ModalKD.hs revision 0810ba457e4ccea5700107013ffbc1a3e8dba103
{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
module ModalKD where
import GMPAS
import ModalLogic
import qualified Data.Set as Set
data KDrules = KDPR Int
| KDNR Int
deriving Show
data Rchoice = P | N | O
deriving Eq
instance ModalLogic ModalKD KDrules where
contrClause n ma =
let p = Set.difference ma n
in [Implies (Set.toList p, [nn])|nn <- Set.toList n] ++
[Implies (Set.toList p, [])]
flagML _ = Sqr
parseIndex = return (ModalKD ())
matchR (Implies (n,p)) =
case p of
[] -> if (n == []) then []
else [KDNR (length n)]
_ -> [KDPR (length n)]
guessClause r =
case r of
KDPR 0 -> [Cl [PLit 1]]
KDPR n -> let l = map NLit [1..n]
x = reverse l
c = reverse(PLit (n+1) : x)
in [Cl c]
KDNR n -> let c = map NLit [1..n]
in [Cl c]