Brep.hs revision 63328a180cdd14542de78d6461450c16a457b826
{- |
Module : $FreeCAD$
Description : Hets(Haskell) end-point of the interface with the OpenCascade
libraries. It reads the ouput of the C++ program "Brep_Reader"
and interprets it in order to generate the data for the basic
FreeCAD terms, which are not properly described in the file
Copyright : (c) Robert Savu and Uni Bremen 2011
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
Haskell layer of the Brep-reader
module FreeCAD.Brep where
import System.Process
import Text.XML.Light
import Data.Maybe
--import Data.Set() as Set
import FreeCAD.As
import FreeCAD.VecTools
import System.FilePath
getBrep::(String, String) -> IO (BaseObject, Placement)
getBrep (address, "line") =
fmap proc3dLine $ get3dLine address
getBrep (address, "rectangle") =
fmap procRectangle $ getRectangle address
getBrep (_, _) = error "getBrep called with wrong arguments"
proc3dLine:: (Vector3, Vector3) -> (BaseObject, Placement)
proc3dLine (a, b) = (Line l, place)
l = distance3 a b
pos = a
ox = Vector3 1 0 0
direction = subtract3 b a
rotVec = v3VecProd ox direction
rotVecn = if norm3 rotVec /= 0 then
scalarprod3(1/(norm3 rotVec)) rotVec
Vector3 1 0 0
cosAa = if norm3 rotVec /= 0 then
cos((acos((v3DotProd ox direction)/(norm3 direction)))/2)
sinAa = sqrt (1 - cosAa**2)
quat = Vector4 (sinAa*(x rotVecn)) (sinAa*(y rotVecn))
(sinAa*(z rotVecn)) cosAa
place = Placement pos quat
procRectangle::(Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3) -> (BaseObject, Placement)
procRectangle (a, b, c, d) = (Rectangle h l, place)
d1 = distance3 a b -- \
d2 = distance3 a c -- > values used to compute rectangle's properties
d3 = distance3 a d -- /
mn = min d1 (min d2 d3) -- heigth/small edge value
mx = max d1 (max d2 d3) -- diagonal length
md = if (d1 /= mn)&&(d1 /= mx) then d1 else --length value
if (d2 /= mn)&&(d2 /= mx) then d2 else
if (d3 /= mn)&&(d3 /= mx) then d3 else 0
h = mn
l = md
hh = if mn == d1 then b else --w/o rotation is on the Oy axis
if mn == d2 then c else
if mn == d3 then d else (Vector3 0 0 0)
hpoint = subtract3 hh a
ll = if md == d1 then b else --w/o rotation is on the Ox axis
if md == d2 then c else
if md == d3 then d else (Vector3 0 0 0)
lpoint = subtract3 ll a
--obtain actual rotation by 2 intermediary rotations, matching points in
--space ( a = 0.0.0; first: hpoint = hpoint'; then: lpoint = lpoint' )
-- 0.0.0 --> X.Y.Z
-- first we rotate with regard to hpoint (and Oy axis)
oy = Vector3 0 1 0
rot1vec = v3VecProd oy hpoint -- rotation axis (for q1)
rot1vecn = if norm3 rot1vec /= 0 then
scalarprod3(1/(norm3 rot1vec)) rot1vec --normalized rotation axis
Vector3 1 0 0
cosAa1 = if norm3 rot1vec /= 0 then
cos((acos((v3DotProd oy hpoint)/(norm3 hpoint)))/2)
sinAa1 = sqrt (1 - cosAa1**2)
quat1 = Vector4 (sinAa1*(x rot1vecn)) (sinAa1*(y rot1vecn))
(sinAa1*(z rot1vecn)) cosAa1
tmatrix = quat2matrix quat1
l2point = rotate tmatrix (Vector3 (norm3 lpoint) 0 0)
-- then we rotate l2point into lpoint
rot2vec = v3VecProd (l2point) lpoint
rot2vecn = if norm3 rot2vec /= 0 then
scalarprod3 (1/(norm3 rot2vec)) rot2vec
Vector3 1 0 0
cosAa2 = if norm3 rot2vec /= 0 then
cos((acos ((v3DotProd l2point lpoint)/(norm3 lpoint)))/2)
sinAa2 = sqrt (1 - cosAa2**2)
quat2 = Vector4 (sinAa2*(x rot2vecn)) (sinAa2*(y rot2vecn))
(sinAa2*(z rot2vecn)) cosAa2
quaternion = quatProd quat1 quat2
pos = a
place = Placement pos quaternion
-- TODO: get binary path from environment
brepToXmlBinary :: IO FilePath
brepToXmlBinary = return "./FreeCAD/brep_conversion/bin/brep_to_xml"
getBrepObject :: (String -> a) -> String -> String -> IO a
getBrepObject parser t addr = do
tmpDir <- error "put ask in this place"
binary <- brepToXmlBinary
fmap parser $ readProcess binary [joinPath [tmpDir, addr], t] ""
get3dLine :: String -> IO (Vector3, Vector3)
get3dLine = getBrepObject parseBrepXML2 "line"
getRectangle:: String -> IO (Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3)
getRectangle = getBrepObject parseBrepXML "rectangle"
parseBrepXML:: String -> (Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3)
parseBrepXML a = getData (fromJust (parseXMLDoc a))
parseBrepXML2:: String -> (Vector3, Vector3)
parseBrepXML2 a = getData2 (fromJust (parseXMLDoc a))
quadFromList :: [a] -> (a,a,a,a)
quadFromList ([]) = error "quadFromList: List empty"
quadFromList (_:[]) = error "quadFromList: List too short"
quadFromList (_:_:[]) = error "quadFromList: List too short"
quadFromList (_:_:_:[]) = error "quadFromList: List too short"
quadFromList (b:c:d:e) = (b,c,d, head e)
doubleFromList :: [a] -> (a,a)
doubleFromList [] = error "doubleFromList: List too short"
doubleFromList(_:[]) = error "quadFromList: List too short"
doubleFromList(b:c) = (b, head c)
getData:: Element -> (Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3)
getData e = if (qName (elName e)) == "rectangle" then
quadFromList ( parseVertex (elChildren e))
else error "unsupported object type in the .brp file"
getData2 :: Element -> (Vector3, Vector3)
getData2 e = if (qName (elName e)) == "line" then
doubleFromList ( parseVertex (elChildren e))
else error "unsuported ubject type in the .brp file"
parseVertex:: Element -> Vector3
parseVertex e = Vector3 (getD "x") (getD "y") (getD "z") where
getD el = if ( findAttr (makeQName el) e) == Nothing then
error "erroneous input given by c++ module"
else read (fromJust (findAttr (makeQName el) e))
makeQName:: String -> QName
makeQName s = QName s Nothing Nothing