ToRacer.hs revision df878291d2987444e969c9f56f0b1486318de512
module Main where
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import System.Environment
import IO
import GMP.GMPAS
import GMP.GMPParser
import GMP.Lexer
import GMP.ModalLogic
import GMP.GradedML
runLex :: Parser (Formula GML) -> String -> FilePath -> IO ()
runLex p input path
= run (do whiteSpace
x <- p
return x) input path
run :: Parser (Formula GML) -> String -> FilePath -> IO ()
run p input path
= case (parse p "" input) of
Left err -> do putStr "parse error at "
print err
Right x -> do let rFormula = "(concept-subsumes? (or c (not c)) " ++
toRF x ++ ")"
writeFile path rFormula
toRF f =
case f of
T -> "(or c (not c))"
F -> "(and c (not c))"
Neg g -> "(not " ++ toRF g ++ ")"
Junctor g Or h -> "(or " ++ toRF g ++ " " ++ toRF h ++ ")"
Junctor g And h -> "(and " ++ toRF g ++ " " ++ toRF h ++ ")"
Junctor g If h -> "(or " ++ toRF (Neg g) ++ " " ++ toRF h ++ ")"
Junctor g Fi h -> "(or " ++ toRF g ++ " " ++ toRF (Neg h) ++ ")"
Junctor g Iff h -> "(and " ++ toRF (Junctor g If h) ++ " " ++
toRF (Junctor g Fi h) ++ ")"
Mapp (Mop (GML i) Angle) g
-> "(at-least " ++ show (i+1) ++ " R " ++ toRF g ++ ")"
Mapp (Mop (GML i) Square) g
-> "(at-most " ++ show i ++ " R " ++ toRF (Neg g) ++ ")"
Var c x -> case x of
Nothing -> [c]
Just i -> [c] ++ show i
runTest :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
runTest ipath opath
= do input <- readFile (ipath)
runLex ((par5er parseIndex) :: Parser (Formula GML)) input opath
return ()
help :: IO()
help = do
putStrLn ( "Usage:\n" ++
" ./<exe> <input> <output>\n\n" ++
"<exe>: the executable file\n" ++
"<input>: path to the input file\n" ++
"<output>: path to the output file\n" )
main :: IO()
main = do
args <- getArgs
if (args == [])||(head args == "--help")||(length args < 2)
then help
else let ipath = head args
opath = head (tail args)
in runTest ipath opath