GMPParser.hs revision 684a02e9419962fd91ebefbbd8d4a37f923eb928
-- the Generic Model Parser Abstract Syntax
-- Copyright 2007, Lutz Schroeder and Georgel Calin
module GMPParser where
import Lexer
--import ModalLogic
import GMPAS
-- Parser for polymorphic (Formula a) Type
par5er :: Parser a -> Parser (Formula a) -- main parser
par5er pa = do f <- prim pa; option (f) (inf pa f)
<?> "GMPParser.par5er"
junc :: Parser Junctor -- junctor parser
junc = do try(string "/\\"); whiteSpace; return And
<|> do try(string "\\/"); whiteSpace; return Or
<|> do try(string "->"); whiteSpace; return If
<|> do try(string "<->"); whiteSpace; return Iff
<|> do try(string "<-"); whiteSpace; return Fi
<?> "GMPParser.junc"
inf :: Parser a -> (Formula a)-> Parser (Formula a) -- infix parser
inf pa f1 =
do iot <- junc; f2 <-par5er pa; return $ Junctor f1 iot f2
<?> "GMPParser.inf"
prim :: Parser a -> Parser (Formula a) -- primitive parser
prim pa =
do try(string "F")
;return F
<|> do try(string "T")
;return T
<|> do try(string "~")
;f <- par5er pa
;return $ Neg f
<|> do try(char '(')
;f <- par5er pa
;char ')'
;return f
<|> do try(char '[')
;i <- pa
;char ']'
;f <-par5er pa
;return $ Mapp (Mop i Square) f
<|> do try(char '<')
;i <- pa
;char '>'
;f <- par5er pa
;return $ Neg (Mapp (Mop i Square) (Neg f)) -- Mapp (Mop i Angle) f
<?> "GMPParser.prim"