Parser.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{- | Module : $Header$
- Description : Implementation of logic formula parser
- Copyright : (c) Georgel Calin & Lutz Schroeder, DFKI Lab Bremen
- License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
- Maintainer :
- Stability : provisional
- Portability : portable
- Provides the implementation of the generic parser for the Boole datatype
module Parser where
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
-- import GenericSequent
import ModalLogic
import CombLogic
data ModalOperator = Sqr | Ang | None deriving Eq
{- | Main parser
par5er :: ModalOperator -> [GenParser Char st a] -> GenParser Char st (Boole a) -}
par5er = implFormula
{- | Parser which translates all implications in disjunctions & conjunctions
implFormula :: ModalOperator -> [GenParser Char st a] -> GenParser Char st (Boole a) -}
implFormula flag logics = do
f <- orFormula flag logics
option f (do string "->"
i <- implFormula flag logics
return $ Not (And f (Not i))
<|> do try (string "<->")
i <- implFormula flag logics
return $ And (Not (And f (Not i))) (Not (And (Not f) i))
<|> do string "<-"
i <- implFormula flag logics
return $ And (Not f) i
<|> return f
<?> "GMPParser.implFormula")
{- | Parser for disjunction - used for handling binding order
orFormula :: ModalOperator -> [GenParser Char st a] -> GenParser Char st (Boole a) -}
orFormula flag logics = do
f <- andFormula flag logics
option f $ do
string "\\/"
g <- orFormula flag logics
return $ Not (And (Not f) (Not g))
<?> "GMPParser.orFormula"
{- | Parser for conjunction - used for handling the binding order
andFormula :: ModalOperator -> [GenParser Char st a] -> GenParser Char st (Boole a) -}
andFormula flag logics = do
f <- primFormula flag logics
option f $ do
string "/\\"
g <- andFormula flag logics
return $ And f g
<?> "GMPParser.andFormula"
{- | Parse a primitive formula: T, F, ~f, <i>f, [i]f,
- where i stands for an index, f for a formula/boolean expression
primFormula :: ModalOperator -> [GenParser Char st a] -> GenParser Char st (Boole a) -}
primFormula flag logics = do string "T"
return T
<|> do string "F"
return F
<|> parenFormula flag logics
<|> do string "~"
f <- primFormula flag logics
return $ Not f
<|> atomFormula flag logics
<?> "GMPParser.primFormula"
-- modalAtom :: ModalOperator -> [Int] -> GenParser Char st (Boole a)
atomFormula flag logics = do char '<'
let h = head logics
let t = tail logics
case h of
1 -> do parseKindex
char '>'
f <- primFormula flag $ t ++ [h]
case flag of
-- FIXME: cannot construct the infinite type
Ang -> return $ At (K f) -- M i f
Sqr -> return $ Not (At (K (Not f)))
_ -> return $ At (K f)
2 -> do parseKDindex
char '>'
f <- primFormula flag $ t ++ [h]
case flag of
Ang -> return $ At (KD f)--M i f
Sqr -> return $ Not (At (KD (Not f)))
_ -> return $ At (KD f)
_ -> do aux <- parseGindex
return aux
<|> do char '['
i <- head pa
char ']'
f <- primFormula flag $ tail pa ++ [head pa]
case flag of
Ang -> return $ Not (At (Not (Box i f)))
Sqr -> return $ At (Box i f)
_ -> return $ At (Box i f)
{- | Parser for un-parenthesizing a formula
parenFormula :: ModalOperator -> [GenParser Char st a] -> GenParser Char st (Boole a) -}
parenFormula flag logics = do char '('
f <- par5er flag logics
char ')'
return f
<?> "GMPParser.parenFormula"
-- | Parse integer number
natural :: GenParser Char st Integer
natural = fmap read $ many1 digit
-- | Parser for Coalition Logic index
parseCindex :: Parser [Int]
parseCindex = do -- checks whether there are more numbers to be parsed
let stopParser = do char ','
return False
<|> do char '}'
return True
<?> "Parser.parseCindex.stop"
-- checks whether the index is of the for x1,..,x&
let normalParser l = do x <- natural
let n = fromInteger x
q <- stopParser
if q then normalParser (n : l)
else return (n : l)
<?> "Parser.parseCindex.normal"
char '{'
try (normalParser [])
<|> do -- checks whether the index is of the form "n..m"
let shortParser = do x <- natural
let n = fromInteger x
string ".."
y <- natural
let m = fromInteger y
return [n .. m]
<?> "Parser.parseCindex.short"
try shortParser
<?> "Parser.parseCindex"
-- | Parser for Graded Modal Logic index
parseGindex :: Parser Int
parseGindex = do n <- natural
return $ fromInteger n
<?> "Parser.parseGindex"
-- | Parser for Hennesy-Milner Modal Logic index
parseHMindex :: Parser Char
parseHMindex = letter
<?> "Parser.parseHMindex"
-- | Parser for K Modal Logic index
parseKindex :: Parser ()
parseKindex = return ()
-- | Parser for KD Modal Logic index
parseKDindex :: Parser ()
parseKDindex = return ()
-- | Parser for Probability Logic index
parsePindex :: Parser Rational
parsePindex =
do x <- natural
let auxP n = do char '/'
m <- natural
return $ toRational (fromInteger n / fromInteger m)
<|> do char '.'
m <- natural
let noDig n = let tmp = n < 10
in if tmp then 1
else 1 + noDig (div n 10)
let rat n = toRational (fromInteger n /
fromInteger (10 ^ noDig n))
let res = toRational n + rat m
return res
<|> return (toRational n)
<?> "Parser.parsePindex.auxP"
auxP x
-- | Parser for Monotonic Modal Logic index
parseMindex :: Parser ()
parseMindex = return ()