Main.hs revision 98890889ffb2e8f6f722b00e265a211f13b5a861
{- | Module : $Header$
- Description : Implementation of main file for the prover
- Copyright : (c) Georgel Calin & Lutz Schroeder, DFKI Lab Bremen
- License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
- Maintainer :
- Stability : provisional
- Portability : portable
- Provides the implementation of the user interaction "interface"
module Main where
import GenericSequent
import ModalLogic
import CombLogic
import Parser
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import System.Environment
import IO
-- | Main parsing unit for checking provability/satisfiability
run :: (Eq a, Form a b c) => Parser (Boole a) -> String -> IO ()
run parser input =
case (parse parser "" input) of
Left err -> do putStr "parse error at "
print err
Right x -> do --putStrLn (show x{-++" <=> "++input-})
let isP = provable x
case isP of
True -> putStrLn "... is Provable"
_ -> let isS = sat x
in case isS of
True -> putStrLn ("... is not Provable" ++
" but Satisfiable")
_ -> putStrLn "... is not Satisfiable"
-- | Runs the main parsing unit (probably superfluous)
runLex :: (Eq a, Form a b c) => Parser (Boole a) -> String -> IO ()
runLex parser input = run (do spaces
res <- parser
return res
) input
-- | Auxiliary run function for testing with the input given as string
runTest :: [Int] -> String -> IO ()
runTest logics input =
do {-case (head logics) of
1 -> runLex (parseKindex{-(par5er Sqr parseKindex) :: Parser (L K)-}) input
2 -> runLex ((par5er Sqr parseKDindex) :: Parser (L KD)) input
3 -> runLex ((par5er Sqr parseCindex) :: Parser (L C)) input
4 -> runLex ((par5er Ang parseGindex) :: Parser (L G)) input
5 -> runLex ((par5er Ang parsePindex) :: Parser (L P)) input
6 -> runLex ((par5er Sqr parseHMindex) :: Parser (L HM)) input
7 -> runLex ((par5er Sqr parseMindex) :: Parser (L Mon)) input
_ -> showHelp
return ()
-- | Map logic indexes from [Char] to Int
indexToInt :: [Char] -> Int
indexToInt c = case c of
"K" -> 1; "KD" -> 2
"C" -> 3; "G" -> 4
"P" -> 5; "HM" -> 6
"M" -> 7; _ -> error "Main.indexToInt"
-- | Function for displying user help
showHelp :: IO()
showHelp = do
putStrLn ( "Usage:\n" ++
" ./main -p <path> <N> <L1> <L2> .. <LN>\n" ++
" ./main -t <test> <N> <L1> <L2> .. <LN>\n\n" ++
"<N>: a natural number >0 specifing the number of " ++
"combined/embedded logics\n" ++
"<Lx>: each logic can be one of the following cases:\n" ++
" K - K Modal Logic\n" ++
" KD - KD Modal Logic\n" ++
" C - Coalition Logic\n" ++
" G - Graded Modal Logic\n" ++
" P - Probability Logic\n" ++
" HM - Hennessy-Milner Modal Logic\n" ++
" M - Monotonic Logic\n" ++
"<path>: path to input file\n" ++
"<test>: test given as a string\n")
-- | Main program function
main :: IO()
main = do
args <- getArgs
if (args == [])||(head args == "--help")||(length args < 4)
then showHelp
else let it:test:n:[] = take 3 args
rest = tail.tail.tail $ args
in if (length rest < read n)
then showHelp
else let list = take (read n) rest
in case it of
"-p" -> do let logics = map indexToInt rest
test <- readFile test
putStrLn test -- run prover with given input
putStrLn $ show logics
"-t" -> do let logics = map indexToInt rest
putStrLn test -- run prover with given input
putStrLn $ show logics
_ -> showHelp