Parser.hs revision 18d8d352c6c0dcf6a47d829636dd75edca5847d7
module FreeCAD.Parser
import System.IO
import Text.XML.Light
import Data.Maybe
import FreeCAD.Translater
--the IO part of the program:--
processFile = do
xmlInput <-readFile "input.xml"
let parsed = parseXMLDoc xmlInput
let out = output parsed
putStrLn out
--wrapper of the parser--------
--parse a = process (parseXML a)
--find the node containing the object names
isObectList :: QName -> Bool
iObjectList a = if (qName a) == "ObjectData" then true else false
objectsList = filterChildName isObjectList xmlInput
getObjectName :: Element -> String
store [] = []
store [elem:elemList] = (store elem) : (store elemList)
store (Elem element) = storeElement element
storeElement x | qName (elName x) == "ObjectData" = store elContent x
| qName (elName x) == "Object" = storeObject x
storeObject x | findName x != "" = let
name = findName x
NamedObject (name) PlacedObject (Palcement (Object (findType (name, x))) )
nameFromAttributes [] = ""
nameFromAttributes [at:attrs] if qName (attrKey at )== "name"
then attrVal at
else nameFromAttributes [attrs]
findName x = nameFromAttributes elAttribs x
findType (findName x, x) | =
output x = show (elName x)