StatAna.hs revision e00f5b4d89ac027e883461aab6248e33ad10ae8e
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : DFKI GmbH 2009
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
static analysis of modal logic parts
module ExtModal.StatAna where
import ExtModal.AS_ExtModal
import ExtModal.Print_AS ()
import ExtModal.ExtModalSign
import CASL.Sign
import CASL.MixfixParser
import CASL.StaticAna
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.ShowMixfix
import CASL.Overload
import CASL.Quantification
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.Keywords
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Common.Lib.State
import Common.Id
import Common.Result
import Common.ExtSign
import qualified Data.List as List
instance FreeVars EM_FORMULA where
freeVarsOfExt sign ( BoxOrDiamond _ _ _ _ f _ ) = freeVars sign f
freeVarsOfExt sign ( Hybrid _ _ f _ ) = freeVars sign f
freeVarsOfExt sign ( UntilSince _ f1 f2 _ ) = Set.union
(freeVars sign f1) (freeVars sign f2)
freeVarsOfExt sign ( PathQuantification _ f _ ) = freeVars sign f
freeVarsOfExt sign ( StateQuantification _ _ f _ ) = freeVars sign f
freeVarsOfExt sign ( NextY _ f _ ) = freeVars sign f
freeVarsOfExt sign ( FixedPoint _ _ f _ ) = freeVars sign f
instance TermExtension EM_FORMULA where
optTermSort = const Nothing
, Sign EM_FORMULA EModalSign, GlobalAnnos)
, ExtSign (Sign EM_FORMULA EModalSign) Symbol
basicEModalAnalysis =
basicAnalysis frmTypeAna basItemStatAna sigItemStatAna mixfixAna
frmTypeAna :: Min EM_FORMULA EModalSign
frmTypeAna sign form = let
checkMod term_mod = case term_mod of
Simple_modality s_id ->
if tokStr s_id == emptyS
|| Map.member s_id (modalities $ extendedInfo sign)
then return $ Simple_modality s_id
else Result [mkDiag Error "unknown modality" s_id]
$ Just $ Simple_modality s_id
Composition md1 md2 -> do
new_md1 <- checkMod md1
new_md2 <- checkMod md2
return $ Composition new_md1 new_md2
Union md1 md2 -> do
new_md1 <- checkMod md1
new_md2 <- checkMod md2
return $ Union new_md1 new_md2
TransitiveClosure md -> fmap TransitiveClosure $ checkMod md
Guard frm -> fmap Guard $ minExpFORMULA frmTypeAna sign frm
in case form of
BoxOrDiamond choice md leq_geq number f pos -> do
new_md <- checkMod md
new_f <- minExpFORMULA frmTypeAna sign f
if number >= 0
then return $ BoxOrDiamond choice new_md leq_geq number new_f pos
else Result [mkDiag Error "negative number grading" number]
$ Just $ BoxOrDiamond choice new_md leq_geq number new_f pos
Hybrid choice nm f pos -> do
new_f <- minExpFORMULA frmTypeAna sign f
let id_of_nom ( Nominal sid ) = sid
if Set.member (id_of_nom nm) (nominals $ extendedInfo sign)
then return $ Hybrid choice nm new_f pos
else Result [mkDiag Error "unknown nominal" nm]
$ Just $ Hybrid choice nm new_f pos
UntilSince choice f1 f2 pos -> do
new_f1 <- minExpFORMULA frmTypeAna sign f1
new_f2 <- minExpFORMULA frmTypeAna sign f2
return $ UntilSince choice new_f1 new_f2 pos
PathQuantification choice f pos -> do
new_f <- minExpFORMULA frmTypeAna sign f
return $ PathQuantification choice new_f pos
StateQuantification t_dir choice f pos -> do
new_f <- minExpFORMULA frmTypeAna sign f
return $ StateQuantification t_dir choice new_f pos
NextY choice f pos -> do
new_f <- minExpFORMULA frmTypeAna sign f
return $ NextY choice new_f pos
FixedPoint choice fpvar f pos -> do
new_f <- minExpFORMULA frmTypeAna sign f
return $ FixedPoint choice fpvar new_f pos
basItemStatAna mix basic_item = case basic_item of
Simple_mod_decl is_time anno_list forms pos -> do
mapM_ ( (updateExtInfo . preAddMod) . item ) anno_list
new_forms <- mapAnM (ana_FORMULA mix) forms
res_forms <- mapAnM (return . fst) new_forms
ana_forms <- mapAnM (return . snd) new_forms
mapM_ ( (updateExtInfo . addMod ana_forms) . item ) anno_list
if not is_time
then return $ Simple_mod_decl is_time anno_list res_forms pos
else do
mapM_ ( (updateExtInfo . addTimeMod ) . item ) anno_list
return $ Simple_mod_decl is_time anno_list res_forms pos
Nominal_decl anno_list pos -> do
mapM_ ( (updateExtInfo . addNom) . item ) anno_list
return $ Nominal_decl anno_list pos
addTimeMod :: SIMPLE_ID -> EModalSign -> Result EModalSign
addTimeMod tmi sgn = let tm = time_modalities sgn in
if Set.member tmi tm
then Result [mkDiag Hint "repeated time modality" tmi] $ Just sgn
else if Set.size tm >= 1
then Result [mkDiag Hint "more than one time modality" tmi] $ Just sgn
else return sgn { time_modalities = Set.insert tmi tm }
preAddMod :: SIMPLE_ID -> EModalSign -> Result EModalSign
preAddMod mi sgn =
let m = modalities sgn in
if Map.member mi m then
Result [mkDiag Hint "repeated modality" mi] $ Just sgn
else return sgn { modalities = Map.insert mi [] m }
addMod :: [AnEModForm] -> SIMPLE_ID -> EModalSign -> Result EModalSign
addMod forms mi sgn = return sgn
{ modalities = Map.insertWith List.union mi forms $ modalities sgn }
addNom :: SIMPLE_ID -> EModalSign -> Result EModalSign
addNom ni sgn =
let n = nominals sgn in
if Set.member ni n then
Result [mkDiag Hint "repeated nominal" ni] $ Just sgn
else return sgn { nominals = Set.insert ni n }
sigItemStatAna mix sig_item = case sig_item of
Rigid_op_items rig ann_list pos -> do
new_list <- mapM (ana_OP_ITEM frmTypeAna mix) ann_list
case rig of
Rigid -> mapM_ ( \ nlitem -> case item nlitem of
Op_decl ops typ _ _ ->
mapM_ (updateExtInfo . addRigidOp (toOpType typ)) ops
Op_defn op hd _ _ ->
updateExtInfo $ addRigidOp (toOpType $ headToType hd) op
) new_list
_ -> return ()
return $ Rigid_op_items rig new_list pos
Rigid_pred_items rig ann_list pos -> do
new_list <- mapM (ana_PRED_ITEM frmTypeAna mix) ann_list
case rig of
Rigid -> mapM_ ( \ nlitem -> case item nlitem of
Pred_decl preds typ _ ->
mapM_ (updateExtInfo . addRigidPred (toPredType typ) ) preds
Pred_defn prd (Pred_head args _ ) _ _ ->
updateExtInfo $ addRigidPred (PredType $ sortsOfArgs args) prd
) new_list
_ -> return ()
return $ Rigid_pred_items rig new_list pos
addRigidOp :: OpType -> Id -> EModalSign -> Result EModalSign
addRigidOp typ i sgn = return
sgn { rigidOps = addOpTo i typ $ rigidOps sgn }
addRigidPred :: PredType -> Id -> EModalSign -> Result EModalSign
addRigidPred typ i sgn = return
sgn { rigidPreds = let old_rpreds = rigidPreds sgn in
Map.insert i
(Set.insert typ $ Map.findWithDefault Set.empty i old_rpreds)
mixfixAna = emptyMix
{ getSigIds = extraSigItems
, putParen = parenExtForm
, mixResolve = resolveExtForm
extraSigItems :: EM_SIG_ITEM -> IdSets
extraSigItems s = let e = Set.empty in case s of
Rigid_op_items _ annoted_list _ ->
(unite2 $ map (ids_OP_ITEM . item) annoted_list, e)
Rigid_pred_items _ annoted_list _ ->
((e, e), Set.unions $ map (ids_PRED_ITEM . item) annoted_list)
parenExtForm :: EM_FORMULA -> EM_FORMULA
parenExtForm (BoxOrDiamond choice md leq_geq nr frm pos) =
BoxOrDiamond choice md leq_geq nr (mapFormula parenExtForm frm) pos
parenExtForm (Hybrid choice nom frm pos) =
Hybrid choice nom (mapFormula parenExtForm frm) pos
parenExtForm (UntilSince choice f1 f2 pos) =
UntilSince choice (mapFormula parenExtForm f1)
(mapFormula parenExtForm f2) pos
parenExtForm (PathQuantification choice frm pos) =
PathQuantification choice (mapFormula parenExtForm frm) pos
parenExtForm (StateQuantification t_dir choice frm pos) =
StateQuantification t_dir choice (mapFormula parenExtForm frm) pos
parenExtForm (NextY choice frm pos) =
NextY choice (mapFormula parenExtForm frm) pos
parenExtForm (FixedPoint choice fpvar frm pos) =
FixedPoint choice fpvar (mapFormula parenExtForm frm) pos
resolveExtForm :: MixResolve EM_FORMULA
resolveExtForm ga ids f = case f of
BoxOrDiamond choice ms leq_geq nr frm pos -> do
new_frm <- resolveMixFrm parenExtForm resolveExtForm ga ids frm
return $ BoxOrDiamond choice ms leq_geq nr new_frm pos
Hybrid choice nom frm pos -> do
new_frm <- resolveMixFrm parenExtForm resolveExtForm ga ids frm
return $ Hybrid choice nom new_frm pos
UntilSince choice f1 f2 pos -> do
new_f1 <- resolveMixFrm parenExtForm resolveExtForm ga ids f1
new_f2 <- resolveMixFrm parenExtForm resolveExtForm ga ids f2
return $ UntilSince choice new_f1 new_f2 pos
PathQuantification choice frm pos -> do
new_frm <- resolveMixFrm parenExtForm resolveExtForm ga ids frm
return $ PathQuantification choice new_frm pos
StateQuantification t_dir choice frm pos -> do
new_frm <- resolveMixFrm parenExtForm resolveExtForm ga ids frm
return $ StateQuantification t_dir choice new_frm pos
NextY choice frm pos -> do
new_frm <- resolveMixFrm parenExtForm resolveExtForm ga ids frm
return $ NextY choice new_frm pos
FixedPoint choice fpvar frm pos -> do
new_frm <- resolveMixFrm parenExtForm resolveExtForm ga ids frm
return $ FixedPoint choice fpvar new_frm pos
ana_FORMULA mix f = do
let ps = map (mkId . (: [])) $ Set.toList $ getFormPredToks f
pm <- gets predMap
mapM_ (addPred (emptyAnno ()) $ PredType []) ps
newGa <- gets globAnnos
let Result es m = resolveFormula parenExtForm
resolveExtForm newGa (mixRules mix) f
addDiags es
e <- get
phi <- case m of
Nothing -> return (f, f)
Just r -> do
n <- resultToState (minExpFORMULA frmTypeAna e) r
return (r, n)
e2 <- get
put e2 {predMap = pm}
return phi
getFormPredToks :: FORMULA EM_FORMULA -> Set.Set Token
getFormPredToks frm = case frm of
Quantification _ _ f _ -> getFormPredToks f
Conjunction fs _ -> Set.unions $ map getFormPredToks fs
Disjunction fs _ -> Set.unions $ map getFormPredToks fs
Implication f1 f2 _ _ ->
Set.union (getFormPredToks f1) $ getFormPredToks f2
Equivalence f1 f2 _ ->
Set.union (getFormPredToks f1) $ getFormPredToks f2
Negation f _ -> getFormPredToks f
Mixfix_formula (Mixfix_token t) -> Set.singleton t
Mixfix_formula t -> getTermPredToks t
ExtFORMULA (BoxOrDiamond _ _ _ _ f _) -> getFormPredToks f
ExtFORMULA (Hybrid _ _ f _ ) -> getFormPredToks f
ExtFORMULA (UntilSince _ f1 f2 _ ) ->
Set.union (getFormPredToks f1) (getFormPredToks f2)
ExtFORMULA (NextY _ f _ ) -> getFormPredToks f
ExtFORMULA (PathQuantification _ f _ ) -> getFormPredToks f
ExtFORMULA (StateQuantification _ _ f _ ) -> getFormPredToks f
ExtFORMULA (FixedPoint _ _ f _ ) -> getFormPredToks f
Predication _ ts _ -> Set.unions $ map getTermPredToks ts
Definedness t _ -> getTermPredToks t
Existl_equation t1 t2 _ ->
Set.union (getTermPredToks t1) $ getTermPredToks t2
Strong_equation t1 t2 _ ->
Set.union (getTermPredToks t1) $ getTermPredToks t2
Membership t _ _ -> getTermPredToks t
_ -> Set.empty
getTermPredToks :: TERM EM_FORMULA -> Set.Set Token
getTermPredToks trm = case trm of
Application _ ts _ -> Set.unions $ map getTermPredToks ts
Sorted_term t _ _ -> getTermPredToks t
Cast t _ _ -> getTermPredToks t
Conditional t1 f t2 _ -> Set.union (getTermPredToks t1) $
Set.union (getFormPredToks f) $ getTermPredToks t2
Mixfix_term ts -> Set.unions $ map getTermPredToks ts
Mixfix_parenthesized ts _ -> Set.unions $ map getTermPredToks ts
Mixfix_bracketed ts _ -> Set.unions $ map getTermPredToks ts
Mixfix_braced ts _ -> Set.unions $ map getTermPredToks ts
_ -> Set.empty