fcmacro.py revision 43bf9eeafccc24eace346c76537edad9257bc0bf
__all__ = [
import sys
import FreeCAD
import math
import Draft
import Part
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
def newdoc(app):
def fromHets(filePath, app, gui):
f = open (filePath, 'r')
except IOError as (errno, strerror):
print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)
return 2
s = f.read()
buildque = []
objDict = {}
fcdoc = ET.XML(s)
for fcobj in fcdoc:
print fcobj.tag
name = fcobj.attrib['name']
print fcobj.attrib
for props in fcobj:
if props.tag == 'placement':
placexml = props.attrib
objtype = props.tag
attribsxml = props.attrib
print objtype
entity = name, placexml, attribsxml, objtype, 0
print entity
while len(buildque) > 0 :
for elsrc in buildque:
if isBuildable(elsrc, buildque, app):
buildObject(elsrc, buildque, objDict, app)
#checks whether the object is buildable in the current state of the program
def isBuildable(el, queue, app):
name, pos, att, ot, tr = el
hasDependency = False
composed = ['cut','common','extrude']
if (ot in composed):
hasDependency = True
if hasDependency:
for it in queue:
n2, p2, a2, t2 = it
if att['tool'] == n2:
return False
if att['base'] == n2:
return False
return True
#calls constructor in the freecad document and updates queue and refList
#arguments: element from buildque, object type, buildque, reference->object dict
def buildObject(el, queue, refList, app):
#expand and extract elements needed for object construction
name, pos, b, objtype, tr = el
#build the placement from the vector and quaternion stored in the xml file
base = FreeCAD.Vector(float(pos['x']), float(pos['y']), float(pos['z']))
quat = [float(pos['q0']), float(pos['q1']), float(pos['q2']), float(pos['q3'])]
q0, q1, q2, q3 = quat
angle = 2*math.acos(q3)
axis = FreeCAD.Vector(q0, q1, q2)
place = FreeCAD.Placement(base, axis, angle)
isCreated = False
defpnt = FreeCAD.Vector()
defdir = FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,1)
defplace = FreeCAD.Placement()
#handler to determine which object constructor to call
if objtype == 'box':
isCreated = True
part = Part.makeBox(float(b['length']), float(b['width']), float(b['height']))
obj = app.ActiveDocument.addObject('Part::Box',name)
obj.Shape = part
elif objtype == 'cylinder':
isCreated = True
part = Part.makeCylinder(float(b['radius']), float(b['height']))
obj = app.ActiveDocument.addObject('Part::Cylinder',name)
obj.Shape = part
elif objtype == 'cone':
isCreated = True
part = Part.makeCone(float(b['radius1']), float(b['radius2']), float(b['height']))
obj = app.ActiveDocument.addObject('Part::Cone',name)
obj.Shape = part
elif objtype == 'sphere':
isCreated = True
part = Part.makeSphere(float(b['radius']), defpnt, defdir, float(b['angle1']),
obj = app.ActiveDocument.addObject('Part::Sphere',name)
obj.Shape = part
elif objtype == 'torus':
isCreated = True
print el
part = Part.makeTorus(float(b['radius1']), float(b['radius2']), defpnt, defdir,
obj = app.ActiveDocument.addObject('Part::Torus',name)
obj.Shape = part
elif objtype == 'line':
isCreated = False
obj = app.ActiveDocument.addObject('Part::Part2DObjectPython', name)
secpnt = FreeCAD.Vector(float(b['length']),0,0)
obj.Points = [defpnt, secpnt]
obj.Closed = False
obj.Support = None
elif objtype == 'circle':
isCreated = True
obj = app.ActiveDocument.addObject('Part::Part2DObjectPython', name)
obj.Radius = float(b['radius'])
startangle = float(b['angle1'])
endangle = float(b['angle2'])
if (startangle != None) and (endangle != None):
obj.FirstAngle = startangle
obj.LastAngle = endangle
elif objtype == 'cut':
isCreated = True
obj = addObject('Part::MultiCut',name)
obj.Shapes = [refList[b['base']],refList[b['tool']]]
elif objtype == 'fusion':
isCreated = True
obj = addObject('Part::MultiFuse',name)
obj.Shapes = [refList[b['base']],refList[b['tool']]]
#refList[att['base']].Visibility = False
#refList[att['tool']].Visibility = False
elif objtype == 'common':
isCreated = True
obj = addObject('Part::MultiCommon',name)
obj.Shapes = [refList[b['base']],refList[b['tool']]]
elif objtype == 'extrude':
isCreated = True
obj = app.ActiveDocument.addObject('Part::Extrusion', name)
obj.Base =refList[b['base']]
obj.Dir = float(FreeCAD.Vector(float(b['valueX']),
elif objtype == 'rectangle':
isCreated = True
obj = app.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::Part2DObjectPython",name)
obj.Length = float(b['length'])
obj.Height = float(b['height'])
obj.Support =None
obj.ViewObject.DisplayMode = "Wireframe"
#all objects are created with the default placement
#now the actual placement is added to the FreeCAD object
if isCreated:
obj.Placement = place
#add the mapping from the reference string(name of object) to the actual object.
#this is needed in order to build 'extended objects'
refList[name] = obj