GMPParser.hs revision 4f621ec3a4e599391b6e5cbf5870d5bd90415f1c
-- the Generic Model Parser Abstract Syntax
-- Copyright 2007, Lutz Schroeder and Georgel Calin
module GMPParser where
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token as P
import qualified Data.Bits as Bits
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import GMPAS
-- Modal Logic Class
class ModalLogic a where
parseIndex :: Parser a
-- matchRo :: ??? -- step 3
-- getClause :: ??? -- step 4
instance ModalLogic ModalK where -- K modal logic index
parseIndex = return (ModalK ())
instance ModalLogic ModalKD where -- KD modal logic index
parseIndex = return (ModalKD ())
--- integer parseIndex-------------------------------------
instance ModalLogic Integer where
parseIndex = natural
--- characters parseIndex----------------------------------
instance ModalLogic Kars where
parseIndex = do l <- letter
;Kars i <- parseIndex
;return (Kars (l:i))
<|> do return (Kars [])
--- bit-string parseIndex ---------------------------------
revbInt x size
= let
revaux (x,size,y,i)
= if (i == (size+1))
then 0
else let y = revaux(x,size,y,i+1)
in if (Bits.testBit x i)
then Bits.setBit y (size-i)
else Bits.clearBit y (size-i)
in revaux(x,size,0,0)
bitParse i = do try(char('0'))
;(BitString n, size) <- bitParse (i+1)
;return((BitString(Bits.clearBit n i), size))
<|> do try(char('1'))
;(BitString n, size) <- bitParse (i+1)
;return((BitString(Bits.setBit n i), size))
<|> return ((BitString 0), i-1)
<?> "GMPParse.bitParse"
instance ModalLogic BitString where
parseIndex = do (BitString rres,size) <- bitParse 0
;let res = revbInt rres size
;return (BitString res)
-- SAT Decidability Algorithm
-- The folowing is a sketch of the algorithm and will need
-- many other auxiliary things
checkSAT = do f <- par5er
; H <- guessPV f
; Ro = chooseCC H
; R = chooseRC Ro
; c = guessClause R
; res = checkSAT c R Ro
; return res
-- 1. Guess Pseudovaluation H for f
{- first test the "genF" list and after the list given by "genTV"
until we get to "genF" if f is unsatisfiable -}
-- guessPV
-- generate a list of size "size" with only False values
genF :: Integer -> [Bool]
genF size =
case size of
0 -> []
_ -> (False:genF(size-1))
-- test wether the list l contains only False values
eqF :: [Bool] -> Bool
eqF l =
case l of
[] -> True
False:xs -> (eqF xs)
True:xs -> False
-- generate the next list of same size as l with True/False values
genTV :: [Bool] -> [Bool]
genTV l =
case l of
[] -> []
x:xs -> if (x==False)
then (True:xs)
else (False:genTV(xs))
-- evaluate the formula f for the given list l of values to be instantiated as modal atoms
jmap :: Junctor -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool
jmap j x y =
case j of
And -> and([x,y])
Or -> or([x,y])
If -> or([not(x),y])
Fi -> or([x,not(y)])
Iff -> and([or([not(x),y]),or([x,not(y)])])
-- the next evaluation is very wrong since it doesn't "reactualize" l
{- l was considered a list
eval l f =
case f of
T -> True
F -> False
Neg f1 -> not(eval l f1)
Junctor f1 j f2 -> (jmap j (eval l f1) (eval l f2))
Mapp i f1 -> head(l)
setMA f = -- make Modal Atoms set from Formula f
case f of
T -> Set.empty
F -> Set.empty
Neg f1 -> setMA f1
Junctor f1 j f2 -> Set.union (setMA f1) (setMA f2)
Mapp i f1 -> Set.insert f1 Set.empty
-- 2. Choose a contracted clause Ro /= F over MA(H) s.t. H "PL-entails" ~Ro
-- chooseCC
-- 5. Recursively check that ~c(R,Ro) is satisfiable.
-- checkS
-- Parser for polymorphic (Formula,a) Type
par5er :: ModalLogic a => Parser (Formula a) -- main parser
par5er = do f <- prim; option (f) (inf f)
<?> "GMPParser.par5er"
junc :: Parser Junctor -- junctor parser
junc = do try(string "/\\"); whiteSpace; return And
<|> do try(string "\\/"); whiteSpace; return Or
<|> do try(string "->"); whiteSpace; return If
<|> do try(string "<->"); whiteSpace; return Iff
<|> do try(string "<-"); whiteSpace; return Fi
<?> "GMPParser.junc"
inf :: ModalLogic a => (Formula a)-> Parser (Formula a)-- infix parser
inf f1 =
do iot <- junc; f2 <-par5er; return $ Junctor f1 iot f2
<?> "GMPParser.inf"
prim :: ModalLogic a => Parser (Formula a) -- primitive parser
prim =
do try(string "F")
;return F
<|> do try(string "T")
;return T
<|> do try(string "~")
;f <- par5er
;return $ Neg f
<|> do try(char '(')
;f <- par5er
;char ')'
;return f
<|> do try(char '[')
;i <- parseIndex
;char ']'
;f <-par5er
;return $ Mapp (Mop i Square) f
<|> do try(char '<')
;i <- parseIndex
;char '>'
;f <- par5er
;return $ Mapp (Mop i Angle) f
<?> "GMPParser.prim"
-- Funtion to run parser & print
runLex :: Show b => Parser b -> String -> IO ()
runLex p input = run (do
; x <- p
; eof
; return x
) input
run :: Show a => Parser a -> String -> IO ()
run p input
= case (parse p "" input) of
Left err -> do putStr "parse error at "
;print err
Right x -> print x
-- The lexer
lexer = P.makeTokenParser gmpDef
lexeme = P.lexeme lexer
parens = P.parens lexer
braces = P.braces lexer
semiSep = P.semiSep lexer
semiSep1 = P.semiSep1 lexer
commaSep = P.commaSep lexer
commaSep1 = P.commaSep1 lexer
whiteSpace = P.whiteSpace lexer
symbol = P.symbol lexer
identifier = P.identifier lexer
reserved = P.reserved lexer
natural = P.natural lexer
= haskellStyle
{ identStart = letter
, identLetter = alphaNum <|> oneOf "_'" -- ???
, opStart = opLetter gmpDef
, opLetter = oneOf "\\-</~[]"
, reservedOpNames = ["~","->","<-","<->","/\\","\\/","[]"]