GradedML.hs revision 376c60e08a6dbaa1f15247789eae7872d340bbdb
{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
module GradedML where
import GMPAS
import ModalLogic
import Lexer
data GMLrules = GMLR Int Int
deriving Show
-- negative coeff first, positive after
data Coeffs = Coeffs [Int] [Int]
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance ModalLogic GML GMLrules where
-- orderIns _ = True
flagML _ = Ang
parseIndex = do n <- natural
return $ GML (fromInteger n)
matchR r =
let (q, w) = eccContent r
pairs = ineqSolver q (2^w)
append l =
case l of
[] -> []
_ -> let (x,y) = head l
in (GMLR (length x) (length y)):append (tail l)
in append pairs
guessClause r = case r of
_ -> []
{- compute the size of a number as specified in the paper
- @ param i : the given integer
- @ return : the size of i -}
size :: Int -> Int
size i = ceiling (logBase 2 (fromIntegral (abs i + 1)) :: Double)
{- extract the content of the contracted clause
- @ param (Mimplies n p) : contracted clause
- @ return : the grade of the equivalent modal applications in the input param
- and the length of the inequality
- left: negative signed grades; right: positive signed grades -}
eccContent :: ModClause GML -> (Coeffs, Int)
eccContent (Mimplies n p) =
let getGrade x =
case x of
Mapp (Mop (GML i) Angle) _ -> i
_ -> error "GradedML.getGrade"
l1 = map (\x -> - x - 1) (map getGrade n) -- coeff for negative r_i
l2 = map getGrade p -- coeff for positive r_i
w = 1 + (length l1) + (length l2) + sum (map size l1) + sum (map size l2)
in (Coeffs l1 l2, w)
{- generate all lists of given length and with elements between 1 and a limit
- @ param n : fixed length
- @ param lim : upper limit of elements
- @ return : a list of all lists described above -}
negCands :: Int -> Int -> [[Int]]
negCands n lim =
case n of
0 -> [[]]
_ -> [i:l| i <- [1..lim], l <- negCands (n-1) lim]
{- generate all lists of given length with elems between 1 and a limit such
- that the side condition of Graded ML rule is satisfied
- @ param n : fixed length
- @ param lim : upper limit of elements
- @ param s : sum (negative) which is previously computed and gets increased
- @ param p : positive coefficients
- @ return : list of all lists described above -}
posCands :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [[Int]]
posCands n lim s p =
case n of
0 -> [[]]
_ -> [i:l|
i<-[1..(min lim (floor (fromIntegral (abs s)/fromIntegral (head p)::Double)))],
l <- (posCands (n-1) lim (s + i*(head p)) (tail p))]
{- gives all solutions in (1,lim) of the inequality with coeff n and p
- @ param (Coeff n p) : negative and positive coefficients
- @ param lim : limit for solution searching
- @ return : solutions of the inequality, each stored as a pair -}
ineqSolver :: Coeffs -> Int -> [([Int],[Int])]
ineqSolver (Coeffs n p) lim =
let x = negCands (length n) lim
linComb l1 l2 =
if (l1 == [])||(l2==[])
then 0
else (head l1)*(head l2) + linComb (tail l1) (tail l2)
in [(a,b)| a <- x, b <- posCands (length p) lim (linComb a n) p]