CoalitionL.hs revision 2fc01bfe8e323f01d12a2996841f69c70b798e48
{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
module GMP.CoalitionL where
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import GMP.Lexer
import GMP.ModalLogic
import GMP.GMPAS
data CLrules = CLNR Int
| CLPR Int Int
deriving Show
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance ModalLogic CL CLrules where
specificPreProcessing f = do
let getMaxAgents g m =
case g of
Mapp (Mop (CL _ i) _) _
-> if (i/=(-1)) then i else m
Junctor f1 _ f2
-> max (getMaxAgents f1 m) (getMaxAgents f2 m)
Neg ff
-> getMaxAgents ff m
_ -> m
resetMaxAgents g m =
case g of
Mapp (Mop (CL s i) t) h
-> if (m==(-1))||((i/=(-1))&&(i/=m))
then fail "CoalitionL.getMaxAgents"
else return $ Mapp (Mop (CL s m) t) h
Junctor f1 j f2
-> do r1 <- resetMaxAgents f1 m
r2 <- resetMaxAgents f2 m
return $ Junctor r1 j r2
Neg ff
-> do r <- resetMaxAgents ff m
return $ Neg r
_ -> do return g
checkConsistency g =
case g of
Mapp (Mop (CL s i) _) _
then fail "CoalitionL.checkConsistency"
else return g
Junctor f1 j f2
-> do r1 <- checkConsistency f1
r2 <- checkConsistency f2
return $ Junctor r1 j r2
Neg ff
-> do r <- checkConsistency ff
return $ Neg r
_-> do return g
aux = getMaxAgents f (-1)
tmp <- resetMaxAgents f aux
checkConsistency tmp
flagML _ = Sqr
parseIndex = do try(char '{')
let stopParser = do try(char ',')
return False
<|> do try(char '}')
return True
let shortParser = do xx <- natural
let n = fromInteger xx
string ".."
yy <- natural
let m = fromInteger yy
return $ Set.fromList [n..m]
let xParser s = do aux <- try(shortParser)
let news = Set.union s aux
q <- stopParser
case q of
False -> xParser news
_ -> return news
<|> do n <- natural
let news = Set.insert (fromInteger n) s
q <- stopParser
case q of
False -> xParser news
_ -> return news
<?> "CoalitionL.parseIndex.x"
let isEmptyParser = do try(char '}')
return Set.empty
<|> do aux <- xParser Set.empty
return aux
let maxAgentsParser = do aux <- try(natural)
let n = fromInteger aux
return n
<|> return (-1::Int)
res <- isEmptyParser
n <- maxAgentsParser
return $ CL res n
<|> do aux <- natural
let n = fromInteger aux
let res = Set.fromList [1..n]
return $ CL res n
<?> "CoalitionL.parseIndex"
matchR r = let Coeffs q w = eccContent r
in if (pairDisjoint q)&&(w/=[])
then if (allSubsets q (head w))&&(allMaxEq (head w) (tail w))
then [CLPR (length q) (-1 + length w)]
else []
else if (pairDisjoint w)&&(q==[])
then [CLNR (length w)]
else []
guessClause r =
case r of
CLNR n -> [Pimplies [] [1..n]]
CLPR n m -> [Pimplies [(m+2)..(m+n+1)] [1..(m+1)]]
{- extract the content of the contracted clause
- @ param (Mimplies n p) : contracted clause
- @ return : the grades of equivalentmodal applications in the input param -}
eccContent :: ModClause CL -> Coeffs
eccContent (Mimplies n p) =
let getGrade x =
case x of
Mapp (Mop (CL g _) Square) _ -> g
_ -> error "CoalitionL.getGrade"
in Coeffs (map getGrade n) (map getGrade p)
{- check if the list of sets contains pairwise disjoint sets
- @ param x : list of sets to be checked for containing disjoint sets
- @ return : True if the sets are disjoint, false otherwise -}
pairDisjoint :: [Set.Set Int] -> Bool
pairDisjoint x =
let disjoint e l =
case l of
[] -> True
r:s -> if (Set.difference e r == e) then disjoint e s
else False
in case x of
[] -> True
h:t -> if not(disjoint h t) then False
else pairDisjoint t
{- check if all the sets in a list are subsets of another set
- @ param l : list of supposably subsets
- @ param s : supposed superset
- @ return : True if l contains only subsets of s -}
allSubsets l s =
case l of
[] -> True
h:t -> if (Set.isSubsetOf h s) then (allSubsets t s)
else False
{- check if all the sets in a list are equal to a superset of a given set
- @ param s : given set to be subset of the equal sets in the list
- @ param l : list of sets which should be equal
- @ return : True if s is a subset of the identical sets in l -}
allMaxEq s l =
case l of
[] -> True
_ -> let aux = head l
in if (Set.isSubsetOf s aux)&&and(map (==aux) (tail l))
then True
else False