AS.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Abstract syntax for logic definitions
Copyright : (c) Kristina Sojakova, DFKI Bremen 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
module Framework.AS where
import Common.Id
import Common.IRI (IRI)
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Keywords
type NAME = IRI
type PATTERN_NAME = Token
data FRAM = LF | Isabelle | Maude deriving (Ord, Eq, Show)
data LogicDef = LogicDef
{ -- the name of the object logic
newlogicName :: NAME,
-- the framework used for defining the object logic
meta :: FRAM,
{- name of the morphism specifying the sentences and truth judgement of the
object logic -}
syntax :: MORPH_NAME,
-- name of the morphism specifying the model category of the object logic
models :: MORPH_NAME,
-- the foundation used to construct the model theory of the object logic
foundation :: SIG_NAME,
-- name of the morphism specifying the proof category of the object logic
proofs :: MORPH_NAME,
-- name of the pattern specifying the signature category of the object logic
patterns :: PATTERN_NAME
} deriving (Ord, Eq, Show)
data ComorphismDef = ComorphismDef
{ -- the name of the comorphism
newcomorphismName :: NAME,
-- the framework used for defining the comorphism
metaC :: FRAM,
-- name of the source logic
source :: SIG_NAME,
-- name of the target logic
target :: SIG_NAME,
{- name of the morphism between the syntax of the source logic and
the syntax of the target logic -}
syntaxC :: MORPH_NAME,
{- name of the morphism between the model category of the source logic and
the model category of the target logic -}
modelC :: MORPH_NAME,
{- name of the morphism between the proof category of the source logic and
the proof category of the target logic -}
proofC :: MORPH_NAME
} deriving (Ord, Eq, Show)
instance GetRange LogicDef
instance GetRange ComorphismDef
instance Pretty LogicDef where
pretty = printLogicDef
instance Pretty ComorphismDef where
pretty = printComorphismDef
instance Pretty FRAM where
pretty = printFram
printLogicDef :: LogicDef -> Doc
printLogicDef (LogicDef l ml s m f p pa) =
vcat [ text newlogicS <+> pretty l
, text " " <+> text metaS <+> pretty ml
, text " " <+> text syntaxS <+> pretty s
, text " " <+> text modelsS <+> pretty m
, text " " <+> text foundationS <+> pretty f
, text " " <+> text proofsS <+> pretty p
, text " " <+> text patternsS <+> pretty pa
printComorphismDef :: ComorphismDef -> Doc
printComorphismDef (ComorphismDef c ml sl tl s m p) =
vcat [ text newcomorphismS <+> pretty c
, text " " <+> text metaS <+> pretty ml
, text " " <+> text sourceS <+> pretty sl
, text " " <+> text targetS <+> pretty tl
, text " " <+> text syntaxS <+> pretty s
, text " " <+> text modelsS <+> pretty m
, text " " <+> text proofsS <+> pretty p
printFram :: FRAM -> Doc
printFram LF = text "LF"
printFram Isabelle = text "Isabelle"
printFram Maude = text "Maude"