1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwrowe{- |
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwroweModule : ./Framework/Analysis.hs
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwroweDescription : Analyzes a logic definition
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwroweCopyright : (c) Kristina Sojakova, DFKI Bremen 2010
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwroweLicense : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwroweMaintainer : k.sojakova@jacobs-university.de
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwroweStability : experimental
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwrowePortability : portable
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwrowemodule Framework.Analysis
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwrowe ( anaLogicDef
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwrowe , anaComorphismDef
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwrowe , addLogic2LogicList
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwrowe ) where
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwroweimport Framework.AS
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwroweimport Framework.Logic_Framework
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwroweimport qualified LF.Logic_LF as Logic_LF
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwroweimport qualified Isabelle.Logic_Isabelle as Logic_Isabelle
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwroweimport qualified Maude.Logic_Maude as Logic_Maude
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwroweimport Data.List
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwroweimport Data.Maybe
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwroweimport qualified Data.Map as Map
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwroweimport Static.DevGraph
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwroweimport Static.DgUtils
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwroweimport Static.GTheory
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwroweimport System.Directory
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwroweimport Logic.Grothendieck
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwroweimport Logic.ExtSign
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwroweimport Logic.Logic
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwroweimport Logic.Comorphism
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwroweimport Logic.Coerce
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwroweimport Common.Result
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwroweimport Common.Parsec
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwroweimport Common.AnnoState
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwroweimport Common.Lexer
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwroweimport Common.Token
56e85d89d42a6980f31b800266649efbed338da3wroweimport Common.Id
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwroweimport Common.IRI (iriToStringUnsecure, nullIRI)
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwroweimport Common.Keywords
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwroweimport Common.ExtSign
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwroweimport Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwroweimport LF.Framework ()
94b262d3639149df0b02642a9daa6db8bff58577wrowedynLogicsDir :: FilePath
94b262d3639149df0b02642a9daa6db8bff58577wrowedynLogicsDir = "Comorphisms"
94b262d3639149df0b02642a9daa6db8bff58577wrowedynLogicsFile :: FilePath
94b262d3639149df0b02642a9daa6db8bff58577wrowedynLogicsFile = "DynLogicList.hs"
94b262d3639149df0b02642a9daa6db8bff58577wrowedynLogicsCon :: String
94b262d3639149df0b02642a9daa6db8bff58577wrowedynLogicsCon = "dynLogicList"
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwrowedynComorphismsDir :: FilePath
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwrowedynComorphismsDir = "Comorphisms"
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwrowedynComorphismsFile :: FilePath
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwrowedynComorphismsFile = "DynComorphismList.hs"
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwrowedynComorphismsCon :: String
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwrowedynComorphismsCon = "dynComorphismList"
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwrowe{- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwroweLogic analysis -}
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwrowe-- analyzes a logic definition
5ac28f3fe2417368757f29cf381338357605fd52wroweanaLogicDef :: LogicDef -> DGraph -> IO DGraph
e1ad80c048e29e968221817698529d73098f07a4wroweanaLogicDef ld dg =
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwrowe case meta ld of
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwrowe LF -> anaLogicDefH Logic_LF.LF ld dg
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwrowe Isabelle -> anaLogicDefH Logic_Isabelle.Isabelle ld dg
37ad54b8fd2611b7a4f2b269eec3d27ed784a25dwrowe Maude -> anaLogicDefH Logic_Maude.Maude ld dg
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwroweanaLogicDefH :: LogicalFramework lid sublogics basic_spec sentence symb_items
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwrowe symb_map_items sign morphism symbol raw_symbol
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwrowe proof_tree
94b262d3639149df0b02642a9daa6db8bff58577wrowe => lid -> LogicDef -> DGraph -> IO DGraph
94b262d3639149df0b02642a9daa6db8bff58577wroweanaLogicDefH ml ld dg =
94b262d3639149df0b02642a9daa6db8bff58577wrowe case retrieveDiagram ml ld dg of
94b262d3639149df0b02642a9daa6db8bff58577wrowe Result _ (Just (ltruth, lmod, found, lpf)) -> do
94b262d3639149df0b02642a9daa6db8bff58577wrowe let l = iriToStringUnsecure $ newlogicName ld
94b262d3639149df0b02642a9daa6db8bff58577wrowe buildLogic ml l ltruth lmod found lpf
94b262d3639149df0b02642a9daa6db8bff58577wrowe addLogic2LogicList l
94b262d3639149df0b02642a9daa6db8bff58577wrowe return $ addLogicDef2DG ld dg
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwrowe _ -> error ""
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwrowe{- constructs the diagram in the signature category of the meta logic
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwrowe which represents the object logic -}
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwroweretrieveDiagram :: LogicalFramework lid sublogics basic_spec sentence symb_items
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwrowe symb_map_items sign morphism symbol raw_symbol
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwrowe proof_tree
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwrowe => lid -> LogicDef -> DGraph ->
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwrowe Result (morphism, Maybe morphism,
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwrowe Maybe sign, Maybe morphism)
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwroweretrieveDiagram ml (LogicDef _ _ s m f p _) dg = do
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwrowe ltruth <- lookupMorph ml s dg
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwrowe lmod <- if m == nullIRI
8c8173f49dd7122e10636b3d20ae841551bd0b43wrowe then return Nothing
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwrowe else do v <- lookupMorph ml m dg
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwrowe return $ Just v
1e83c8de3aa48b316b28057d53995272baf1260cwrowe found <- if f == nullIRI
then return Nothing
else do v <- lookupSig ml f dg
return $ Just v
lpf <- if p == nullIRI
then return Nothing
else do v <- lookupMorph ml p dg
return $ Just v
{- if (dom ltruth /= base_sig ml) then
error $ "The morphism " ++ (show s) ++
" must originate from the Base signature for " ++
(show ml) ++ "." else do -}
if isJust lmod && dom (fromJust lmod) /= cod ltruth then
error $ "The morphisms " ++ show s ++
" and " ++ show m ++ " must be composable."
else if isJust lpf && dom (fromJust lpf) /= cod ltruth then
error $ "The morphisms " ++ show s ++
" and " ++ show p ++ " must be composable."
else return (ltruth, lmod, found, lpf)
-- creates a node for the logic definition
addLogicDef2DG :: LogicDef -> DGraph -> DGraph
addLogicDef2DG ld dg =
let node = getNewNodeDG dg
name = newlogicName ld
nodeName = emptyNodeName { getName = name }
info = newNodeInfo DGBasic
extSign = makeExtSign Framework ld
gth = noSensGTheory Framework extSign startSigId
nodeLabel = newInfoNodeLab nodeName info gth
dg1 = insNodeDG (node, nodeLabel) dg
emptyNode = EmptyNode $ Logic Framework
genSig = GenSig emptyNode [] emptyNode
nodeSig = NodeSig node $ G_sign Framework extSign startSigId
gEntry = SpecEntry $ ExtGenSig genSig nodeSig
dg2 = dg1 { globalEnv = Map.insert name gEntry $ globalEnv dg1 }
in dg2
-- constructs the logic instance for the object logic
buildLogic :: LogicalFramework lid sublogics basic_spec sentence symb_items
symb_map_items sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree
=> lid -> String -> morphism -> Maybe morphism ->
Maybe sign -> Maybe morphism -> IO ()
buildLogic ml l ltruth maybeMod _ maybePf = do
exists <- doesDirectoryExist l
if exists then
error $ "The directory " ++ l ++ " already exists.\n" ++
"Please choose a different object logic name." else do
createDirectory l
let logicCl = write_logic ml l
writeFile (l ++ "/" ++ "Logic_" ++ l ++ ".hs") logicCl
let syntaxCl = write_syntax ml l ltruth
writeFile (l ++ "/" ++ "Syntax.hs") syntaxCl
if isNothing maybeMod then
error $ "Please provide a model theory for " ++ l ++ "\n" else do
let modCl = write_model ml l $ fromJust maybeMod
writeFile (l ++ "/" ++ "Model.hs") modCl
if isNothing maybePf then
error $ "Please provide a proof theory for " ++ l ++ "\n" else do
let proofCl = write_proof ml l $ fromJust maybePf
writeFile (l ++ "/" ++ "Proof.hs") proofCl
return ()
-- includes the newly-defined logic in the logic list
addLogic2LogicList :: String -> IO ()
addLogic2LogicList l = do
let file = dynLogicsDir ++ "/" ++ dynLogicsFile
contentsOld <- readFile file
let res = runParser (parser l) (emptyAnnos ()) "" contentsOld
case res of
Right contentsNew -> if isInfixOf ("import " ++ l ++ ".Logic_" ++ l) contentsOld
error $ show $ l ++ " already in DynLogicList"
writeFile file contentsNew
Left er -> error $ show er
{- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Comorphism analysis -}
anaComorphismDef :: ComorphismDef -> DGraph -> IO DGraph
anaComorphismDef cd dg =
case metaC cd of
LF -> anaComorphismDefH Logic_LF.LF cd dg
Isabelle -> anaComorphismDefH Logic_Isabelle.Isabelle cd dg
Maude -> anaComorphismDefH Logic_Maude.Maude cd dg
anaComorphismDefH :: LogicalFramework lid sublogics basic_spec sentence symb_items
symb_map_items sign morphism symbol raw_symbol
=> lid -> ComorphismDef -> DGraph -> IO DGraph
anaComorphismDefH ml (ComorphismDef nc m sL tL sM pM mM) dg =
let c = iriToStringUnsecure nc
s = iriToStringUnsecure sL
t = iriToStringUnsecure tL
in case anaComH ml (ComorphismDef nc m sL tL sM pM mM) dg of
Result _ (Just (symM, pfM, modM)) -> do
buildComorphism ml c s t symM pfM modM
addComorphism2ComorphismList c
return $ addComorphismDef2DG (ComorphismDef nc m sL tL sM pM mM) dg
_ -> error ""
anaComH :: LogicalFramework lid sublogics basic_spec sentence symb_items
symb_map_items sign morphism symbol raw_symbol
=> lid -> ComorphismDef -> DGraph -> Result (morphism,
morphism, morphism)
anaComH ml (ComorphismDef _ _ sL tL sM pM mM) dg =
let sLName = iriToStringUnsecure sL
tLName = iriToStringUnsecure tL
sLSyn = getMorphL ml sLName "Syntax"
sLPf = getMorphL ml sLName "Proof"
sLMod = getMorphL ml sLName "Model"
tLSyn = getMorphL ml tLName "Syntax"
tLPf = getMorphL ml tLName "Proof"
tLMod = getMorphL ml tLName "Model" in do
synM <- lookupMorph ml sM dg
pfM <- lookupMorph ml pM dg
modM <- lookupMorph ml mM dg
if cod sLSyn /= dom synM then error $
"the domain of the syntax morphism has" ++
" to be the syntax of the source logic.\n"
else if cod tLSyn /= cod synM then error $
"the codomain of the syntax morphism has" ++
" to be the syntax of the target logic.\n"
else if cod sLPf /= dom pfM then error $
"the domain of the proof morphism has to be the" ++
" proof theory of the source logic.\n" ++ show (cod sLPf) ++
"\n\n" ++ show (dom pfM) ++ "\n"
else if cod tLPf /= cod pfM then error $
"the codomain of the proof morphism has" ++
" to be the proof theory of the target logic.\n"
else if cod sLMod /= dom modM
then error $ "the domain of the model morphism" ++
" has to be the model theory of the source logic.\n"
++ show (cod sLMod) ++ "\n" ++ show (dom modM)
++ "\n"
else if cod tLMod /= cod modM then error $
"the codomain of the model morphism has" ++
" to be the model theory of the target logic.\n"
else case (composeMorphisms synM tLPf,
composeMorphisms sLPf pfM) of
(Result _ comM1, Result _ comM2) ->
if comM1 /= comM2 then error $
"the syntax - proof diagram does" ++
" not commute.\n"
else case (composeMorphisms synM tLMod,
composeMorphisms sLPf modM) of
(Result _ comM3, Result _ comM4) ->
if comM3 /= comM4 then error $
"the syntax - model diagram" ++
" does not commute.\n"
else return (synM, pfM, modM)
getMorphL :: LogicalFramework lid sublogics basic_spec sentence symb_items
symb_map_items sign morphism symbol raw_symbol
=> lid -> String -> String -> morphism
getMorphL ml logicName fileName =
let file = logicName ++ "/" ++ fileName ++ ".hs"
in read_morphism ml file
addComorphismDef2DG :: ComorphismDef -> DGraph -> DGraph
addComorphismDef2DG cd dg =
let node = getNewNodeDG dg
name = newcomorphismName cd
nodeName = emptyNodeName { getName = name }
info = newNodeInfo DGBasic
extSign = makeExtSign FrameworkCom cd
gth = noSensGTheory FrameworkCom extSign startSigId
nodeLabel = newInfoNodeLab nodeName info gth
dg1 = insNodeDG (node, nodeLabel) dg
emptyNode = EmptyNode $ Logic FrameworkCom
genSig = GenSig emptyNode [] emptyNode
nodeSig = NodeSig node $ G_sign FrameworkCom extSign startSigId
gEntry = SpecEntry $ ExtGenSig genSig nodeSig
dg2 = dg1 { globalEnv = Map.insert name gEntry $ globalEnv dg1 }
in dg2
buildComorphism :: LogicalFramework lid sublogics basic_spec sentence symb_items
symb_map_items sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree
=> lid -> String -> String -> String
-> morphism -> morphism -> morphism -> IO ()
buildComorphism ml c s t synM pfM modM = do
exists <- doesFileExist ("Comorphisms" ++ "/" ++ c ++ ".hs")
if exists
then error $ "The comorphism " ++ c ++ "already exists.\n"
else do
let comorphismC = write_comorphism ml c s t synM pfM modM
writeFile ("Comorphisms" ++ "/" ++ c ++ ".hs") comorphismC
return ()
addComorphism2ComorphismList :: String -> IO ()
addComorphism2ComorphismList c = do
let file = dynComorphismsDir ++ "/" ++ dynComorphismsFile
contentsOld <- readFile file
let res = runParser (parserc c) (emptyAnnos ()) "" contentsOld -- !!
case res of
Right contentsNew -> writeFile file contentsNew
Left er -> error $ show er
{- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Auxiliary functions -}
-- looks up a signature by name
lookupSig :: Logic lid sublogics basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree
=> lid -> SIG_NAME -> DGraph -> Result sign
lookupSig l n dg = do
let extSig = case lookupGlobalEnvDG n dg of
Just (SpecEntry es) -> es
_ -> error $ "The signature " ++ show n ++
" could not be found."
case extSig of
ExtGenSig _ (NodeSig _ (G_sign l' (ExtSign sig _) _)) ->
if Logic l /= Logic l'
then error $ "The signature " ++ show n ++
" is not in the logic " ++ show l ++ "."
else coercePlainSign l' l "" sig
-- looks up a morphism by name
lookupMorph :: Logic lid sublogics basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree
=> lid -> MORPH_NAME -> DGraph -> Result morphism
lookupMorph l n dg = do
let extView = case lookupGlobalEnvDG n dg of
Just (ViewOrStructEntry _ ev) -> ev
_ -> error $ "The morphism " ++ show n ++
" could not be found."
case extView of
ExtViewSig _ (GMorphism c _ _ morph _) _ -> do
let l' = targetLogic c
if Logic l /= Logic l'
then error $ "The morphism " ++ show n ++
" is not in the logic " ++ show l ++ "."
else coerceMorphism l' l "" morph
parser :: String -> AParser st String
parser l = do
let l_imp = "import " ++ l ++ "." ++ "Logic_" ++ l
let l_log = "Logic " ++ l
header <- skipUntil "module"
mod_decl <- do m <- asStr "module"
n <- moduleName
w <- asStr "where"
return $ unwords [m, n, w]
imps <- many1 $ do
i <- asStr "import"
n <- moduleName
return $ unwords [i, n]
log_var_decl <- do v <- asStr dynLogicsCon
s <- asStr "::"
t <- do oBracketT
asStr "AnyLogic"
return "[AnyLogic]"
return $ unwords [v, s, t]
log_var_def <- do v <- asStr dynLogicsCon
s <- asStr "="
return $ unwords [v, s]
log_list <- do oBracketT
(do cBracketT
return [])
do (xs, _) <- logParser `separatedBy` commaT
return xs
return $ header ++ mod_decl ++ "\n\n" ++
intercalate "\n" (imps ++ [l_imp]) ++ "\n\n" ++
log_var_decl ++ "\n" ++ log_var_def ++ " " ++ "[" ++
intercalate ", " (log_list ++ [l_log]) ++ "]"
parserc :: String -> AParser st String
parserc c = do
let com_imp = "import " ++ "Comorphisms." ++ c
let com_c = "Comorphism " ++ c
header <- skipUntil "module"
mod_decl <- do m <- asStr "module"
n <- moduleName
w <- asStr "where"
return $ unwords [m, n, w]
imps <- many1 $ do
i <- asStr "import"
n <- moduleName
return $ unwords [i, n]
com_var_decl <- do v <- asStr dynComorphismsCon
s <- asStr "::"
t <- do oBracketT
asStr "AnyComorphism"
return "[AnyComorphism]"
return $ unwords [v, s, t]
com_var_def <- do v <- asStr dynComorphismsCon
s <- asStr "="
return $ unwords [v, s]
com_list <- do oBracketT
(do cBracketT
return [])
do (xs, _) <- comParser `separatedBy` commaT
return xs
return $ header ++ mod_decl ++ "\n\n" ++
intercalate "\n" (imps ++ [com_imp]) ++ "\n\n" ++
com_var_decl ++ "\n" ++
com_var_def ++ " " ++ "[" ++
intercalate ", " (com_list ++ [com_c]) ++ "]"
skipUntil :: String -> AParser st String
skipUntil lim = do
res <- many $ reserved [lim] (many1 $ noneOf whiteChars) <|>
many1 (oneOf whiteChars)
return $ concat res
asStr :: String -> AParser st String
asStr x = do
res <- asKey x
return $ tokStr res
moduleName :: AParser st String
moduleName = do
m <- simpleId
n <- simpleId
return $ tokStr m ++ "." ++ tokStr n
logParser :: AParser st String
logParser = do
l <- asKey "Logic"
n <- simpleId
return $ tokStr l ++ " " ++ tokStr n
comParser :: AParser st String
comParser = do
c <- asKey "Comorphism"
n <- simpleId
return $ tokStr c ++ " " ++ tokStr n