Main.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{- | Module : $Header$
- Description : Implementation of main file for the prover
- Copyright : (c) Georgel Calin & Lutz Schroeder, DFKI Lab Bremen
- License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
- Maintainer :
- Stability : provisional
- Portability : portable
- Provides the implementation of the user interaction "interface"
module Main where
import GenericSequent
import ModalLogic
import CombLogic
import Parser
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import System.Environment
import System.IO
import System.IO.Error
import Control.Exception (bracket, bracket_)
-- | Main parsing unit for checking provability/satisfiability
run :: (Eq a, Form a b c) => Parser (Boole a) -> String -> IO ()
run parser input =
case parse parser "" input of
Left err -> do putStr "parse error at "
print err
Right x -> do -- putStrLn (show x{-++" <=> "++input-})
let isP = provable x
putStrLn $ if isP then "... is Provable"
else if sat x then "... is not Provable but Satisfiable"
else "... is not Satisfiable"
-- | Runs the main parsing unit (probably superfluous)
runLex :: (Eq a, Form a b c) => Parser (Boole a) -> String -> IO ()
runLex parser = run (do spaces
res <- parser
return res)
-- | Auxiliary run function for testing with the input given as string
runTest :: [Int] -> String -> IO ()
runTest logics input =
{- do case (head logics) of
1 -> runLex (parseKindex{-(par5er Sqr parseKindex) :: Parser (L K)-}) input
2 -> runLex ((par5er Sqr parseKDindex) :: Parser (L KD)) input
3 -> runLex ((par5er Sqr parseCindex) :: Parser (L C)) input
4 -> runLex ((par5er Ang parseGindex) :: Parser (L G)) input
5 -> runLex ((par5er Ang parsePindex) :: Parser (L P)) input
6 -> runLex ((par5er Sqr parseHMindex) :: Parser (L HM)) input
7 -> runLex ((par5er Sqr parseMindex) :: Parser (L Mon)) input
_ -> showHelp
return ()
-- | Map logic indexes from [Char] to Int
indexToInt :: String -> Int
indexToInt c = case c of
"K" -> 1; "KD" -> 2
"C" -> 3; "G" -> 4
"P" -> 5; "HM" -> 6
"M" -> 7; _ -> error "Main.indexToInt"
-- | Function for displying user help
showHelp :: IO ()
showHelp =
putStrLn ( "Usage:\n" ++
" ./main -p <path> <N> <L1> <L2> .. <LN>\n" ++
" ./main -t <test> <N> <L1> <L2> .. <LN>\n\n" ++
"<N>: a natural number >0 specifing the number of " ++
"combined/embedded logics\n" ++
"<Lx>: each logic can be one of the following cases:\n" ++
" K - K Modal Logic\n" ++
" KD - KD Modal Logic\n" ++
" C - Coalition Logic\n" ++
" G - Graded Modal Logic\n" ++
" P - Probability Logic\n" ++
" HM - Hennessy-Milner Modal Logic\n" ++
" M - Monotonic Logic\n" ++
"<path>: path to input file\n" ++
"<test>: test given as a string\n")
-- | Main program function
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
if null args || head args == "--help" || length args < 4
then showHelp
else let it : test : n : [] = take 3 args
rest = tail . tail . tail $ args
in if length rest < read n
then showHelp
else let list = take (read n) rest
in case it of
"-p" -> do let logics = map indexToInt rest
test <- readFile test
putStrLn test -- run prover with given input
print logics
"-t" -> do let logics = map indexToInt rest
putStrLn test -- run prover with given input
print logics
_ -> showHelp