IneqSolver.hs revision e7f62e72a802bed46d1be65119a56cd046b505a1
{- | Module : $Header$
Description : Inequality Solver for Graded Modal Logics
Copyright : (c) Georgel Calin & Lutz Schroeder, DFKI Lab Bremen
License : Similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (various -fglasgow-exts extensions)
Provides an implementation for solving the system
0 >= 1 + sum x_i*n_i + sum y_i*p_i
with unknowns x_i and y_i within given limits.
module GMP.IneqSolver where
-- | Coefficients: negative\/positive signed grades on the left\/right.
data Coeffs = Coeffs [Int] [Int]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- | Datatype for negative\/positive unknowns; the second Int is the flag.
data IntFlag = IF Int Int
deriving (Eq, Ord)
{- | Sort increasingly a list of pairs.
The sorting is done over the first element of the pair
sort :: Ord a => [(a,b)] -> [(a,b)]
sort list =
let insert x l =
case l of
h:t -> if (fst x < fst h)
then x:l
else h:(insert x t)
[] -> [x]
in case list of
h:t -> insert h (sort t)
[] -> []
-- | Compute the minimal point-wise extremal sum of an IntFlag list.
minSum :: [IntFlag] -> Int -> Int -> Int
minSum l lim c =
case l of
(IF x 0):t -> (minSum t lim c)-lim*x
(IF x 1):t -> (minSum t lim c)+x
[] -> c
_ -> error "IneqSolver.minSum"
-- | Compute the maximal point-wise extremal sum of an IntFlag list.
maxSum :: [IntFlag] -> Int -> Int -> Int
maxSum l lim c =
case l of
(IF x 0):t -> (maxSum t lim c)-x
(IF x 1):t -> (maxSum t lim c)+lim*x
[] -> c
_ -> error "IneqSolver.maxSum"
{- | Returns the updated bound for the unknown corresponding to the negative
- coeff. h where t holds the coefficients for the not yet set unknowns -}
negBound :: Int -> [IntFlag] -> Int -> Int -> Int
negBound h t lim c =
let tmp = case h of
0 -> -1--error "div by 0 @ IneqSolver.negBound"
_ -> div (negate(minSum t lim c)) h
in if (tmp<0) then min tmp (-1) else (-1)
{- | Returns the updated bound for the unknown corresponding to the positive
- coeff. h where t holds the coefficients for the not yet set unknowns -}
posBound :: Int -> [IntFlag] -> Int -> Int -> Int
posBound h t lim c =
let tmp = case h of
0 -> lim--error "div by 0 @ IneqSolver.posBound"
_ -> div (negate(minSum t lim c)) h
in if (tmp>0) then min tmp lim else lim
mapAppend :: a -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
mapAppend x list = map (\e->x:e) list
-- | Generate all posible solutions of unknowns
getUnknowns :: [IntFlag] -> Int -> Int -> [[Int]]
getUnknowns list lim c =
if (maxSum list lim c<=0)
[map (\x->case x of
(IF _ 0) -> (-1)
(IF _ 1) -> lim
_ -> error "IneqSolver.getUnknowns.if"
) list]
case list of
(IF h 0):t -> let aux = negBound h t lim c
in concat (map (\x->mapAppend x (getUnknowns t lim (c+x*h)))
(IF h 1):t -> let aux = posBound h t lim c
in concat (map (\x->mapAppend x (getUnknowns t lim (c+x*h)))
[] -> []
_ -> error "IneqSolver.getUnknowns.else"
{- | Returns all solutions (x,y) with 1<=-x_i,y_j<=L for the inequality
- 0 >= 1 + sum x_i*n_i + sum y_j*p_j
- with coefficients n_j>0, p_j>0 known -}
ineqSolver :: Coeffs -> Int -> [([Int],[Int])]
ineqSolver (Coeffs n p) bound =
let combinedList = (map (\x -> IF x 0) n) ++ (map (\x -> IF x 1) p) -- merge lists & add flags
(sortedList,indexOrder) = (unzip.sort) (zip combinedList [(1::Int)..]) -- sort by coefficents
unOrdered = getUnknowns sortedList bound 1 -- get solutions for the sorted list of coefficients
reOrder list order = (snd.unzip.sort) (zip order list) -- revert list to its initial order
splitList l = case l of -- split a result list in a pair as used by the implementation
h:t -> if (h<0) then let tmp = splitList t
in (h:(fst tmp),snd tmp)
else ([],l)
[] -> ([],[])
in map (\l -> splitList (reOrder l indexOrder)) unOrdered
-- for each element in the result list reorder it and split it