Sign.hs revision e7ddd5495421698701a2bbc57a5b3390a11d12ca
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : signatures for FPL
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder, DFKI GmbH 2011
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
signature extension for FPL to keep track of constructors
module Fpl.Sign where
import Fpl.As
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Id
import Common.Keywords
import qualified Common.Lib.MapSet as MapSet
import CASL.Sign
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.ToDoc
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.List
import Data.Ord
boolSort :: Id
boolSort = stringToId "Bool"
trueC :: Id
trueC = stringToId trueS
falseC :: Id
falseC = stringToId falseS
boolType :: OpType
boolType = sortToOpType boolSort
data SignExt = SignExt
{ constr :: OpMap }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance Pretty SignExt where
pretty es = let nr = nullRange in case
groupBy (\ (_, c1) (_, c2) -> opRes c1 == opRes c2)
$ sortBy (comparing (opRes . snd))
$ mapSetToList $ constr es of
[] -> empty
l -> topSigKey (sortS ++ appendS l) <+> sepBySemis
(map (\ g -> printDD
(Datatype_decl (opRes $ snd $ head g)
(map (\ (i, t) -> emptyAnno $
Alt_construct Total i (map Sort $ opArgs t) nr)
g) nr)) l)
emptyFplSign :: SignExt
emptyFplSign = SignExt MapSet.empty
diffFplSign :: SignExt -> SignExt -> SignExt
diffFplSign a b = a
{ constr = constr a `diffOpMapSet` constr b }
addFplSign :: SignExt -> SignExt -> SignExt
addFplSign a b = a
{ constr = addOpMapSet (constr a) $ constr b }
interFplSign :: SignExt -> SignExt -> SignExt
interFplSign a b = a
{ constr = interOpMapSet (constr a) $ constr b }
isSubFplSign :: SignExt -> SignExt -> Bool
isSubFplSign s1 s2 = isSubOpMap (constr s1) (constr s2)
type FplSign = Sign TermExt SignExt
addBools :: OpMap -> OpMap
addBools = addOpTo falseC boolType . addOpTo trueC boolType
addConsts :: SignExt -> SignExt
addConsts s = s { constr = addBools $ constr s }
addBuiltins :: FplSign -> FplSign
addBuiltins s = s { sortSet = Set.insert boolSort $ sortSet s
, opMap = addBools $ opMap s
, extendedInfo = addConsts $ extendedInfo s }
delBuiltins :: FplSign -> FplSign
delBuiltins s = diffSig diffFplSign s $ addBuiltins $ emptySign emptyFplSign