Generic.hs revision 98890889ffb2e8f6f722b00e265a211f13b5a861
{- | Module : $Header$
- Description : Implementation of generic data structures and functions
- Copyright : (c) Daniel Hausmann & Georgel Calin & Lutz Schroeder, DFKI Lab Bremen,
- Rob Myers & Dirk Pattinson, Department of Computing, ICL
- License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
- Maintainer :
- Stability : provisional
- Portability : portable
- Provides the implementation of the generic algorithm for checking
- satisfiability/provability of several types of modal logics.
module GMP.Logics.Generic where
import List
import Ratio
import Maybe
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Debug.Trace
import Control.Monad.ST
-- basic data types
-- Formulae
data Formula a = F | T | And (Formula a) (Formula a) | Or (Formula a) (Formula a) |
Neg (Formula a) | Atom Int | Mod a deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- List of (possibly heterogenous) premises:
-- a list of premises may contain sequents with different types...
-- A sequent is a list of formulae
data Sequent = forall a b c. (Feature a (b c), Eq (a (b c))) => Sequent [Formula (a (b c))]
-- A list of premises is a list of a list of sequent
type Premises = [[[Sequent]]]
data ModalOperator = Sqr | Ang | None
deriving Eq
-- feature type-class
-- the feature type-class carries the matching function...
class Feature a b where
-- basic methods
fMatch :: [Bool] -> [Formula (a b)] -> Premises
fPretty :: (a b) -> String
fFeatureFromSignature :: (a b) -> [Formula e] -> a e
fFeatureFromFormula :: Formula (a b) -> [Formula e] -> a e
fStripFeature :: (a b) -> [Formula b]
fDisj2Conj :: Formula (a b) -> Formula (a b)
fNegNorm :: Formula (a b) -> Formula (a b)
fStripFormula :: Formula (a b) -> (a b)
fStripFormula phi = case phi of
T -> (fFeatureFromFormula phi) []
F -> (fFeatureFromFormula phi) []
(And psi xi) -> (fStripFormula psi)
(Or psi xi) -> (fStripFormula psi)
(Neg psi) -> (fStripFormula psi)
(Mod sig) -> sig
-- parsing methods
fNext :: (a b) -> b
fParser :: (a b) -> Parser ([Formula e] -> a e)
fSeparator :: (a b) -> String
-- preproving methods
fDepth :: (a b) -> Int
fPreProve :: [Formula (a b)] -> Int -> [[Formula (a b)]] -> [[Formula (a b)]]
fPreProve seq i ecs = []
fMatchOptimised :: [Bool] -> [Formula (a b)] -> [[Formula (a b)]] -> Premises
fMatchOptimised flags seq ecs = fMatch flags seq
-- state monad stuff
fGetCache :: (a b) -> [Formula (a b)]
fGetCache sig = fst $ (runState get [])
fPutCache :: (a b) -> [Formula (a b)] -> (GMPState [Formula (a b)]) ()
fPutCache sig s = put s
newtype GMPState s a = GMPState { runState :: (s -> (a,s)) }
instance Monad (GMPState s) where
return a = GMPState $ \s -> (a,s)
(GMPState x) >>= f = GMPState $ \s -> let (v,s') = x s in runState (f v) s'
class MonadState m s | m -> s where
get :: m s
put :: s -> m ()
instance MonadState (GMPState s) s where
get = GMPState $ \s -> (s,s)
put s = GMPState $ \_ -> ((),s)
-- nonempty-features are a subclass of features
-- they have more default-functions than normal features though
class (SigFeature b c d, Eq (c d)) => NonEmptyFeature a b c d where
nefMatch :: [Bool] -> [Formula (a (b (c d)))] -> Premises
nefPretty :: (a (b (c d))) -> String
nefFeatureFromSignature :: (a (b (c d))) -> [Formula e] -> a e
nefFeatureFromFormula :: Formula (a (b (c d))) -> [Formula e] -> a e
nefStripFeature :: (a (b (c d))) -> [Formula (b (c d))]
nefDisj2Conj :: Formula (a (b (c d))) -> Formula (a (b (c d)))
nefDisj2Conj = genfDisj2Conj
nefNegNorm :: Formula (a (b (c d))) -> Formula (a (b (c d)))
nefNegNorm = genfNegNorm
nefNext :: (a (b (c d))) -> (b (c d))
nefNext sig = genfNext sig
nefDepth :: (a (b (c d))) -> Int
nefDepth = genfDepth
nefParser :: (a (b (c d))) -> Parser ([Formula e] -> a e)
nefParser sig = return (nefFeatureFromSignature sig)
nefSeparator :: (a (b (c d))) -> String
nefSeparator sig = ","
instance (NonEmptyFeature a b c d, Eq (c d)) => Feature a (b (c d)) where
fMatch = nefMatch
fDisj2Conj = nefDisj2Conj
fNegNorm = nefNegNorm
fDepth = nefDepth
fNext = nefNext
fPretty = nefPretty
fFeatureFromSignature = nefFeatureFromSignature
fFeatureFromFormula = nefFeatureFromFormula
fStripFeature = nefStripFeature
fParser = nefParser
fSeparator = nefSeparator
-- sigfeature type-class
-- the sigfeature type-class ensures correct order of features...
class (Feature a (b c), Feature b c, Eq c) => SigFeature a b c where
-- basic methods
sMatch :: (Eq c) => [Bool] -> [Formula (a (b c))] -> Premises
sDisj2Conj :: Formula (a (b c)) -> Formula (a (b c))
sNegNorm :: Formula (a (b c)) -> Formula (a (b c))
sPretty :: (a (b c)) -> String
-- parsing methods
sParser :: (a (b c)) -> Parser ([Formula e] -> a e)
sParser = fParser
sNextSig :: (a (b c)) -> (b c)
sNextSig = fNext
pGoOn :: (a (b c)) -> ModalOperator -> Parser (Formula (b c))
-- preproving methods
sDepth :: Formula (a (b c)) -> Int
-- nonempty-sigfeatures are a subclass of sigfeatures
-- they have more default-functions than normal sigfeatures though
class (SigFeature b c d, Eq d, Feature a (b (c d)), Feature b (c d), Eq (c d)) => NonEmptySigFeature a b c d where
neMatch :: (Eq (c d)) => [Bool] -> [Formula (a (b (c d)))] -> Premises
neMatch = fMatch
neGoOn :: (a (b (c d))) -> ModalOperator -> Parser (Formula (b (c d)))
neDisj2Conj :: Formula (a (b (c d))) -> Formula (a (b (c d)))
neDisj2Conj = fDisj2Conj
neNegNorm :: Formula (a (b (c d))) -> Formula (a (b (c d)))
neNegNorm = fNegNorm
neDepth :: Formula (a (b (c d))) -> Int
neDepth = genSDepth
nePretty :: (a (b (c d))) -> String
nePretty sig = "{NonEmpty} " ++ fPretty sig
instance (NonEmptySigFeature a b c d, Eq (c d)) => SigFeature a b (c d) where
sMatch = neMatch
pGoOn = neGoOn
sDisj2Conj = neDisj2Conj
sNegNorm = neNegNorm
sDepth = neDepth
sPretty = nePretty
-- Generic functions for Features
genfDepth :: (Feature a (b (c d)), SigFeature b c d) => (a (b (c d))) -> Int
genfDepth sig = case (fStripFeature sig) of
[phi] -> sDepth phi
genfNext :: (Feature a (b (c d)), SigFeature b c d) => (a (b (c d))) -> (b (c d))
genfNext sig = case fStripFeature sig of
[] -> fStripFormula (F)
phis -> fStripFormula (head phis)
genfDisj2Conj :: (Feature a (b (c d)), SigFeature b c d) => Formula (a (b (c d))) -> Formula (a (b (c d)))
genfDisj2Conj phi = Mod ((fFeatureFromFormula phi) (map disj2conj (fStripFeature (fStripFormula phi))))
genfNegNorm :: (Feature a (b (c d)), SigFeature b c d) => Formula (a (b (c d))) -> Formula (a (b (c d)))
genfNegNorm phi = Mod ((fFeatureFromFormula phi) (map negNorm (fStripFeature (fStripFormula phi))))
genfPretty :: (Feature a (b (c d)), SigFeature b c d) => a (b (c d)) -> String -> String
genfPretty d s = case fStripFeature d of
[] -> s ++ " nothing contained!"
(e:[]) -> s ++ (pretty e)
e -> s ++ show (map pretty e)
-- Generic functions for SigFeatures
-- generic matching for sigfeatures (uses matching function of underlaying feature)
genSMatch :: (SigFeature a b (c d), SigFeature b c d, Eq d) => [Bool] -> [Formula (a (b (c d)))] -> Premises
genSMatch flags seq = fMatch flags seq
-- the depth of modal nesting of a list of formulae
ldepth :: (SigFeature a b c) => [Formula (a (b c))] -> Int
ldepth seq = maximum (map genSDepth seq)
-- generic depth of modal nesting of a formula
genSDepth :: (SigFeature a b c) => Formula (a (b c)) -> Int
genSDepth F = 0
genSDepth T = 0
genSDepth (Atom i) = 0
genSDepth (Neg phi) = genSDepth (phi)
genSDepth (And phi psi) = max (genSDepth phi) (genSDepth psi)
genSDepth (Or phi psi) = max (genSDepth phi) (genSDepth psi)
genSDepth (Mod xs) = 1 + (fDepth xs)
-- generic function to return all top-level modal arguments of phi
--genSGetArgs :: (SigFeature a, Feature b, Eq e) => Formula (a (b (c (d e)))) -> [Formula (c (d e))]
--genSGetArgs phi = case phi of
-- T -> []
-- F -> []
-- (Atom i) -> []
-- (Neg psi) -> sGetArgs psi
-- (And xi yi) -> sGetArgs xi ++ sGetArgs yi
-- (Or xi yi) -> sGetArgs xi ++ sGetArgs yi
-- (Mod sig) -> fStripFeat (sNextSig sig)
-- generic function to return all top-level modal arguments of phi
--genHGetArgs :: (SigFeature a, Feature b, Eq e) => Formula (a (b (c (d e)))) -> [Formula (c (d e))] :*: HNil
--genHGetArgs phi = case phi of
-- T -> [] .*. HNil
-- F -> [] .*. HNil
-- (Atom i) -> [] .*. HNil
-- (Neg psi) -> hGetArgs psi
-- (And xi yi) -> (hHead (hGetArgs xi) ++ hHead (hGetArgs yi)) .*. HNil
-- (Or xi yi) -> (hHead (hGetArgs xi) ++ hHead (hGetArgs yi)) .*. HNil
-- (Mod sig) -> fStripFeat (sNextSig sig) .*. HNil
-- generic function to return the list of all arguments of modality that
-- have nesting depth at most i
--genSGetPrems :: (SigFeature a, Feature b, SigFeature c, Feature d, Eq e) =>
-- Int -> Formula (a (b (c (d e)))) -> [Sequent]
--genSGetPrems i phi = if (sDepth phi) <= i then
-- let args = (sGetArgs phi)
-- in (Sequent args) : concatMap (sGetPrems i) (args)
-- else
-- let args = (sGetArgs phi)
-- in concatMap (sGetPrems i) (args)
-- generic functions for preproving
-- given a formula, a number i(=0) and a list of classes, compute the list of
-- preproving classes for the formula.
--genSPreProve :: (SigFeature a, Feature b, SigFeature c, Feature d, Eq g) =>
-- Formula (a (b (c (d (e (f g)))))) -> Int -> [[Sequent]] -> [[Sequent]]
--genSPreProve phi i seqs = let eq = (genClasses (merge (collapse (sGetPrems i phi)) seqs))
-- in if (i == (sDepth phi)-1) then eq
-- else eq ++ (genSPreProve phi (i+1) eq)
-- not done yet ([[1]:A, [2]:B, [3]:C, [4]:A] -> [[1,4]:A, [2]:B, [3:C]]):
--collapse :: [Sequent] -> [Sequent]
--collapse ((Sequent phis):seqs) = (Sequent phis):seqs
-- not done yet ([[1]:ABC, [2]:CDE],[[[3]:ABC,[4]:ABC],[[5]:CDE,[6]:CDE]] -> [([1],[[3],[4]]):ABC, ([2],[[5],[6]]):CDE]):
--merge :: [Sequent] -> [[Sequent]] -> [DoubleSequent]
--merge [] [] = []
-- given a list of pairs of sequents of the same type (the pair consisting of
-- the formulas which are to be treated and a list of already known classes),
-- return the list of the list of classes for each pair.
--genClasses :: [DoubleSequent] -> [[Sequent]]
--genClasses [] = []
--genClasses (DoubleSequent (xis,eqs):seqs) = (classes (sFilter xis) eqs) : (genClasses seqs)
-- give preproving classes of a list list of formulas using the knowledge about
-- classes ppcs.
--classes :: (SigFeature a, Feature b, Eq e) => [Formula (a (b (c (d e))))] -> [[Formula (a (b (c (d e))))]] -> [Sequent]
--classes [] ppcs = []
--classes (phi:phis) ppcs = let ppc = nub (phi:(ppClass phi phis ppcs))
-- in (Sequent ppc) : (classes ((phi:phis) \\ ppc) (ppc:ppcs))
-- given a formula phi and a list of formulae, return the list of all formulae
-- that are in the same class as phi (using the knowledge ppcs).
--ppClass :: (SigFeature a, Feature b, Eq e) => Formula (a (b (c (d e)))) -> [Formula (a (b (c (d e))))] ->
-- [[Formula (a (b (c (d e))))]] -> [Formula (a (b (c (d e))))]
--ppClass phi [] ppcs = []
--ppClass phi (psi:phis) ppcs = if (sCompute phi psi ppcs) then psi:(ppClass phi phis ppcs)
-- else (ppClass phi phis ppcs)
-- check whether the two input formulae are equivalent. If they are already in
-- the same preproving class, it is not necessary to prove their equivalence.
--equiv :: (SigFeature a, Feature b, Eq e) => Formula (a (b (c (d e)))) -> Formula (a (b (c (d e)))) -> [[Formula (a (b (c (d e))))]] -> Bool
--equiv phi psi ppc = -- trace (" <Trying to show equivalence:> "
-- -- ++ show (pretty phi) ++ " = " ++ show (pretty psi)) $
-- (any (\eqcls -> ((phi `elem` eqcls) && (psi `elem` eqcls))) ppc) ||
-- provable (And (Neg (And (Neg psi) phi)) (Neg (And (Neg phi) psi)))
-- generic functions of (sig)features
-- generic finishing feature
instance Feature a () where
fMatch flags seq = trace "\n <Matching not possible, no more layers>" $ [[]]
fDisj2Conj phi = F
fNegNorm phi = F
fPretty e = " nothing contained!"
fDepth phi = 0
-- generic finishing feature
instance Feature a (b ()) where
fMatch flags seq = trace "\n <Matching not possible, no more layers>" $ [[]]
fDisj2Conj phi = F
fNegNorm phi = F
fPretty e = " nothing Contained!"
fDepth phi = 0
-- generic finishing sigfeature
instance SigFeature a b () where
sMatch flags seq = trace "\n <Matching not possible, no more layers>" $ [[]]
sDisj2Conj phi = F
sNegNorm phi = F
sPretty sig = "{Last SigFeature} " ++ fPretty sig
sDepth phi = 0
pGoOn sig flag = trace ("finishing: " ++ sPretty sig) $ return F
-- preparsing functions
-- | Preparsing replaces all disjunctions by conjunctions and normalizes negations -
-- | This is the form that the sequent calculus expects
preparse :: (SigFeature a b (c d), SigFeature b c d) => Formula (a (b (c d))) -> Formula (a (b (c d)))
preparse f = negNorm $ disj2conj f
disj2conj :: (SigFeature a b c) => Formula (a (b c)) -> Formula (a (b c))
disj2conj w = case w of
(And x y) -> let a = disj2conj x
b = disj2conj y
in And a b
(Or x y) -> let a = disj2conj x
b = disj2conj y
in Neg (And (Neg a) (Neg b))
(Neg x) -> let a = disj2conj x
in Neg a
(Mod phi) -> sDisj2Conj (Mod phi)
x -> x
negNorm :: (SigFeature a b c) => Formula (a (b c)) -> Formula (a (b c))
negNorm w = case w of
(Neg (Neg x)) -> negNorm x
(Neg x) -> neg $ negNorm x
(Mod phi) -> sNegNorm (Mod phi)
(And x y) -> let a = negNorm x
b = negNorm y
in And a b
x -> x -- there is no need for discussing "Or"
-- some auxiliary functions which are used by several features
-- generate the powerlist of a list
powerList :: [a] -> [[a]]
powerList [] = [[]]
powerList (x:xs) = powerList xs ++ (map (x:) (powerList xs))
-- Remove all formulas from a container that are not positive modal literals
keep_poslits :: [Formula (a b)] -> [Formula (a b)]
keep_poslits seq = filter (\phi -> case phi of (Mod _)->True;_->False) seq
-- Remove all formulas from a container that are not negative modal literals
keep_neglits :: [Formula (a b)] -> [Formula (a b)]
keep_neglits seq = filter (\phi -> case phi of (Neg(Mod _))->True;_->False) seq
-- Get list [0..(length xs)-1]
-- Needed for 'normal-forms' of G, P
to_inds :: [a] -> [Int]
to_inds [] = []
to_inds xs = [0..(length xs)-1]
-- Get the elements of a list that are indexed by the first parameter list
-- Needed for 'normal-forms' of G, P
img :: Eq (a (b c)) => [Int] -> [Formula (a (b c))] -> [Formula (a (b c))]
img inds xs = map (xs!!) inds
imgInt :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]
imgInt inds xs = map (xs!!) inds
andify :: Eq (a (b c)) => [Formula (a (b c))] -> Formula (a (b c))
andify [] = F
andify (phi:[]) = phi
andify (phi:phis) = And phi (andify phis)
-- remove empty sequents from a list of sequents
--emptifys :: [Sequent] -> [Sequent]
--emptifys seqs = case seqs of
-- [] -> []
-- ((Sequent x):xs) -> case x of
-- [] -> emptifys xs
-- phis -> (Sequent x) : emptifys xs
--emptifyss :: [[Sequent]] -> [[Sequent]]
--emptifyss seqs = case seqs of
-- [] -> []
-- (x:xs) -> emptifys x : emptifyss xs
--emptify :: Premises -> Premises
--emptify prems = trace ("emptying "++ show (map (map (map pretty_seq)) prems))$
-- case prems of
-- [] -> []
-- (x:xs) -> emptifyss x : emptify xs
emptifys :: [Sequent] -> [Sequent]
emptifys [] = []
emptifys (s:seqs) = case s of
Sequent [] -> emptifys seqs
Sequent (x:xs) -> s : emptifys seqs
emptify :: Premises -> Premises
emptify prems = map (map emptifys) prems
-- basic sequent functions
-- expand applies all sequent rules that do not branch
expand :: [Formula (a b)] -> [Formula (a b)]
expand [] = []
expand ((Neg (Neg phi)) : as) = expand (phi:as)
expand ((Neg (And phi psi)):as) = expand ((Neg phi):(Neg psi):as)
expand (a:as) = a:(expand as)
neg :: (SigFeature a b c) => Formula (a (b c)) -> Formula (a (b c))
neg psi = (Neg psi)
-- pretty printing functions
-- pretty print formula
pretty :: (Feature a (b c)) => Formula (a (b c)) -> String
pretty F = "F"; pretty T = "T";
pretty (Atom k) = "Atom" ++ (show k);
pretty (Or (Neg x) y) = "(" ++ (pretty x) ++ ") --> (" ++ (pretty y) ++ ")"
pretty (Neg x) = "!" ++ (pretty x)
pretty (Or x y) = "(" ++ (pretty x) ++ ") OR (" ++ (pretty y) ++ ")"
pretty (And x y) = "(" ++ (pretty x) ++ ") AND (" ++ (pretty y) ++ ")"
pretty (Mod a) = (fPretty a)
-- pretty print sequent
pretty_seq :: Sequent -> String
pretty_seq (Sequent seq) = pretty_list seq
-- pretty print list of formulae
pretty_list :: (Feature a (b c)) => [Formula (a (b c))] -> String
pretty_list [] = "[]"
pretty_list (x:xs) = case xs of
[] -> pretty x
(y:ys) -> pretty x ++ " , " ++ pretty_list xs
-- pretty print list of sequents
pretty_slist :: [Sequent] -> String
pretty_slist [] = ""
pretty_slist (x:xs) = case xs of
[] -> pretty_seq x
(y:ys) -> pretty_seq x ++ " , " ++ pretty_slist xs
-- pretty print a list of lists of sequents
prettyll :: [[Sequent]] -> String
prettyll [] = ""
prettyll (x:xs) = case x of
[] -> "[[]]"
(y:ys) -> case ys of
[] -> "[" ++ pretty_seq y ++ "]" ++ prettyll xs
(z:zs) -> "[" ++ pretty_seq y ++ "," ++ pretty_slist ys ++ "]" ++ prettyll xs
-- pretty print a list of lists of lists of sequents
prettylll :: [[[Sequent]]] -> String
prettylll [] = ""
prettylll (x:xs) = case x of
[] -> "[[]]"
(y:ys) -> case ys of
[] -> "[" ++ pretty_slist y ++ "]" ++ prettylll xs
(z:zs) -> "[" ++ pretty_slist y ++ "," ++ prettyll ys ++ "]" ++ prettylll xs
-- 'polymorphic equality' type-class:
-- every feature is preserving the comparability of sequents...
-- not needed?
--instance Eq a => Eq (b a)
--class PolyEq f
-- where g :: a -> f a
--instance Feature a b => PolyEq a
--instance (Eq a, PolyEq f) => Eq (f a)
--class Eq2 f
--class PolyEq2 f
-- where dzdu :: a -> f a
--instance SigFeature a b c => PolyEq2 a
--instance (Eq2 a, PolyEq2 f) => Eq2 (f a)
--instance Eq2 a => Eq a