Analysis.hs revision b87efd3db0d2dc41615ea28669faf80fc1b48d56
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Analyzes a logic definition
Copyright : (c) Kristina Sojakova, DFKI Bremen 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
module Framework.Analysis ( anaLogicDef ) where
import Framework.AS
import Framework.Logic_Framework
import qualified LF.Logic_LF as Logic_LF
import qualified Isabelle.Logic_Isabelle as Logic_Isabelle
import qualified Maude.Logic_Maude as Logic_Maude
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.GTheory
import System.Directory
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Logic.ExtSign
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Comorphism
import Logic.Coerce
import Common.ExtSign
import Common.Result
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Parsec
import Common.AnnoState
import Common.Lexer
import Common.Token
import Common.Id
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import LF.Framework ()
dynLogicsDir :: FilePath
dynLogicsDir = "Comorphisms"
dynLogicsFile :: FilePath
dynLogicsFile = "DynLogicList.hs"
dynLogicsCon :: String
dynLogicsCon = "dynLogicList"
-- analyzes a logic definition
anaLogicDef :: LogicDef -> DGraph -> IO DGraph
anaLogicDef ld dg =
case meta ld of
LF -> anaLogicDefH Logic_LF.LF ld dg
Isabelle -> anaLogicDefH Logic_Isabelle.Isabelle ld dg
Maude -> anaLogicDefH Logic_Maude.Maude ld dg
anaLogicDefH :: LogicFram lid sublogics basic_spec sentence symb_items
symb_map_items sign morphism symbol raw_symbol
=> lid -> LogicDef -> DGraph -> IO DGraph
anaLogicDefH ml ld dg = do
case retrieveDiagram ml ld dg of
Result _ (Just (ltruth, lmod, lpf)) -> do
let l = show $ pretty $ newlogicName ld
buildLogic ml l ltruth lmod lpf
addLogic2LogicList l
return $ addLogicDef2DG ld dg
_ -> fail ""
-- creates a node for the logic definition
addLogicDef2DG :: LogicDef -> DGraph -> DGraph
addLogicDef2DG ld dg =
let node = getNewNodeDG dg
name = newlogicName ld
nodeName = emptyNodeName { getName = name }
info = newNodeInfo DGBasic
extSign = makeExtSign Framework ld
gth = noSensGTheory Framework extSign startSigId
nodeLabel = newInfoNodeLab nodeName info gth
dg1 = insNodeDG (node, nodeLabel) dg
emptyNode = EmptyNode $ Logic Framework
genSig = GenSig emptyNode [] emptyNode
nodeSig = NodeSig node $ G_sign Framework extSign startSigId
gEntry = SpecEntry $ ExtGenSig genSig nodeSig
dg2 = dg1 { globalEnv = Map.insert name gEntry $ globalEnv dg1 }
in dg2
{- constructs the diagram in the signature category of the meta logic
which represents the object logic -}
retrieveDiagram :: LogicFram lid sublogics basic_spec sentence symb_items
symb_map_items sign morphism symbol raw_symbol
=> lid -> LogicDef -> DGraph ->
Result (morphism, morphism, morphism)
retrieveDiagram ml (LogicDef _ _ sy t _ m p) dg = do
lSyn <- lookupSig ml sy dg
ltruth <- lookupMorph ml t dg
lmod <- lookupMorph ml m dg
lpf <- lookupMorph ml p dg
if (dom ltruth /= getBaseSig ml || cod ltruth /= lSyn) then
error $ "The morphism " ++ (show t) ++ " must go from Base to " ++
(show sy) ++ "." else do
if (dom lmod /= lSyn) then
error $ "The morphism " ++ (show m) ++ " must go from " ++
(show sy) ++ "." else do
if (dom lpf /= lSyn) then
error $ "The morphism " ++ (show p) ++ " must go from " ++
(show sy) ++ "." else do
return (ltruth, lmod, lpf)
-- looks up a signature by name
lookupSig :: Logic lid sublogics basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree
=> lid -> SIG_NAME -> DGraph -> Result sign
lookupSig l n dg = do
let extSig = case lookupGlobalEnvDG n dg of
Just (SpecEntry es) -> es
_ -> error $ "The signature " ++ (show n) ++
" could not be found."
case extSig of
ExtGenSig _ (NodeSig _ (G_sign l' (ExtSign sig _) _)) ->
if Logic l /= Logic l'
then error $ "The signature " ++ (show n) ++
" is not in the logic " ++ (show l) ++ "."
else coercePlainSign l' l "" sig
-- looks up a morphism by name
lookupMorph :: Logic lid sublogics basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree
=> lid -> MORPH_NAME -> DGraph -> Result morphism
lookupMorph l n dg = do
let extView = case lookupGlobalEnvDG n dg of
Just (ViewEntry ev) -> ev
Just (StructEntry ev) -> ev
_ -> error $ "The morphism " ++ (show n) ++
" could not be found."
case extView of
ExtViewSig _ (GMorphism c _ _ morph _) _ -> do
let l' = targetLogic c
if Logic l /= Logic l'
then error $ "The morphism " ++ (show n) ++
" is not in the logic " ++ (show l) ++ "."
else coerceMorphism l' l "" morph
-- constructs the logic instance for the object logic
buildLogic :: LogicFram lid sublogics basic_spec sentence symb_items
symb_map_items sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree
=> lid -> String -> morphism -> morphism -> morphism -> IO ()
buildLogic ml l ltruth _ _ = do
exists <- doesDirectoryExist l
if exists then
error $ "The directory " ++ l ++ " already exists.\n" ++
"Please choose a different object logic name." else do
createDirectory l
let logicC = writeLogic ml l
let syntaxC = writeSyntax ml l ltruth
writeFile (l ++ "/" ++ "Logic_" ++ l ++ ".hs") logicC
writeFile (l ++ "/" ++ "Syntax.hs") syntaxC
return ()
-- includes the newly-defined logic in the logic list
addLogic2LogicList :: String -> IO ()
addLogic2LogicList l = do
let file = dynLogicsDir ++ "/" ++ dynLogicsFile
contentsOld <- readFile file
let res = runParser (parser l) (emptyAnnos ()) "" contentsOld
case res of
Right contentsNew -> writeFile file contentsNew
Left er -> error $ show er
parser :: String -> AParser st String
parser l = do
let l_imp = "import " ++ l ++ "." ++ "Logic_" ++ l
let l_log = "Logic " ++ l
header <- skipUntil "module"
mod_decl <- do m <- asStr "module"
n <- moduleName
w <- asStr "where"
return $ intercalate " " [m,n,w]
imps <- do many1 $ do
i <- asStr "import"
n <- moduleName
return $ intercalate " " [i,n]
log_var_decl <- do v <- asStr dynLogicsCon
s <- asStr "::"
t <- do oBracketT
asStr "AnyLogic"
return "[AnyLogic]"
return $ intercalate " " [v,s,t]
log_var_def <- do v <- asStr dynLogicsCon
s <- asStr "="
return $ intercalate " " [v,s]
log_list <- do oBracketT
( do cBracketT
return []
do (xs,_) <- logParser `separatedBy` commaT
return xs )
return $ header ++ mod_decl ++ "\n\n" ++
(intercalate "\n" (imps ++ [l_imp])) ++ "\n\n" ++
log_var_decl ++ "\n" ++ log_var_def ++ " " ++ "[" ++
(intercalate ", " $ log_list ++ [l_log]) ++ "]"
skipUntil :: String -> AParser st String
skipUntil lim = do
res <- many $ (reserved [lim] $ many1 $ noneOf whiteChars) <|>
(many1 $ oneOf whiteChars)
return $ concat res
asStr :: String -> AParser st String
asStr x = do
res <- asKey x
return $ tokStr res
moduleName :: AParser st String
moduleName = do
m <- simpleId
n <- simpleId
return $ tokStr m ++ "." ++ tokStr n
logParser :: AParser st String
logParser = do
l <- asKey "Logic"
n <- simpleId
return $ tokStr l ++ " " ++ tokStr n