operator.
Since two independant modal premises will never appear in the scope of the
same application of the modal rule, it is in no case necessary to show (or
refute) the logical equivalence of independant
modal premises. Hence it suffices to focus
our attention to the connected and pending modal premises. By pre-proving only
the equivalences of the connected premises, we can be assure that we are
always as efficient as Algorithm~\ref{alg:optSeq}. However, it would still
be necessary to treat the equivalence of those initially pending premises which
turn out to be connected during the execution of Algorithm~\ref{alg:optSeq}.
This would not allow us to completely seperate to treatment of equivalences
(achieved by Algorithm~\ref{alg:preprove}) and the actual sequent calculus (realized by
If the pending premises are also included in the pre-proving, it is obvious, that
any possibly needed equivalence is allready included in $K$ when the main proving
is induced. On the other hand, we have to be aware, that it may be the case, that
we show equivalences of premises which later turn out to be independant.
As result of these considerations, we devise Algorithm~\ref{alg:optPreprove},
an improved version of Algorithm~\ref{alg:preprove}.The only difference is,
that before proving any equivalence, Algorithm~\ref{alg:optPreprove} checks
whether the current pair of modal premises is actually connected or if their
relevance to each other is pending; only then it treats the equivalence. Hence
independant pairs of premises remain untreated.
Step 1: Take a formula $\phi$ as input. Set $i=0$, $K_0=\emptyset$.\\
Step 2: Generate the set $prems_i$ of all modal premises of $\phi$
which hold nestings of depth at most $i$. If $i<depth(\phi)$ continue
with Step 3, else set $K=K_{i-1}$ and continue with Step 4.\\
Step 3: For all combinations of formulae $A_a,A_b\in prems_i$, s.t.
$A_a$ and $A_b$ are not independant, compute
Algorithm~\ref{alg:optSeq} ($A_a = A_b$, $K_i$). From the results of these computations,
construct $Eq_i$, the set of equivalence classes of modal premises that hold
nestings of depth at most $i$. Set $K_{i+1} = Eq_i$, $i = i + 1$ and
continue with Step 2.\\
Step 4: Call Algorithm~\ref{alg:optSeq} ($\phi$, $K$).
Algorithm~\ref{alg:optPreprove} is sound and complete w.r.t. provability.
Algorithm~\ref{alg:optPreprove} has complexity X. Furthermore, Algorithm~\ref{alg:optPreprove}
allows us, to completely seperate the pre-proving of equivalences and
the actual sequent calculus.
\section{Generalized optimization}
The demonstrated optimization is not restricted to the case of conditional
modal logics:
Neighbourhood semantics...
Todo: write down general form of optimization here...
Finish your paper and get it to your Program Chairman on time!
\section{Bibliographical references}\label{references}
\bibitem{cy} Civin, P., and B. Yood, \emph{Involutions on Banach
algebras}, Pacific J. Math. \textbf{9} (1959), 415--436.