Main.hs revision d3721cafe4f768c71ab80541205717200f06d448
-- GMP
-- Copyright 2007, Lutz Schroeder and Georgel Calin
module Main where
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import IO
import GMPAS
import GMPParser
askForInput = do
option <- getLine
putStrLn ("Please enter the name of the test file (or \"\" to stop):")
name <- getLine
if name == ""
then return ()
else do
input <- readFile ("./tests/" ++ name)
if read option == 1
then runLex (par5er :: Parser (Formula Integer)) input
else if read option == 2
then runLex (par5er :: Parser (Formula BitString)) input
else runLex (par5er :: Parser (Formula Kars)) input
return ()
main = do
hSetBuffering stdin LineBuffering
putStrLn ("Please enter \n 1 for integer indexes\n 2 for bit-string indexes\n another digit for string indexes")