Brep.hs revision 37dd4c99dbe470cce3fe0d89a011186f080e8910
module FreeCAD.Brep
import System.Process
import Text.XML.Light
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Set as Set
import FreeCAD.As
getBrep::(String, String) -> (BaseObject, Placement)
getBrep (address, "rectangle") = procRectangle (getRectangle (address, "rectangle"))
procRectangle::(Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3) -> (BaseObject, Placement)
procRectangle (a, b, c, d) = (Rectangle h l, place)
d1 = distance3 a b -- \
d2 = distance3 a c -- > values used to compute rectangle's properties
d3 = distance3 a d -- /
mn = min d1 (min d2 d3) -- heigth/small edge value
mx = max d1 (min d2 d3) -- diagonal length
md = if (d1 /= mn)&&(d1 /= mx) then d1 else --length value
if (d2 /= mn)&&(d2 /= mx) then d2 else
if (d3 /= mn)&&(d3 /= mx) then d2 else 0
h = mn
l = md
hh = if mn == d1 then b else --w/o rotation is on the Oy axis
if mn == d2 then c else
if mn == d3 then d else (Vector3 0 0 0)
hpoint = subtract3 hh a
ll = if md == d1 then b else --w/o rotation is on the Ox axis
if md == d2 then c else
if md == d3 then d else (Vector3 0 0 0)
lpoint = subtract3 ll a
--obtain actual rotation by 2 intermediary rotations, matching points in
--space ( a = 0.0.0; first: hpoint = hpoint'; then: lpoint = lpoint' )
-- 0.0.0 --> X.Y.Z
-- first we rotate with regard to hpoint (and Oy axis)
rot1vec = v3VecProd (Vector3 0 1 0) hpoint -- rotation vector (for q1)
rot1vecn = scalarprod3 (norm3 rot1vec) rot1vec --normalized rotation vector (for q1)
cosAlpha1 = cos((acos ((v3DotProd (Vector3 0 1 0) hpoint)/(norm3 hpoint)))/2) --(for q1)
sinAlpha1 = sqrt (1 - cosAlpha1**2)
quat1 = Vector4 (sinAlpha1*(x rot1vecn)) (sinAlpha1*(y rot1vecn)) (sinAlpha1*(z rot1vecn)) cosAlpha1
tmatrix = quat2matrix quat1
l2point = rotate tmatrix (Vector3 (norm3 lpoint) 0 0)
-- then we rotate l2point into lpoint
rot2vec = v3VecProd (l2point) lpoint
rot2vecn = scalarprod3 (norm3 rot2vec) rot2vec --normalized rotation vector (for q2)
cosAlpha2 = cos((acos ((v3DotProd l2point lpoint)/(norm3 lpoint)))/2) --(for q2)
sinAlpha2 = sqrt (1 - cosAlpha2**2)
quat2 = Vector4 (sinAlpha2*(x rot2vecn)) (sinAlpha2*(y rot2vecn)) (sinAlpha2*(z rot2vecn)) cosAlpha2
quaternion = quatProd quat1 quat2
pos = a
place = Placement pos quaternion
getRectangle::(String, String) -> (Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3)
getRectangle (address, "rectangle") = readProcess "./FreeCAD/brep_conversion/bin/brep_to_xml" [address,"rectangle"]