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<title>CoLoSS - Input Format</title>
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The accepted input format (as considered by the parser) is summarized by: <br>
<li> T,F stand for True,respectively False
<li> ~ stands for negation (eg. ~&phi;)
<li> /\,\/,-&gt;,&lt;-,&lt;-&gt; stand for conjuction,disjunction,implication,reverse implication,double implication (eg. &phi;/\&psi;)
<li> [],&lt;&gt; stand for "box", respectively "diamond" modal operators (eg. [i]&phi;, &lt;i&gt;&phi;)
<li> the "modal index" under the "box"/"diamond" modal operator depends on the logic and is allowed to be:
<ul type="circle">
<li> Nothing (ie. blank) for K, KD and Monotonic Modal Logic
<li> Any set of agents/numbers (eg. {}, {1,2}, 1..7) for Coalition Logic
<li> Any number (&ge;0) for Graded Modal Logic
<li> Any positive rational number &le;1 (eg. 0.5, 1/3) for Probability Logic
<li> Any letter for Hennesy-Milner Modal Logic
<li> variables of the type 'pN' where N is a number are also allowed
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