Main.hs revision f04dbee44fb71ec868f409099d983f7f3771e0d2
{- | Module : $Header$
- Description : Implemenation of main file for the prover
- Copyright : (c) Georgel Calin & Lutz Schroeder, DFKI Lab Bremen
- License : Similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
- Maintainer :
- Stability : provisional
- Portability : portable
- Provides the implementation of the user interaction "interface"
module Main where
import System.Environment
import IO
import GMP.Logics.Generic
import GMP.Parser
import GMP.Prover
-- make use of these logics:
import GMP.Logics.K
import GMP.Logics.KD
import GMP.Logics.HM
import GMP.Logics.Mon
import GMP.Logics.C
import GMP.Logics.P
import GMP.Logics.G
import GMP.Logics.Con
import GMP.Logics.CKCM
import GMP.Logics.SysS
import GMP.Logics.DisjUnion
--import GMP.Logics.Product
-- | Runs the parser and the prover and prints the result(s) of obtained.
runLex :: (SigFeature b c d, SigFeature a b (c d), Eq (a (b (c d)))) => Parser (Formula (a (b (c d)))) -> String -> [Bool] -> IO ()
runLex p_rL input flags = run (do spaces
x <- p_rL
return x
) input flags
run :: (SigFeature b c d, SigFeature a b (c d), Eq (a (b (c d)))) => Parser (Formula (a (b (c d)))) -> String -> [Bool] -> IO ()
run p_r input flags = case (parse p_r "" input) of
Left err -> do putStr "parse error at "
print err
Right y -> do let x = preparse y
-- show formula that is given to the sequent calculus
putStrLn (" Current Formula: " ++ pretty x)
putStrLn (" Trying to show satisfiability...")
let isS = satisfiable x flags
case isS of
True -> putStrLn " ... The formula is satisfiable"
_ -> putStrLn " ... The formula is not satisfiable"
putStrLn (" Trying to show provability...")
let isP = provable x flags
case isP of
True -> putStrLn " ... The formula is provable"
_ -> putStrLn " ... The formula is not provable"
-- | Parse formula according to the selected modal logic.
runTest :: Int -> String -> [Bool] -> IO ()
runTest ml input flags = do
case ml of
1 -> runLex ((parser ((K [])::K (K (K (K (K (K (K (K (K (K (K (K (K (K (K (K (K (K (K (K (K (K (K (K (K (K (K (K (K (K (K (K (K (K (K (K (K (K (K (K (K (K (K ()))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Sqr) ) input flags
2 -> runLex ((parser ((KD [])::KD (KD (KD (KD (KD (KD (KD (KD (KD (KD (KD (KD (KD (KD ())))))))))))))) Sqr) ) input flags
3 -> runLex ((parser ((C [1] [])::C (C (C (C (C (C (C (C (C (C (C (C (C (C ())))))))))))))) Sqr) ) input flags
4 -> runLex ((parser ((G 1 [])::G (G (G (G (G (G (G (G (G (G (G (G (G (G ())))))))))))))) Ang) ) input flags
5 -> runLex ((parser ((P 1 [])::P (P (P (P (P (P (P (P (P (P (P (P (P (P ())))))))))))))) Ang) ) input flags
6 -> runLex ((parser ((HM 'a' [])::HM (HM (HM (HM (HM (HM (HM (HM (HM (HM (HM (HM (HM (HM ())))))))))))))) Sqr) ) input flags
7 -> runLex ((parser ((Mon [])::Mon (Mon (Mon (Mon (Mon (Mon (Mon (Mon (Mon (Mon (Mon (Mon (Mon (Mon ())))))))))))))) Sqr) ) input flags
8 -> runLex ((parser ((Con [])::Con (Con (Con (Con (Con (Con (Con (Con (Con (Con (Con (Con (Con (Con ())))))))))))))) Sqr) ) input flags
9 -> runLex ((parser ((SysS [])::SysS (SysS (SysS (SysS (SysS (SysS (SysS (SysS (SysS (SysS (SysS (SysS (SysS (SysS ())))))))))))))) Ang) ) input flags
10 -> runLex ((parser ((K [])::K (KD (K (KD (K (KD (K (KD (K (KD (K (KD (K (KD ())))))))))))))) Sqr) ) input flags
11 -> runLex ((parser ((KD [])::KD (K (KD (K (KD (K (KD (K (KD (K (KD (K (KD (K ())))))))))))))) Sqr) ) input flags
12 -> runLex ((parser ((Con []):: Con (Mon (K (Con (Mon (K (Con (Mon (K (Con (Mon (K (Con (Mon ())))))))))))))) Sqr) ) input flags
13 -> runLex ((parser (((DisjUnion ((K [Mod (DisjUnion (K [Mod (DisjUnion (K [Mod (DisjUnion (K [], KD []))], KD [Mod (DisjUnion (K [], KD []))]))], KD [Mod (DisjUnion (K [Mod (DisjUnion (K [], KD []))], KD [Mod (DisjUnion (K [], KD []))]))]))]),(KD [Mod (DisjUnion (K [Mod (DisjUnion (K [Mod (DisjUnion (K [], KD []))], KD [Mod (DisjUnion (K [], KD []))]))], KD [Mod (DisjUnion (K [Mod (DisjUnion (K [], KD []))], KD [Mod (DisjUnion (K [], KD []))]))]))]))))::DisjUnion K KD (DisjUnion K KD (DisjUnion K KD (DisjUnion K KD ( DisjUnion K KD (DisjUnion K KD (DisjUnion K KD (DisjUnion K KD (DisjUnion K KD (DisjUnion K KD (DisjUnion K KD (DisjUnion K KD (DisjUnion K KD (DisjUnion K KD ())))))))))))))) Sqr) ) input flags
14 -> runLex ((parser ((CKCM [])::CKCM (CKCM (CKCM (CKCM (CKCM (CKCM (CKCM (CKCM (CKCM (CKCM (CKCM (CKCM (CKCM (CKCM ())))))))))))))) Ang) ) input flags
_ -> showHelp
return ()
-- | Function for displaying user help
showHelp :: IO()
showHelp = do
putStrLn ( "Usage:\n" ++
"<ML>: 1 for K Modal Logic\n" ++
" 2 for KD Modal Logic\n" ++
" 3 for Coalition Logic\n" ++
" 4 for Graded Modal Logic\n" ++
" 5 for Probabilistic Modal Logic\n" ++
" 6 for Hennessy-Milner Modal Logic\n" ++
" 7 for Monotonic Modal Logic\n" ++
" 8 for Conditional Modal Logic (CK+CEM)\n" ++
" 9 for System S (CK+ID+CM+DisjElim)\n" ++
" 10 for Combined Logic (K KD)\n" ++
" 11 for Combined Logic (KD K)\n" ++
" 12 for Combined Logic (Con Mon K)\n" ++
" 13 for (K + KD)\n" ++
" 14 for CK+CM\n" ++
"<path>: path to input file\n" ++
"<test>: test given as a string\n" ++
"-[v/nv]: either verbose or non-verbose output\n")
-- | main program function
main :: IO()
main = do
args <- getArgs
if (args == [])||(head args == "--help")||(length args < 4)
then showHelp
else let ml:fl:it:test:[] = take 4 args
in case it of
"-p" -> case fl of
"-v" -> do input <- readFile test
runTest (read ml) input [False,True]
"-nv" -> do input <- readFile test
runTest (read ml) input [True,False]
_ -> showHelp
"-t" -> case fl of
"-v" -> runTest (read ml) test [False,True]
"-nv" -> runTest (read ml) test [True,False]
_ -> showHelp
_ -> showHelp