GMPSAT.hs revision 1db8a50052126657b1cd806ff3bf65ecd03eaccd
module GMPSAT where
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import GMPAS
-- import ModalLogic
-- 1. Guess Pseudovaluation H for f -- guessPV
-- extract modal atoms from a given formula -----------------------------------
extractMA :: Ord t => Formula t -> Set.Set (Formula t)
extractMA f =
case f of
T -> Set.empty
F -> Set.empty
Neg g -> extractMA g
Junctor g _ h -> Set.union (extractMA g) (extractMA h)
_ -> Set.singleton f
-- generate the powerset of a given set ---------------------------------------
powerSet s =
if (s /= Set.empty)
then let (e,r) = Set.deleteFindMin s
aux = powerSet r
in (map (Set.insert e) aux) ++ aux
else [Set.empty]
-- generate all valid pseudovaluations out of a formula -----------------------
guessPV :: Ord t => Formula t -> [Set.Set (Formula t)]
guessPV f = let ma = extractMA f
pv = powerSet ma
in filter (evalPV f) pv
-- evaluate pseudovaluation of formula ----------------------------------------
evalPV :: Ord t => Formula t -> Set.Set (Formula t) -> Bool
evalPV f p =
case f of
T -> True
F -> False
Neg g -> not (evalPV g p)
Junctor g j h -> let jeval w x y =
case w of
And -> and [x,y]
Or -> or [x,y]
If -> or [not x,y]
Fi -> or [x, not y]
Iff -> and [or [not x, y],or [x, not y]]
in jeval j (evalPV g p) (evalPV h p)
_ -> if (Set.member f p) then True
else False