As.hs revision fcd50ed0f526645ca50bad2170e3b98b911b7678
--data structures for FreeCAD documents and objects
module FreeCAD.As
data Vector3 = Vector3 { x::Double, y::Double, z::Double } deriving Show
--a vector in cartesian coordinates
data Matrix33 = Matrix33 { a11::Double ,a12::Double ,a13::Double
,a21::Double ,a22::Double ,a23::Double
,a31::Double ,a32::Double ,a33::Double
} deriving Show --used as a rotation matrix
data Vector4 = Vector4 { q0::Double, q1::Double, q2::Double, q3::Double} deriving Show
--a vector of 4 coordinates for representing orientation of FreeCAD objects
seems redundant; it probably represents the cartesian coordinates of an orientation
3d vector, and an axial rotation of the object around the direction of the mentioned
vector. -- need to research this.
data Placement = Placement { position::Vector3, orientation::Vector4 } deriving Show
-- | the placement is determined by 2 vectors:
-- the first one points to the 'center' of the objet in the space
-- the second one determines the orientation of the object in the given space
data Edgelist = []
| 1:Edgelist
| 0:Edgelist
--reference from compound objects to 'building-blocks' objects made through strings or containment of the other
data BaseObject = Box Double Double Double -- Height, Width, Length
| Cylinder Double Double Double -- Angle, Height, Radius
| Sphere Double Double Double Double --Angle1, Angle2, Angle3, Radius
| Cone Double Double Double Double --Angle, Radius1, Radius2, Height
| Torus Double Double Double Double Double --Angle1, Angle2, Angle3, Radius1, Radius2
-- | Line :not enough data in the xml to determine the full properties
-- | Wire :not enough data in the xml to determine the full properties
| Circle Double Double Double --StartAngle, EndAngle, Radius
| Rectangle Double Double --Height, Length
deriving Show
--TODO: Plane, Vertex, etc..
data Object = BaseObject BaseObject
| Cut ExtendedObject ExtendedObject --difference between object1 and object2
| Common ExtendedObject ExtendedObject --intersection of two objects
| Fusion ExtendedObject ExtendedObject --union of two objects
| Section ExtendedObject ExtendedObject --section of an object (intersection with a plane
-- | Fillet, (Base::String, Edges::Edgelist, Radius::Double)), --not enough data in the xml
-- | Chamfer, (Base::String, Edges::Edgelist, Amount::Double)), --not enough data in the xml
-- | Mirror, (Base::String, Position2::Vector)) --mirroring of an object
deriving Show
data ExtendedObject = Placed PlacedObject | Ref String deriving Show
data PlacedObject = PlacedObject Placement Object deriving Show
data NamedObject = NamedObject { name::String
, object:: PlacedObject}
| EmptyObject --for objects that are WIP
deriving Show
-- the first parameter is the name of the object as it is stored in the FreeCAD document
-- the second parameter determines the placement of the object (a pair of vectors)
-- the third parameter contains the type of the object and
--a list of doubles (numbers) describing the characteristics
--of the object (e.g. dimensions, angles, etc)
type Document = [NamedObject]
distance3:: Vector3 -> Vector3 -> Double
distance3 (Vector3 ax ay az) (Vector3 bx by bz) = sqrt (x*x + y*y + z*z)
x = ax - bx
y = ay - by
z = az - bz
subtract3:: Vector3 -> Vector3 -> Vector3
subtract3 a b = Vector3 ex ey ez
ex = (x a) - (x b)
ey = (y a) - (y b)
ez = (z a) - (z b)
norm3:: Vector3 -> Double
norm3 a = distance3 a (Vector3 0 0 0)
scalarprod3:: Double -> Vector3 ->Vector3
scalarprod3 a (Vector3 bx by bz) = Vector3 abx aby abz
abx = a*bx
aby = a*by
abz = a*bz
median3:: [Vector3] -> Vector3
median3 a = scalarprod3 (fromIntegral (length a)) (v3Sum a)
v3Sum:: [Vector3] -> Vector3
v3Sum [a,b] = Vector3 xc yc zc
xc = (x a)*(x b)
yc = (y a)*(y b)
zc = (z a)*(z b)
v3Sum (a:b:as) = v3Sum (c:as)
xc = (x a)*(x b)
yc = (y a)*(y b)
zc = (z a)*(z b)
c = Vector3 xc yc zc
v3DotProd:: Vector3 -> Vector3 -> Double
v3DotProd v1 v2 = (x v1)*(x v2) + (y v1)*(y v2) + (z v1)*(z v2)
v4DotProd:: Vector4 -> Vector4 -> Double
v4DotProd v1 v2 = (q0 v1)*(q0 v2) + (q1 v1)*(q1 v2) + (q2 v1)*(q2 v2) + (q3 v1)*(q3 v2)
v3VecProd:: Vector3 -> Vector3 -> Vector3
v3VecProd v1 v2 = Vector3 m n p
m = (y v1)*(z v2) - (z v1)*(y v2)
n = (z v1)*(x v2) - (x v1)*(z v2)
p = (x v1)*(y v2) - (y v1)*(x v2)
quatProd:: Vector4 -> Vector4 -> Vector4
quatProd v1 v2 = Vector4 m n p q
m = (q3 v2)*(q0 v1) + (q2 v2)*(q1 v1) - (q1 v2)*(q2 v1) + (q0 v2)*(q3 v1)
n = -(q2 v2)*(q0 v1) + (q3 v2)*(q1 v1) + (q0 v2)*(q2 v1) + (q1 v2)*(q3 v1)
p = (q1 v2)*(q0 v1) - (q0 v2)*(q1 v1) + (q3 v2)*(q2 v1) + (q2 v2)*(q3 v1)
q = -(q0 v2)*(q0 v1) -(q1 v2)*(q1 v1) - (q2 v2)*(q2 v1) + (q3 v2)*(q3 v1)
-- from quaternion to rotation matrix
quat2matrix:: Vector4 -> Matrix33
quat2matrix q = Matrix33 m11 m12 m13 m21 m22 m23 m31 m32 m33
m11 = (1 - 2*p2**2 - 2*p3**2)
m12 = (2*(p1*p2 - p3*p4))
m13 = (2*(p1*p3 + p2*p4))
m21 = (2*(p1*p2 + p3*p4))
m22 = (1 - 2*p1**2 - 2*p3**2)
m23 = (2*(p2*p3 - p1*p4))
m31 = (2*(p1*p3 - p2*p4))
m32 = (2*(p1*p4 + p2*p3))
m33 = (1 - 2*p1**2 - 2*p2**2)
p1 = q0 q
p2 = q1 q
p3 = q2 q
p4 = q3 q
rotate:: Matrix33 -> Vector3 -> Vector3
rotate a v = Vector3 xx yy zz
xx = (a11 a)*(x v) + (a12 a)*(y v) + (a13 a)*(z v)
yy = (a21 a)*(x v) + (a22 a)*(y v) + (a23 a)*(z v)
zz = (a31 a)*(x v) + (a32 a)*(y v) + (a33 a)*(z v)