GenericSequent.hs revision 9a80079e082fdf4fe8e19f8fc61e6cd8799b47a7
{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
module GenericSequent where
import ModalLogic
import CombLogic
import Data.List as List
--import Data.Map as Map
-- | Generate all possible clauses out of a list of atoms
allClauses :: [a] -> [Clause a]
allClauses x = case x of
h:t -> let addPositive c (Implies n p) = Implies n (c:p)
addNegative c (Implies n p) = Implies (c:n) p
in (addPositive h) (allClauses t) ++ (addNegative h) (allClauses t)
_ -> [Implies [] []]
-- | Extract the modal atoms from a formula
getMA :: Eq a => Boole a -> [Boole a]
getMA x = case x of
And phi psi -> (getMA phi) `List.union` (getMA psi)
Not phi -> getMA phi
At phi -> [At phi]
_ -> []
-- | Substitution of modal atoms within a "Boole" expression
subst :: Eq a => Boole a -> Clause (Boole a) -> Boole a
subst x s@(Implies neg pos) =
case x of
And phi psi -> And (subst phi s) (subst psi s)
Not phi -> Not (subst phi s)
T -> T
F -> F
_ -> if (elem x neg) then F
else if (elem x pos) then T
else error "GenericSequent.subst"
-- | Evaluation of an instantiated "Boole" expression
eval :: Boole a -> Bool
eval x = case x of
And phi psi -> (eval phi) && (eval psi)
Not phi -> not (eval phi)
T -> True
F -> False
_ -> error "GenericSequent.eval"
-- | DNF: disjunctive normal form of a Boole expression
dnf :: (Eq a) => Boole a -> [Clause (Boole a)]
dnf phi = List.filter (\x -> eval (subst phi x)) (allClauses (getMA phi))
-- | CNF: conjunctive normal form of a Boole expression
cnf :: (Eq a) => Boole a -> [Clause (Boole a)]
cnf phi = (\(Implies x y) -> Implies y x) (dnf (Not phi))
-- | Generic Provability Function
provable :: (Eq a, Form a b c) => Boole a -> Bool
provable _ = True
provable phi =
let unwrap (Subst x) = Map.elems x
in all (\c -> any (all provable) ( unwrap.snd (match c))) (cnf phi)
-- | Generic Satisfiability Function
sat :: (Eq a, Form a b c) => Boole a -> Bool
sat phi = not $ provable $ neg phi
-- | Function for "normalizing" negation
neg :: Eq a => Boole a -> Boole a
neg phi = case phi of
Not psi -> psi
_ -> phi