modules.elf revision c6506aa7090643badb5a6dca5df0ca6617558f5e
%read "../syntax/modules.elf".
%read "base.elf".
%sig TruthMOD = {
%include STTIFOLEQ %open.
%include BaseMOD %open.
true' : bool.
true1 : ded true' eq 1.
%view TruthMODView : Truth -> TruthMOD = {
%include BaseMODView.
true := true'.
%sig FalsityMOD = {
%include STTIFOLEQ %open.
%include BaseMOD %open.
false' : bool.
false0 : ded false' eq 0.
%view FalsityMODView : Falsity -> FalsityMOD = {
%include BaseMODView.
false := false'.
%sig NEGMOD = {
%include STTIFOLEQ %open.
%include BaseMOD %open.
not' : elem (bool' → bool').
not1 : ded ((A eq 0) imp ((not' @ A) eq 1)).
not0 : ded ((A eq 1) imp ((not' @ A) eq 0)).
not'' : bool -> bool
= [A] not' @ A.
not1' : ded (A eq 0) -> ded (not'' A) eq 1
= [p] impE not1 p.
not0' : ded A eq 1 -> ded (not'' A) eq 0
= [p] impE not0 p.
%view NEGMODView : NEG -> NEGMOD = {
%include BaseMODView.
not := [A : bool] not' @ A.
%sig DISJMOD = {
%include STTIFOLEQ %open.
%include BaseMOD %open.
or' : elem (bool' → bool' → bool').
or1 : ded (((A eq 1) or (B eq 1)) imp (((or' @ A) @ B) eq 1)).
or0 : ded (((A eq 0) and (B eq 0)) imp (((or' @ A) @ B) eq 0)).
or'' : bool -> bool -> bool
= [A][B] or' @ A @ B. %infix left 10 or''.
or1' : ded (A eq 1) or (B eq 1) -> ded (A or'' B) eq 1
= [p] (orE p
([q : ded (A eq 1)] impE or1 p)
([r : ded (B eq 1)] impE or1 p)).
or0' : ded (A eq 0) and (B eq 0) -> ded (A or'' B) eq 0
= [p] impE or0 p.
%view DISJMODView : DISJ -> DISJMOD = {
%include BaseMODView.
or := [A][B] (or' @ A) @ B.
%sig CONJMOD = {
%include STTIFOLEQ %open.
%include BaseMOD %open.
and' : elem (bool' → bool' → bool').
and1 : ded (((A eq 1) and (B eq 1)) imp (((and' @ A) @ B) eq 1)).
and0 : ded (((A eq 0) or (B eq 0)) imp (((and' @ A) @ B) eq 0)).
and'' : bool -> bool -> bool
= [A][B] and' @ A @ B. %infix left 10 and''.
and1' : ded A eq 1 and B eq 1 -> ded (A and'' B) eq 1
= [p] impE and1 p.
and0' : ded A eq 0 or B eq 0 -> ded (A and'' B) eq 0
= [p] impE and0 p.
%view CONJMODView : CONJ -> CONJMOD = {
%include BaseMODView.
and := [A][B] (and' @ A) @ B.
%sig IMPMOD = {
%include STTIFOLEQ %open.
%include BaseMOD %open.
imp' : elem (bool' → bool' → bool').
imp1 : ded (((A eq 0) or (B eq 1)) imp (((imp' @ A) @ B) eq 1)).
imp0 : ded (((A eq 1) and (B eq 0)) imp (((imp' @ A) @ B) eq 0)).
imp'' : bool -> bool -> bool
= [A][B] (imp' @ A) @ B. %infix right 15 imp''.
imp1' : ded A eq 0 or B eq 1 -> ded (A imp'' B) eq 1
= [p] impE imp1 p.
imp0' : ded A eq 1 and B eq 0 -> ded (A imp'' B) eq 0
= [p] impE imp0 p.
%view IMPMODView : IMP -> IMPMOD = {
%include BaseMODView.
imp := [A][B] imp' @ A @ B.