Parser.hs revision 17bb2dc46fafd9f5733d7cf2e43ccfc68440792b
module FreeCAD.Parser
import FreeCAD.Translator
import Data.Maybe
import Text.XML.Light.Input
import System.Directory
import System.Process
import FreeCAD.As
-- import FreeCAD.PrintAs
--the IO part of the program:--
-- processFile "FreeCAD/input.xml"
processFile :: FilePath -> IO Document
processFile fp = do
tempDir <- getTemporaryDirectory
-- putStrLn $ show $ ["unzip", "-of", fp, "-d", tempDir]
readProcess "unzip" ["-o", fp, "-d", tempDir] []
xmlInput <-readFile (concat[tempDir, "/Document.xml"])
let parsed = parseXMLDoc xmlInput
translate $ fromJust parsed
--putStrLn (show $printDoc out)
--putStrLn (show out)