GMPSAT.hs revision 64a174a62d762d93f8bd19318990809e90d1afd8
module GMPSAT where
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import GMPAS
import ModalLogic
-- 1. Guess Pseudovaluation H for f -- genPV
guessPV :: (Ord t) => Formula t -> [Set.Set (TVandMA t)]
guessPV f =
let l = genPV f
in filter (eval f) l
-- modify the set of truth values / generate the next truth values set --------
genTV s =
(TVandMA (x,t),y) = Set.deleteFindMin s
in if (t == False)
then (Set.insert (TVandMA (x,True)) y)
else if (y == Set.empty)
then Set.empty
else let
aux = genTV(y)
in if (aux == Set.empty)
then Set.empty
else (Set.insert (TVandMA (x,False)) aux)
-- generate a list with all Pseudovaluations of a formula ---------------------
genPV :: (Eq t, Ord t) => Formula t -> [Set.Set (TVandMA t)]
genPV f =
let aux = setMA f
in if (aux == Set.empty)
then aux:[]
else let recMakeList s =
let nextset = genTV s
in if (nextset == Set.empty)
then []
else (nextset:(recMakeList nextset))
in (aux:(recMakeList aux))
-- Junctor evaluation ---------------------------------------------------------
jmap :: Junctor -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool
jmap j x y =
case j of
And -> and([x,y])
Or -> or([x,y])
If -> or([not(x),y])
Fi -> or([x,not(y)])
Iff -> and([or([not(x),y]),or([x,not(y)])])
-- Formula Evaluation with truth values provided by the TVandMA set -----------
eval :: (Eq a) => (Formula a) -> Set.Set (TVandMA a) -> Bool
eval f ts =
case f of
T -> True
F -> False
Neg f1 -> not(eval f1 ts)
Junctor f1 j f2 -> (jmap j (eval f1 ts) (eval f2 ts))
Mapp i f1 -> let findInS s ff =
if (s == Set.empty)
then False -- this could very well be True
else let (TVandMA (x,t),y) = Set.deleteFindMin s
in if (x == ff)
then t
else findInS y ff
findInS ts (Mapp i f1)
-- make (Truth Values, Modal Atoms) set from Formula f ------------------------
setMA :: (Ord t) => Formula t -> Set.Set (TVandMA t)
setMA f =
case f of
T -> Set.empty
F -> Set.empty
Neg f1 -> setMA f1
Junctor f1 _ f2 -> Set.union (setMA f1) (setMA f2)
Mapp i f1 -> Set.insert (TVandMA (Mapp i f1,False)) Set.empty
-- 2. Choose a ctr. cl. Ro /= F over MA(H) s.t. H "entails" ~Ro -- roFromPV
-- reverse the truth values of the set elements -------------------------------
revTV s = if (s == Set.empty)
then Set.empty
else let (TVandMA (x,t),aux) = Set.deleteFindMin s
in Set.insert (TVandMA (x,not(t))) (revTV aux)
-- return the list of sets of n choose k of the set s -------------------------
nck s n k =
case (n-k) of
0 -> [revTV s]
_ ->
case k of
0 -> [Set.empty]
_ -> let (TVandMA (x,t),aux) = Set.deleteFindMin s
in (map (Set.insert (TVandMA (x,not(t)))) (nck aux (n-1) (k-1)))
++ (nck aux (n-1) k)
-- generate all unpermuted sets of size <= n of the set s ---------------------
genAllSets s n =
case n of
0 -> []
_ -> let size = Set.size s
in (nck s size n) ++ (genAllSets s (n-1))
-- generates all ro lists from a given pseudovaluation ------------------------
roFromPV :: (Ord t) => Set.Set (TVandMA t) -> [[TVandMA t]]
roFromPV s = let l = genAllSets s (Set.size s)
ll = genAllLists l
in if (null (head ll)) then ll
else filter (not.null) ll
-- return the list of lists -> permutations of a set --------------------------
perm :: (Ord t) => Set.Set t -> [[t]]
perm s =
if (Set.size s <= 1)
then [Set.toList s]
else let (x,aux1) = Set.deleteFindMin s
(y,aux2) = Set.deleteFindMin aux1
in map (x:) (perm aux1) ++ map (y:) (perm (Set.insert x aux2))
-- returns the input by transforming each set to list and permuting it --------
genAllLists :: (Ord t) => [Set.Set t] -> [[t]]
genAllLists l =
case l of
[] -> [[]]
_ -> (perm (head l)) ++ (genAllLists (tail l))
-- 5. Recursively check that ~c(R,Ro) is satisfiable. -- checkSAT
-- Substitutes the literals in a clause by the formulae under the modal atoms
-- and negates the resulted clause/formula
--negSubst :: Clause -> [TVandMA a] -> Formula a
negSubst c ro =
case c of
Cl [] ->
case ro of
[] -> T
_ -> error ("error @ GMPSAT.negSubst 1 "
++ show c ++ " " ++ show ro)
Cl (PLit _ : ll) ->
case ro of
TVandMA (Mapp _ ff,_):ml -> let g = negSubst (Cl ll) ml
in Junctor (Neg ff) And g
_ -> error ("error @ GMPSAT.negSubst 2 "
++ show c ++ " " ++ show ro)
Cl (NLit _ : ll) ->
case ro of
TVandMA (Mapp _ ff,_):ml -> let g = negSubst (Cl ll) ml
in Junctor ff And g
_ -> error ("error @ GMPSAT.negSubst 3 "
++ show c ++ " " ++ show ro)
-- evaluate formula -----------------------------------------------------------
evalPF :: (Ord a, ModalLogic a b) => Formula a -> Bool
evalPF f =
case f of
T -> True
F -> False
Neg g -> let e = evalPF g in not e
Junctor f1 j f2 -> let e1 = evalPF f1
e2 = evalPF f2
in jmap j e1 e2
_ -> error "error @ GMPSAT.evalPF: Embedded modal atoms not working yet."
Mapp i ff -> let x = checksat (Mapp i ff)
g = Neg (Mapp i ff)
y = checksat g
in if x then x -- this has to be adapted
else y
-- genPV -- generate all pseudovaluations of a formula
-- roFromPV -- generate all rho from a given pseudovaluation
-- matchRO -- match a rho against the rules of the logic
-- guessClause -- guess a clause from the premise of the rules
-- negSubst -- substitute underMA for literals and negate the result
-- genPV :: (Ord t) => Formula t -> [Data.Set.Set (TVandMA t)]
-- roFromPV :: (Ord t) => Data.Set.Set (TVandMA t) -> [[TVandMA t]]
-- matchRO :: (ModalLogic a b) => [TVandMA a] -> [b]
-- guessClause :: (ModalLogic a b) => b -> [Clause]
-- negSubst :: Clause -> [TVandMA a] -> Formula a
--checksat :: (Ord a, ModalLogic a b) => Formula a -> Bool
checksat f = any(\h->all(\ro->all(\mr->any(\cl->evalPF(negSubst cl ro))(guessClause mr))(matchRO ro))(roFromPV h))(genPV f)