GradedML.hs revision 959d7040e951c96a5ca372a8df69f7dc92bc0309
{- | Module : $Header$
- Description : Logic specific function implementation 4 Graded Modal Logic
- Copyright : (c) Georgel Calin & Lutz Schroeder, DFKI Lab Bremen
- License : Similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
- Maintainer :
- Stability : provisional
- Portability : non-portable (various -fglasgow-exts extensions)
- Provides the implementation of the logic specific functions of the
- ModalLogic class in the particular case of Graded Modal Logic -}
{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
module GMP.GradedML where
import GMP.GMPAS
import GMP.ModalLogic
import GMP.Lexer
import GMP.IneqSolver
import Debug.Trace
-- | Rules for Graded Modal Logic corresponding to the axiomatized rules
data GMLrules = GMLR [Int] [Int]
deriving Show
instance ModalLogic GML GMLrules where
flagML _ = Ang
parseIndex = do n <- natural
return $ GML (fromInteger n)
matchR r = let (q, w) = eccContent r
wrapR (x,y) = GMLR (map negate x) y
res = map wrapR (ineqSolver q (2^w-1))
in if debug
then trace("matchR("++show r++"): "++show res) res
else res
guessClause (GMLR n p) =
let zn = zip n [1..]
zp = zip p [1+length n..]
f l x = let aux = psplit l ((sum.fst.unzip.fst) x)
in assoc aux ((snd.unzip.fst) x,(snd.unzip.snd) x)
res = concat (map (f zp) (split zn))
in if debug
then trace ("guessClause("++show (GMLR n p)++"): "++show res) res
else res
{- | Create propositional clauses by associating each element of the 1st list
- arg. to each element of the 2nd list arg. -}
assoc :: [([Int], [Int])] -> ([Int], [Int]) -> [PropClause]
assoc l u = map ((\x y -> Pimplies ((snd x)++(snd y)) ((fst x)++(fst y))) u) l
-- | Return all ways of separating the elements of a list into two lists
split :: [a] -> [([a], [a])]
split l =
case l of
[] -> [([],[])]
h:t -> let x = split t
in [(h:(fst q),snd q)|q <- x] ++ [(fst q,h:(snd q))|q <- x]
{- | Splitting function for positive coefficients. In second arg. we have the
- sum of the current to be counted elements (the ones in J) and it returns
- all pairs of indexes of positive coefficients which are good -}
psplit :: (Num a, Ord a) => [(a, b)] -> a -> [([b], [b])]
psplit l s =
if (s < 0)
then case l of
[] -> [([],[])]
h:t -> if (s + (fst h) < 0)
then let aux1 = psplit t (s + (fst h))
aux2 = psplit t s
in [((snd h):(fst q),snd q)|q <- aux1] ++
[(fst q,(snd h):(snd q))|q <- aux2]
else let aux = psplit t s
in [(fst q,(snd h):(snd q))|q <- aux]
else []
-- | The size of a is: ]log_2(|a| + 1)[, where ].[ stands for ceiling
size :: Int -> Int
size i = ceiling (logBase 2 (fromIntegral (abs i + 1)) :: Double)
{- | Extract the content of a contracted clause by returning the grades of the
- modal applications together with the bound for the elements of the solution
- in terms of the computed length of the inequality -}
eccContent :: ModClause GML -> (Coeffs, Int)
eccContent (Mimplies n p) =
let getGrade x =
case x of
Mapp (Mop (GML i) Angle) _ -> i
_ -> error "GradedML.getGrade"
l1 = map (\x -> x + 1) (map getGrade n) -- coeff for negative r_i
l2 = map getGrade p -- coeff for positive r_i
w = 1 + (length l1) + (length l2) + sum (map size l1) + sum (map size l2)
in (Coeffs l1 l2, w)