Parser.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{- | Module : $Header$
- Description : Implementation of logic formula parser
- Copyright : (c) Georgel Calin & Lutz Schroeder, DFKI Lab Bremen
- License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
- Maintainer :
- Stability : provisional
- Portability : portable
- Provides the implementation of the generic parser for the L formula datatype
module GMP.Parser where
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import GMP.Logics.Generic
-- import Debug.Trace
{- ----------------------------------
experiment 2 starting here:
---------------------------------- -}
{- class (SigFeature a b (c d), SigFeature b c (e f)) => MyFeat a b c d e f where
yoyo :: (a (b (c d))) -> (b (c (e f)))
pGoOn3 :: (a (b (c d))) -> ModalOperator -> GenParser Char st (Formula (b (c (e f)))) -}
{- instance MyFeat K K K () K () where
yoyo sig = K [Mod (K [Mod (K [])])]
pGoOn3 sig flag = primFormula (yoyo sig) flag -}
{- instance MyFeat KD KD KD () KD () where
yoyo sig = KD [Mod (KD [Mod (KD [])])]
pGoOn3 sig flag = primFormula (yoyo sig) flag -}
{- instance MyFeat K KD K () KD () where
yoyo sig = KD [Mod (K [Mod (KD [])])]
pGoOn3 sig flag = primFormula (yoyo sig) flag -}
{- instance MyFeat KD K KD () K () where
yoyo sig = K [Mod (KD [Mod (K [])])]
pGoOn3 sig flag = primFormula (yoyo sig) flag -}
{- ----------------------------------
experiment 1 starting here:
---------------------------------- -}
{- class SigFeature a b c => ParseMe a b c where
pGive :: (a (b c)) -> (b c)
pGoOn2 :: (a (b c)) -> ModalOperator -> GenParser Char st (Formula (b c)) -}
{- instance (SigFeature K K (K d), ParseMe K K d) => ParseMe K K (K d) where
pGive = genericPGive
pGoOn2 = genericPGoOn2 -}
{- instance SigFeature K K () => ParseMe K K () where
pGive sig = trace ("finishing: " ++ sPretty sig) $ K []
pGoOn2 sig flag = trace ("finishing: " ++ sPretty sig) $ return F -}
{- instance (SigFeature KD KD (KD d), ParseMe KD KD d) => ParseMe KD KD (KD d) where
pGive = genericPGive
pGoOn2 = genericPGoOn2 -}
{- instance SigFeature KD KD () => ParseMe KD KD () where
pGive sig = trace ("finishing: " ++ sPretty sig) $ KD []
pGoOn2 sig flag = trace ("finishing: " ++ sPretty sig) $ return F -}
{- instance (SigFeature KD K (KD d), ParseMe K KD d) => ParseMe KD K (KD d) where
pGive = genericPGive
pGoOn2 = genericPGoOn2 -}
{- instance SigFeature K KD () => ParseMe K KD () where
pGive sig = trace ("finishing: " ++ sPretty sig) $ KD []
pGoOn2 sig flag = trace ("finishing: " ++ sPretty sig) $ return F -}
{- instance (SigFeature K KD (K d), ParseMe KD K d) => ParseMe K KD (K d) where
pGive = genericPGive
pGoOn2 = genericPGoOn2 -}
{- instance SigFeature KD K () => ParseMe KD K () where
pGive sig = trace ("finishing: " ++ sPretty sig) $ K []
pGoOn2 sig flag = trace ("finishing: " ++ sPretty sig) $ return F -}
{- genericPGive :: (SigFeature a b (c d), SigFeature b c d, ParseMe a b (c d), ParseMe b c d) => (a (b (c d))) -> (b (c d))
genericPGive sig = ((sSecondFeat sig) [Mod ((sSecondFeat (sNextSig sig)) [])]) -}
{- genericPGoOn2 :: (SigFeature a b (c d), SigFeature b c d, ParseMe a b (c d), ParseMe b c d) => (a (b (c d))) -> ModalOperator -> GenParser Char st (Formula (b (c d)))
genericPGoOn2 sig flag = return T
genericPGoOn2 sig flag = primFormula (pGive sig) flag -}
-- generic parsing stuff
genericPGoOn :: (SigFeature a b (c d), SigFeature b c d) =>
a (b (c d)) -> ModalOperator -> Parser (Formula (b (c d)))
genericPGoOn sig = primFormula (sNextSig sig)
-- parser:
-- Normalised negation.
nneg :: Formula (a b) -> Formula (a b)
nneg F = T
nneg T = F
nneg (Neg phi) = phi
nneg phi = Neg phi
-- | Main parser
parser :: (SigFeature a b c) => a (b c) -> ModalOperator ->
Parser (Formula (a (b c)) )
parser = implFormula
-- | Parser which translates all implications in disjunctions & conjunctions
implFormula :: (SigFeature a b c) => a (b c) -> ModalOperator ->
Parser (Formula (a (b c)) )
implFormula sig flag = do
f <- orFormula sig flag
option f (do string "->"
i <- implFormula sig flag
return $ Or (Neg f) i
<|> do try (string "<->")
i <- implFormula sig flag
return $ And (Or (Neg f) i) (Or f (Neg i))
<|> do string "<-"
i <- implFormula sig flag
return $ Or f (Neg i)
<|> return f
<?> "GMPParser.implFormula")
-- | Parser for disjunction - used for handling binding order
orFormula :: (SigFeature a b c) => a (b c) -> ModalOperator ->
Parser (Formula (a (b c)) )
orFormula sig flag = do
f <- andFormula sig flag
option f $ do
string "\\/"
g <- orFormula sig flag
return $ Or f g
<?> "GMPParser.orFormula"
-- | Parser for conjunction - used for handling the binding order
andFormula :: (SigFeature a b c) => a (b c) -> ModalOperator ->
Parser (Formula (a (b c)) )
andFormula sig flag = do
f <- primFormula sig flag
option f $ do
string "/\\"
g <- andFormula sig flag
return $ And f g
<?> "GMPParser.andFormula"
{- | Parse a primitive formula: T, F, ~f, <i>f, [i]f, p*,
- where i stands for an index, f for a formula and
- * for a series of digits i.e. and integer -}
primFormula :: (SigFeature a b c) => a (b c) -> ModalOperator ->
Parser (Formula (a (b c)) )
primFormula sig flag =
do string "T"
return T
<|> do string "F"
return F
<|> parenFormula sig flag
<|> do string "~"
f <- primFormula sig flag
return $ nneg f
<|> do char '<'
i <- sParser sig
char '>'
f <- sepBy1 (pGoOn sig flag) (string (fSeparator sig))
-- restrict to the default modal operator
case flag of
Ang -> return $ Mod (i f)
Sqr -> return $ Neg (Mod (i (map nneg f)))
_ -> return $ Mod (i f)
<|> do char '['
i <- sParser sig
char ']'
f <- sepBy1 (pGoOn sig flag) (string (fSeparator sig))
-- restrict to the default modal operator
case flag of
Sqr -> return $ Mod (i f)
Ang -> return $ Neg (Mod (i (map nneg f)))
_ -> return $ Mod (i f)
<|> do char 'p'
i <- atomIndex
return $ Atom (fromInteger i)
<?> "GMPParser.primFormula"
-- | Parser for un-parenthesizing a formula
parenFormula :: (SigFeature a b c) => a (b c) -> ModalOperator ->
Parser (Formula (a (b c)) )
parenFormula sig flag =
do char '('
f <- parser sig flag
char ')'
return f
<?> "GMPParser.parenFormula"
-- | Parse integer number
natural :: GenParser Char st Integer
natural = fmap read $ many1 digit
-- | Parse the possible integer index of a variable
atomIndex :: GenParser Char st Integer
atomIndex = do i <- try natural
return i
<?> "GMPParser.atomIndex"