GMPAS.hs revision c839b26a23c255cafe3dc3f2d5d953d49806493f
-- the Generic Model Parser Abstract Syntax
-- Copyright 2007, Lutz Schroeder and Georgel Calin
module GMPAS where
-- Abstract Syntax
data Otype = Square | Angle -- type of the Modal Operator
data Junctor = And | Or | If | Fi | Iff
data Mop a = Mop a Otype -- Modal Operator: index & type
data Formula a = F -- datatype for the formulae
| T
| Neg (Formula a)
| Junctor (Formula a) Junctor (Formula a)
| Mapp (Mop a) (Formula a) -- modal application constructor
-- Print Abstract Syntax
instance Show a => Show (Mop a) where
show m = case m of
Mop x Square -> "[" ++ show x ++ "]"
Mop x Angle -> "<" ++ show x ++ ">"
instance Show Junctor where
show j = case j of
And -> "/\\"
Or -> "\\/"
If -> "->"
Fi -> "<-"
Iff -> "<->"
instance Show a => Show (Formula a) where
show f = case f of
F -> "F"
T -> "T"
Neg x -> "~" ++ show x
Junctor x j y -> "(" ++ show x ++ " " ++ show j ++ " " ++ show y ++ ")"
Mapp m x -> show m ++ " " ++ show x