GradedML.hs revision 20fdebcd36eaf73e72c01fc1b9c024d60d3b3ab0
{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
module GradedML where
import GMPAS()
import ModalLogic
import Lexer
data GMLrules = GMLrules ()
-- r_i signs and k_is
data SgnGrade = SgnGrade (Bool, Integer)
-- deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance ModalLogic Integer GMLrules where
flagML _ = Ang
parseIndex = natural
matchRO _ = [GMLrules ()]
guessClause r = case r of
_ -> []
-- GMLR n
-- determine r_i from inequality ----------------------------------------------
getSG :: MATV GML -> SgnGrade
getSG x =
case x of
MATV (Mapp (Mop (GML i) Angle) _, t) -> if t
then SgnGrade (t,-1-i)
else SgnGrade (t,i)
_ -> error "GradedML.getRK"
roContent :: [MATV GML] -> ([SgnGrade],Integer)
roContent l =
let size i = ceiling (logBase 2 (fromIntegral (abs i + 1)) :: Double)
in case l of
[] -> ([],2,0)
x : xs -> let SgnGrade aux = getSG x
(roC,i,j) = roContent xs
in if (fst aux) -- we will return the number of positive r_is
then ((SgnGrade aux):roC, size (snd aux) + i, 1 + j)
else ((SgnGrade aux):roC, size (snd aux) + i, j)
-- by getting (x,y,z) = roContent ro
-- x will contain the (sgn(r_i), k_i) pairs
-- y will be |W|-length(x)
-- z will be the number of positive-signed r_is
ineqSol :: [MATV GML] -> [MATV GML]
ineqSol l =
let (x,y,z) = roContent l
aux = length x
in if (2*z > aux)
then -- negative
else -- pozitive