GMPSAT.hs revision 0810ba457e4ccea5700107013ffbc1a3e8dba103
module GMPSAT where
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import GMPAS
import ModalLogic
-- 1. Guess Pseudovaluation H for f -- guessPV
{- extract modal atoms from a given formula
- @ param f : formula
- @ return : list of modal atoms of f -}
extractMA :: Ord t => Formula t -> Set.Set (Formula t)
extractMA f =
case f of
T -> Set.empty
F -> Set.empty
Neg g -> extractMA g
Junctor g _ h -> Set.union (extractMA g) (extractMA h)
_ -> Set.singleton f
{- generate the powerset of a given set
- @ param s : set
- @ return : list of subsets of s -}
powerSet :: Ord t => Set.Set t -> [Set.Set t]
powerSet s =
if not (Set.null s)
then let (e,r) = Set.deleteFindMin s
aux = powerSet r
in (map (Set.insert e) aux) ++ aux
else [Set.empty]
{- evaluate pseudovaluation of formula
- @ param f : formula
- @ param p : the pseudovaluation, ie the positive modal atoms
- @ return : True if the pseudovaluation is good, False otherwise -}
evalPV :: Ord t => Formula t -> Set.Set (Formula t) -> Bool
evalPV f p =
case f of
T -> True
F -> False
Neg g -> not (evalPV g p)
Junctor g j h -> let jeval w x y =
case w of
And -> and [x,y]
Or -> or [x,y]
If -> or [not x,y]
Fi -> or [x, not y]
Iff -> and [or [not x, y],or [x, not y]]
in jeval j (evalPV g p) (evalPV h p)
_ -> if (Set.member f p) then True
else False
{- drop variables from the pseudovaluations
- @ param l : list of pseudovaluations
- @ return : list of pseudovaluations in l without var items -}
dropLVars :: (Ord t) => [Set.Set (Formula t)] -> [Set.Set (Formula t)]
dropLVars l =
case l of
[] -> []
x:xs -> (dropVars x):(dropLVars xs)
{- drop variables from a particular pseudovaluation
- @ param s : pseudovaluation
- @ return : pseudovaluation without var items -}
dropVars :: (Ord t) => Set.Set (Formula t) -> Set.Set (Formula t)
dropVars s =
if not (Set.null s)
then let (x,y) = Set.deleteFindMin s
aux = dropVars y
in case x of
Var _ _ -> aux
_ -> Set.insert x aux
else Set.empty
{- generate all valid pseudovaluations out of a formula
- @ param f : formula
- @ param ma : list of modal atoms of f
- @ return : list of valid pseudovaluations -}
guessPV :: Ord t => Formula t -> Set.Set (Formula t) -> [Set.Set (Formula t)]
guessPV f ma = let pv = powerSet ma
aux = filter (evalPV f) pv
in dropLVars aux
-- 2. Choose a ctr. cl. Ro /= F over MA(H) s.t. H "entails" ~Ro -- contrClause
-- 3. Choose a rule matching the previous contracted clause -- matchR
-- 4. Guess a clause c from the premise of the matching rule -- guessClause
-- 5. Recursively check that ~c(R,Rho) is satisfiable -- checkSAT
{- substitute the clause literals with the formulae under the MAs and negate it
- @ param c : clause guessed at Step 4
- @ param ro : contracted clause from Step 2
- @ return : the negated clause as described above -}
negSubst :: (Show a) => Clause -> [MATV a] -> Formula a
negSubst c ro =
case c of
Cl [] ->
case ro of
[] -> T
_ -> error ("error @ GMPSAT.negSubst 1 "
++ show c ++ " " ++ show ro)
Cl (PLit _ : ll) ->
case ro of
MATV (Mapp _ ff,_):ml -> let g = negSubst (Cl ll) ml
in Junctor (Neg ff) And g
_ -> error ("error @ GMPSAT.negSubst 2 "
++ show c ++ " " ++ show ro)
Cl (NLit _ : ll) ->
case ro of
MATV (Mapp _ ff,_):ml -> let g = negSubst (Cl ll) ml
in Junctor ff And g
_ -> error ("error @ GMPSAT.negSubst 3 "
++ show c ++ " " ++ show ro)
{- main recursive function
- @ param f : formula to be checked for satisfiability
- @ return : the answer to "Is the formula Satisfiable ?" -}
checksat :: (Show a, Ord a, ModalLogic a b) => Formula a -> Bool
checksat f =
let ma = extractMA f
mav = dropVars ma
tList (Implies (p,n)) =
map MATV [(x,True)|x <- p] ++ map MATV [(y,False)|y <- n]
in any(\h->all(\ro->all(\mr->any(\cl-> let rr = tList ro
in checksat(negSubst cl rr))
(guessClause mr))
(matchR ro))
(contrClause h mav))
(guessPV f ma)
{- auxiliary function to preprocess the formula depending on the ML flag
- @ param f : formula to be preprocessed
- @ return : processed formula -}
preprocess :: (ModalLogic a b) => Formula a -> Formula a
preprocess f =
let aux = flagML f
in case f of
T -> T
F -> F
Neg ff -> Neg (preprocess ff)
Junctor f1 j f2 -> Junctor (preprocess f1) j (preprocess f2)
Mapp (Mop i Angle) ff -> if (aux == Sqr)
then Neg $ Mapp (Mop i Square) (Neg ff)
else f
Mapp (Mop i Square) ff -> if (aux == Ang)
then Neg $ Mapp (Mop i Angle) (Neg ff)
else f
_ -> f
-- preprocess formula and check satisfiability --------------------------------
{- function to preprocess formula and check satisfiability
- @ param f : starting formula
- @ return : same as "checksat" -}
checkSAT :: (ModalLogic a b, Ord a, Show a) => Formula a -> Bool
checkSAT f = let ff = preprocess f
in checksat ff