Translator.hs revision ba2d9225f2216cd290fbd61421297f1f4129e276
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : The main part of the module. Here the parsing, translation of the
input xml is handled, as well as the I/O.
Copyright : (c) Robert Savu and Uni Bremen 2011
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
Declaration of the abstract datatypes of FreeCAD terms
module FreeCAD.Translator where
import FreeCAD.As
import Text.XML.Light
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Set as Set
import FreeCAD.Brep
import System.Directory
import System.Process
import FreeCAD.PrintAs()
--import System.IO.Temp()
-- processFile2 :: FilePath -> IO Document
-- processFile2 fp = withSystemTempDirectory $ "hets-fc." pFile
-- processFile2 fp = withSystemTempDirectory $ "hets-fc." pFile
processFile :: FilePath -> IO Document
--unzips the freecad archive, reads the main "Document.xml" file and gives control
--to (translate :: Element -> IO Document) function to interpret the xml data
processFile fp = do
tempDir <- getTemporaryDirectory
-- putStrLn $ show $ ["unzip", "-of", fp, "-d", tempDir]
readProcess "unzip" ["-o", fp, "-d", tempDir] []
xmlInput <-readFile (concat[tempDir, "/Document.xml"])
let parsed = parseXMLDoc xmlInput
translate $ fromJust parsed
--putStrLn (show $printDoc out)
--putStrLn (show out)
--constants used to find the appropriate subtree in the XML file:
objListQName = makeQName "ObjectData"
--qualified name of the element which contains the list of objects
--with their properties
objQName = makeQName "Object"
--qualified name for the element which represents an object
objListEl:: Element -> Maybe Element
objListEl mbel = findChild objListQName mbel
--the xml element containing all objects and their data:: Element
objList:: Element -> [Element]
objList mbel= findChildren objQName (fromJust (objListEl mbel))
--list of xml elements containing data for each object:: [Element]
firstThree :: String -> String
firstThree s = take 3 s
getName:: Element -> String
getName el = fromJust (findAttr (makeQName "name") el)
hasName:: String -> Element -> Bool
hasName s el = (getName el == s)
childByName:: String -> Element -> Element
childByName s el = fromJust (findChild (makeQName s) el)
childByNameAttr:: String -> Element -> Element
childByNameAttr s el = fromJust (filterChild(hasName s) el)
-- a Set constant -- TODO: find signature
setBaseObjs:: Set.Set [Char]
setBaseObjs = fromList["Box", "Sph", "Cyl", "Con", "Tor", "Cir", "Rec"]
isBaseObject:: Element -> Bool
isBaseObject el = member (firstThree (getName el)) setBaseObjs
-- identify (by its name) whether an object is simpe or extended
-- returns true if it is a base object and false otherwise
--used in order to identify the object constructor from the name
getObject:: Element -> IO NamedObject
getObject el | tn == "Box" = mkBaseObject $ getBox elc
| tn == "Sph" = mkBaseObject $ getSph elc
| tn == "Cyl" = mkBaseObject $ getCyl elc
| tn == "Con" = mkBaseObject $ getCon elc
| tn == "Tor" = mkBaseObject $ getTor elc
| tn == "Cir" = mkBaseObject $ getCir elc
| tn == "Rec" = mkRectangle el
| tn == "Lin" = mkLine el --TODO
| tn == "Cut" = mkObject $ getCut elc
| tn == "Com" = mkObject $ getCom elc
| tn == "Fus" = mkObject $ getFus elc
| tn == "Sec" = mkObject $ getSec elc
| tn == "Ext" = mkObject $ getExt elc
tn = firstThree(getName el)
mkObject = return . NamedObject (getName el)
. PlacedObject (findPlacement elc)
mkBaseObject = mkObject . BaseObject
getBox e = Box (findFloat "Height" e) (findFloat "Width" e)
(findFloat "Length" e)
getSph e = Sphere (findFloat "Angle1" e) (findFloat "Angle2" e)
(findFloat "Angle3" e) (findFloat "Radius" e)
getCyl e = Cylinder (findFloat "Angle" e) (findFloat "Height" e)
(findFloat "Radius" e)
getCon e = Cone (findFloat "Angle" e) (findFloat "Radius1" e)
(findFloat "Radius2" elc) (findFloat "Height" e)
getTor e = Torus (findFloat "Angle1" e) (findFloat "Angle2" e)
(findFloat "Angle3" e) (findFloat "Radius1" e)
(findFloat "Radius2" e)
getCir e = Circle (findFloat "StartAngle" e) (findFloat "EndAngle" e)
(findFloat "Radius" e)
getCut e = Cut (findRef "Base" e) (findRef "Tool" e)
getCom e = Common (findRef "Base" e) (findRef "Tool" e)
getSec e = Section (findRef "Base" e) (findRef "Tool" e)
getFus e = Fusion (findRef "Base" e) (findRef "Tool" e)
getExt e = Extrusion (findRef "Base" e) (findPropVec "Dir" e)
elc = child el
getObject _ = error "undefined object"
mkRectangle :: Element ->IO NamedObject
mkRectangle ef = do
let e = child ef
el2 = childByNameAttr "Shape" e
elx = childByName "Part" el2
(bo, place) <- getBrep (getVal "file" elx, "rectangle")
let obj = BaseObject bo
po = PlacedObject place obj
return $ NamedObject (getVal "name" ef) po
mkLine :: Element -> IO NamedObject
mkLine = error "line not implemented"
getVal:: String -> Element -> String
getVal s el = fromJust (findAttr (makeQName s) el)
getFloatVal:: Element -> String
getFloatVal el = getVal "value" el2
el2 = childByName "Float" el
getPlacementVals :: Element -> (String ,String ,String ,String ,String ,String
getPlacementVals el = (m "Px", m "Py", m "Pz", m "Q0", m "Q1", m "Q2", m "Q3")
m s = getVal s el2
el2 = childByName "PropertyPlacement" el
getLinkVal:: Element -> String
getLinkVal el = getVal "value" el2
el2 = childByName "Link" el
findFloat:: String -> Element -> Double
findFloat s el = read (getFloatVal el2)
el2 = childByNameAttr s el
findPlacement::Element -> FreeCAD.As.Placement
findPlacement el = Placement (Vector3 a b c) (Vector4 d e f g)
(sa, sb, sc, sd, se, sf, sg) = getPlacementVals el2
a = read sa
b = read sb
c = read sc
d = read sd
e = read se
f = read sf
g = read sg
el2 = childByNameAttr "Placement" el
findRef::String -> Element -> FreeCAD.As.ExtendedObject
findRef s el = Ref (getLinkVal el2) where
el2 = childByNameAttr s el
findPropVec::String -> Element -> FreeCAD.As.Vector3
findPropVec s el = Vector3 valueX valueY valueZ where
el2 = childByNameAttr s el
propVec = fromJust( findChild ( unqual "PropertyVector" ) el2)
valueX = read $ fromJust $ findAttr (unqual "valueX") propVec
valueY = read $ fromJust $ findAttr (unqual "valueY") propVec
valueZ = read $ fromJust $ findAttr (unqual "valueZ") propVec
child:: Element -> Element
child el = head(elChildren el)
--Facade function that translates the parsed XML document
--into Haskell-FreeCAD datatype
translate:: Element -> IO Document
translate baseElement = mapM getObject $ objList baseElement