PrintAs.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : print the abstract syntax of FreeCAD terms
Copyright : (c) Robert Savu and Uni Bremen 2011
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
Printing of the abstract syntax of FreeCAD terms
module FreeCAD.PrintAs where
import FreeCAD.As
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Doc
import Common.Id
-- | Pretty printing 'Double'
instance Pretty Double where
pretty = sidDoc . mkSimpleId . show
instance Pretty Vector3 where
pretty v = pretty (x v, y v, z v)
instance Pretty Matrix33 where
pretty m = vcat [lparen <+> rows, rparen] where
rows = vcat [row1, row2, row3]
row a b c = sepByCommas $ map pretty [a m, b m, c m]
row1 = row a11 a12 a13
row2 = row a21 a22 a23
row3 = row a31 a32 a33
instance Pretty Vector4 where
pretty v = parens $ sepByCommas $ map pretty [q0 v, q1 v, q2 v, q3 v]
instance Pretty Placement where
pretty p1 =
brackets $ sepBySemis [pretty $ position p1, pretty $ orientation p1]
printBO :: BaseObject -> Doc
printBO (Box h w l) = text "Box" <+> vcat [hrow, wrow, lrow] where
hrow = hcat [ text "Height ", pretty h]
wrow = hcat [ text "Width ", pretty w]
lrow = hcat [ text "Length ", pretty l]
printBO (Cylinder a h r) = text "Cylinder" <+> vcat [arow, hrow, rrow] where
arow = hcat [ text "Angle ", pretty a]
hrow = hcat [ text "Heigth ", pretty h]
rrow = hcat [ text "Radius ", pretty r]
printBO (Sphere a1 a2 a3 r) = text "Sphere" <+>
vcat [a1row, a2row, a3row, rrow] where
a1row = hcat [ text "Angle1 ", pretty a1]
a2row = hcat [ text "Angle2 ", pretty a2]
a3row = hcat [ text "Angle3 ", pretty a3]
rrow = hcat [ text "Radius ", pretty r]
printBO (Cone a r1 r2 h) = text "Cone" <+> vcat [arow, brow, hrow, rrow] where
arow = hcat [ text "Angle ", pretty a]
brow = hcat [ text "Radius1 ", pretty r1]
hrow = hcat [ text "Radius2 ", pretty r2]
rrow = hcat [ text "Heigth ", pretty h]
printBO (Torus t1 t2 t3 t4 t5) = text "Torus" <+>
vcat [t1r, t2r, t3r, t4r, t5r] where
t1r = hcat [ text "Angle1 ", pretty t1]
t2r = hcat [ text "Angle2 ", pretty t2]
t3r = hcat [ text "Angle3 ", pretty t3]
t4r = hcat [ text "Radius1 ", pretty t4]
t5r = hcat [ text "Radius2 ", pretty t5]
printBO (Line a) = text "Line" <+> hcat [ text "Length ", pretty a]
printBO (Circle a h r) = text "Circle" <+> vcat [arow, hrow, rrow] where
arow = hcat [ text "sAngle ", pretty a]
hrow = hcat [ text "eAngle ", pretty h]
rrow = hcat [ text "Radius ", pretty r]
printBO (Rectangle h w) = text "Rectangle" <+> vcat [hrow, wrow] where
hrow = hcat [ text "Heigth ", pretty h]
wrow = hcat [ text "Width ", pretty w]
instance Pretty BaseObject where
pretty = printBO
printObject :: Object -> Doc
printObject (BaseObject bo) = pretty bo
printObject ( Cut eo1 eo2) = text "Cut" <+> vcat [pretty eo1, pretty eo2]
printObject ( Common eo1 eo2) = text "Common" <+> vcat [pretty eo1, pretty eo2]
printObject ( Fusion eo1 eo2) = text "Fusion" <+> vcat [pretty eo1, pretty eo2]
printObject ( Section eo1 eo2) = text "Section" <+> vcat [pretty eo1, pretty eo2]
printObject ( Extrusion eo d) = text "Extrusion" <+> vcat [pretty eo, pretty d]
instance Pretty Object where
pretty = printObject
printEO :: ExtendedObject -> Doc
printEO (Placed po) = pretty po
printEO (Ref s) = text s
printPO :: PlacedObject -> Doc
printPO (PlacedObject plc obj) = vcat [pretty obj, text "place" <+> pretty plc]
printDoc :: Document -> Doc
printDoc a = vcat $ map pretty a
instance Pretty ExtendedObject where
pretty = printEO
instance Pretty PlacedObject where
pretty = printPO
instance Pretty NamedObject where
pretty no = lbrack $+$ space <+>
hcat [doubleQuotes $ pretty $ name no, colon, space, pretty $ object no]
$+$ rbrack
instance GetRange NamedObject
instance Pretty Sign where
pretty = pretty . objects