StatAna.hs revision b5fc3c116b803863fe86b55bb75b164d4029c696
fdbad18e66c0e293f94694458d47df305f050c71Christian Maeder{- |
fdbad18e66c0e293f94694458d47df305f050c71Christian MaederModule : $Header$
fdbad18e66c0e293f94694458d47df305f050c71Christian MaederCopyright : DFKI GmbH 2009
fdbad18e66c0e293f94694458d47df305f050c71Christian MaederLicense : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
5214cf3742dc626a7efc5ec851db09bf0ff1f579Christian Maeder
e973af819c2fb17f426944c8c4cfa00de5cd81a1Christian MaederMaintainer :
b96b500ba4430269d97a08f07de87838278e9c5dChristian MaederStability : experimental
b96b500ba4430269d97a08f07de87838278e9c5dChristian MaederPortability : portable
e973af819c2fb17f426944c8c4cfa00de5cd81a1Christian Maeder
5214cf3742dc626a7efc5ec851db09bf0ff1f579Christian Maederstatic analysis of modal logic parts
5214cf3742dc626a7efc5ec851db09bf0ff1f579Christian Maeder-}
5214cf3742dc626a7efc5ec851db09bf0ff1f579Christian Maeder
module ExtModal.StatAna where
import ExtModal.AS_ExtModal
import ExtModal.Print_AS ()
import ExtModal.ExtModalSign
import CASL.Sign
import CASL.MixfixParser
import CASL.StaticAna
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.ShowMixfix
import CASL.Overload
import CASL.Quantification
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.Keywords
import Common.Lib.State
import Common.Id
import Common.Result
import Common.ExtSign
import qualified Common.Lib.MapSet as MapSet
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Control.Monad
instance TermExtension EM_FORMULA where
freeVarsOfExt sign frm = case frm of
BoxOrDiamond _ _ _ _ f _ -> freeVars sign f
Hybrid _ _ f _ -> freeVars sign f
UntilSince _ f1 f2 _ -> Set.union (freeVars sign f1) $ freeVars sign f2
PathQuantification _ f _ -> freeVars sign f
StateQuantification _ _ f _ -> freeVars sign f
NextY _ f _ -> freeVars sign f
FixedPoint _ _ f _ -> freeVars sign f
ModForm (ModDefn _ _ _ afs _) ->
Set.unions $ map (freeVars sign . item) afs
, Sign EM_FORMULA EModalSign, GlobalAnnos)
, ExtSign (Sign EM_FORMULA EModalSign) Symbol
basicEModalAnalysis =
basicAnalysis frmTypeAna basItemStatAna sigItemStatAna mixfixAna
frmTypeAna :: Min EM_FORMULA EModalSign
frmTypeAna sign form = let
checkMod term_mod = case term_mod of
SimpleMod s_id ->
if tokStr s_id == emptyS
|| Set.member (simpleIdToId s_id) (modalities $ extendedInfo sign)
then return $ SimpleMod s_id
else Result [mkDiag Error "unknown modality" s_id]
$ Just $ SimpleMod s_id
ModOp o md1 md2 -> do
new_md1 <- checkMod md1
new_md2 <- checkMod md2
return $ ModOp o new_md1 new_md2
TransClos md -> fmap TransClos $ checkMod md
Guard frm -> fmap Guard $ minExpFORMULA frmTypeAna sign frm
TermMod t -> let
ms = modalities $ extendedInfo sign
r = do
t2 <- oneExpTerm frmTypeAna sign t
let srt = sortOfTerm t2
trm = TermMod t2
if Set.member srt ms
then return trm
else Result [mkDiag Error
("unknown term modality sort '"
++ showId srt "' for term") t ]
$ Just trm
in case t of
Mixfix_token tm ->
if Set.member (simpleIdToId tm) ms
|| tokStr tm == emptyS
then return $ SimpleMod tm
else Result
[mkDiag Error "unknown modality" tm]
$ Just $ SimpleMod tm
Application (Op_name (Id [tm] [] _)) [] _ ->
if Set.member (simpleIdToId tm) ms
then return $ SimpleMod tm
else r
_ -> r
in case form of
BoxOrDiamond choice md leq_geq number f pos -> do
new_md <- checkMod md
new_f <- minExpFORMULA frmTypeAna sign f
if number >= 0
then return $ BoxOrDiamond choice new_md leq_geq number new_f pos
else Result [mkDiag Error "negative number grading" number]
$ Just $ BoxOrDiamond choice new_md leq_geq number new_f pos
Hybrid choice nm f pos -> do
new_f <- minExpFORMULA frmTypeAna sign f
if Set.member nm (nominals $ extendedInfo sign)
then return $ Hybrid choice nm new_f pos
else Result [mkDiag Error "unknown nominal" nm]
$ Just $ Hybrid choice nm new_f pos
UntilSince choice f1 f2 pos -> do
new_f1 <- minExpFORMULA frmTypeAna sign f1
new_f2 <- minExpFORMULA frmTypeAna sign f2
return $ UntilSince choice new_f1 new_f2 pos
PathQuantification choice f pos -> do
new_f <- minExpFORMULA frmTypeAna sign f
return $ PathQuantification choice new_f pos
StateQuantification t_dir choice f pos -> do
new_f <- minExpFORMULA frmTypeAna sign f
return $ StateQuantification t_dir choice new_f pos
NextY choice f pos -> do
new_f <- minExpFORMULA frmTypeAna sign f
return $ NextY choice new_f pos
FixedPoint choice fpvar f pos -> do
new_f <- minExpFORMULA frmTypeAna sign f
return $ FixedPoint choice fpvar new_f pos
ModForm (ModDefn is_time isTerm anno_list forms pos) -> do
new_forms <- mapAnM (minExpFORMULA frmTypeAna sign) forms
return $ ModForm $ ModDefn is_time isTerm anno_list new_forms pos
modItemStatAna mix (ModDefn is_time isTerm anno_list forms pos) = do
mapM_ ( (updateExtInfo . addMod) . item ) anno_list
new_forms <- mapAnM (ana_FORMULA mix) forms
let res_forms = map (fmap fst) new_forms
ana_forms = map (fmap snd) new_forms
unless (null forms)
$ addSentences [makeNamed "" $ ExtFORMULA $ ModForm
$ ModDefn is_time isTerm anno_list ana_forms pos]
when is_time $ mapM_ ( (updateExtInfo . addTimeMod ) . item ) anno_list
when isTerm $ do
sig <- get
mapM_ ( (updateExtInfo . addTermMod sig) . item ) anno_list
return $ ModDefn is_time isTerm anno_list res_forms pos
basItemStatAna mix basic_item = case basic_item of
ModItem md -> fmap ModItem $ modItemStatAna mix md
Nominal_decl anno_list pos -> do
mapM_ (updateExtInfo . addNom . item) anno_list
mapM_ (addPred (emptyAnno ()) (PredType []) . mkId . (: []) . item)
return $ Nominal_decl anno_list pos
addTermMod :: Sign f e -> Id -> EModalSign -> Result EModalSign
addTermMod fullSign tmi sgn = let
tm = termMods sgn
srts = sortSet fullSign
in if Set.member tmi srts then
if Set.member tmi tm
then Result [mkDiag Hint "repeated term modality" tmi] $ Just sgn
else let sps = Set.difference tm $ supersortsOf tmi fullSign in
if Set.null sps
then return sgn { termMods = Set.insert tmi tm }
else Result [mkDiag Warning
("term modality known for supersorts " ++ showDoc sps "")
tmi] $ Just sgn
else Result [mkDiag Error "unknown sort in term modality" tmi] $ Just sgn
addTimeMod :: Id -> EModalSign -> Result EModalSign
addTimeMod tmi sgn = let tm = time_modalities sgn in
if Set.member tmi tm
then Result [mkDiag Hint "repeated time modality" tmi] $ Just sgn
else if Set.size tm >= 1
then Result [mkDiag Hint "more than one time modality" tmi] $ Just sgn
else return sgn { time_modalities = Set.insert tmi tm }
addMod :: Id -> EModalSign -> Result EModalSign
addMod mi sgn =
let m = modalities sgn in
if Set.member mi m then
Result [mkDiag Hint "repeated modality" mi] $ Just sgn
else return sgn { modalities = Set.insert mi m }
addNom :: SIMPLE_ID -> EModalSign -> Result EModalSign
addNom ni sgn =
let n = nominals sgn in
if Set.member ni n then
Result [mkDiag Hint "repeated nominal" ni] $ Just sgn
else return sgn { nominals = Set.insert ni n }
sigItemStatAna mix sig_item = case sig_item of
Rigid_op_items rig ann_list pos -> do
new_list <- mapM (ana_OP_ITEM frmTypeAna mix) ann_list
when rig $ mapM_
(\ nlitem -> case item nlitem of
Op_decl ops typ _ _ ->
mapM_ (updateExtInfo . addRigidOp (toOpType typ)) ops
Op_defn op hd _ _ -> maybe (return ())
(\ ty -> updateExtInfo $ addRigidOp (toOpType ty) op)
$ headToType hd
) new_list
return $ Rigid_op_items rig new_list pos
Rigid_pred_items rig ann_list pos -> do
new_list <- mapM (ana_PRED_ITEM frmTypeAna mix) ann_list
when rig $ mapM_ ( \ nlitem -> case item nlitem of
Pred_decl preds typ _ ->
mapM_ (updateExtInfo . addRigidPred (toPredType typ) ) preds
Pred_defn prd (Pred_head args _ ) _ _ ->
updateExtInfo $ addRigidPred (PredType $ sortsOfArgs args) prd
) new_list
return $ Rigid_pred_items rig new_list pos
addRigidOp :: OpType -> Id -> EModalSign -> Result EModalSign
addRigidOp typ i sgn = return
sgn { rigidOps = addOpTo i typ $ rigidOps sgn }
addRigidPred :: PredType -> Id -> EModalSign -> Result EModalSign
addRigidPred typ i sgn = return
sgn { rigidPreds = MapSet.insert i typ $ rigidPreds sgn }
mixfixAna = emptyMix
{ getSigIds = extraSigItems
, putParen = parenExtForm
, mixResolve = resolveExtForm
extraSigItems :: EM_SIG_ITEM -> IdSets
extraSigItems s = let e = Set.empty in case s of
Rigid_op_items _ annoted_list _ ->
(unite2 $ map (ids_OP_ITEM . item) annoted_list, e)
Rigid_pred_items _ annoted_list _ ->
((e, e), Set.unions $ map (ids_PRED_ITEM . item) annoted_list)
parenMod m = case m of
ModOp o md1 md2 -> ModOp o (parenMod md1) $ parenMod md2
TransClos md -> TransClos $ parenMod md
Guard frm -> Guard $ mapFormula parenExtForm frm
TermMod t -> TermMod $ mapTerm parenExtForm t
_ -> m
parenExtForm :: EM_FORMULA -> EM_FORMULA
parenExtForm f = case f of
BoxOrDiamond choice md leq_geq nr frm pos ->
BoxOrDiamond choice (parenMod md) leq_geq nr
(mapFormula parenExtForm frm) pos
Hybrid choice nom frm pos ->
Hybrid choice nom (mapFormula parenExtForm frm) pos
UntilSince choice f1 f2 pos ->
UntilSince choice (mapFormula parenExtForm f1)
(mapFormula parenExtForm f2) pos
PathQuantification choice frm pos ->
PathQuantification choice (mapFormula parenExtForm frm) pos
StateQuantification t_dir choice frm pos ->
StateQuantification t_dir choice (mapFormula parenExtForm frm) pos
NextY choice frm pos ->
NextY choice (mapFormula parenExtForm frm) pos
FixedPoint choice fpvar frm pos ->
FixedPoint choice fpvar (mapFormula parenExtForm frm) pos
ModForm (ModDefn ti te is fs pos) -> ModForm $ ModDefn
ti te is (map (fmap $ mapFormula parenExtForm) fs) pos
resolveMod :: MixResolve MODALITY
resolveMod ga ids m = case m of
ModOp o md1 md2 -> do
new_md1 <- resolveMod ga ids md1
new_md2 <- resolveMod ga ids md2
return $ ModOp o new_md1 new_md2
TransClos md -> fmap TransClos $ resolveMod ga ids md
Guard frm -> fmap Guard
$ resolveMixFrm parenExtForm resolveExtForm ga ids frm
TermMod t -> fmap TermMod
$ resolveMixTrm parenExtForm resolveExtForm ga ids t
_ -> return m
resolveExtForm :: MixResolve EM_FORMULA
resolveExtForm ga ids f = case f of
BoxOrDiamond choice ms leq_geq nr frm pos -> do
nms <- resolveMod ga ids ms
new_frm <- resolveMixFrm parenExtForm resolveExtForm ga ids frm
return $ BoxOrDiamond choice nms leq_geq nr new_frm pos
Hybrid choice nom frm pos -> do
new_frm <- resolveMixFrm parenExtForm resolveExtForm ga ids frm
return $ Hybrid choice nom new_frm pos
UntilSince choice f1 f2 pos -> do
new_f1 <- resolveMixFrm parenExtForm resolveExtForm ga ids f1
new_f2 <- resolveMixFrm parenExtForm resolveExtForm ga ids f2
return $ UntilSince choice new_f1 new_f2 pos
PathQuantification choice frm pos -> do
new_frm <- resolveMixFrm parenExtForm resolveExtForm ga ids frm
return $ PathQuantification choice new_frm pos
StateQuantification t_dir choice frm pos -> do
new_frm <- resolveMixFrm parenExtForm resolveExtForm ga ids frm
return $ StateQuantification t_dir choice new_frm pos
NextY choice frm pos -> do
new_frm <- resolveMixFrm parenExtForm resolveExtForm ga ids frm
return $ NextY choice new_frm pos
FixedPoint choice fpvar frm pos -> do
new_frm <- resolveMixFrm parenExtForm resolveExtForm ga ids frm
return $ FixedPoint choice fpvar new_frm pos
ModForm (ModDefn ti te is fs pos) -> do
nfs <- mapAnM (resolveMixFrm parenExtForm resolveExtForm ga ids) fs
return $ ModForm $ ModDefn ti te is nfs pos
ana_FORMULA mix f = do
let ps = map (mkId . (: [])) $ Set.toList $ getFormPredToks f
pm <- gets predMap
mapM_ (addPred (emptyAnno ()) $ PredType []) ps
newGa <- gets globAnnos
let Result es m = resolveFormula parenExtForm
resolveExtForm newGa (mixRules mix) f
addDiags es
e <- get
phi <- case m of
Nothing -> return (f, f)
Just r -> do
n <- resultToState (minExpFORMULA frmTypeAna e) r
return (r, n)
e2 <- get
put e2 {predMap = pm}
return phi
getFormPredToks :: FORMULA EM_FORMULA -> Set.Set Token
getFormPredToks frm = case frm of
Quantification _ _ f _ -> getFormPredToks f
Conjunction fs _ -> Set.unions $ map getFormPredToks fs
Disjunction fs _ -> Set.unions $ map getFormPredToks fs
Implication f1 f2 _ _ ->
Set.union (getFormPredToks f1) $ getFormPredToks f2
Equivalence f1 f2 _ ->
Set.union (getFormPredToks f1) $ getFormPredToks f2
Negation f _ -> getFormPredToks f
Mixfix_formula (Mixfix_token t) -> Set.singleton t
Mixfix_formula t -> getTermPredToks t
ExtFORMULA (BoxOrDiamond _ _ _ _ f _) -> getFormPredToks f
ExtFORMULA (Hybrid _ _ f _ ) -> getFormPredToks f
ExtFORMULA (UntilSince _ f1 f2 _ ) ->
Set.union (getFormPredToks f1) (getFormPredToks f2)
ExtFORMULA (NextY _ f _ ) -> getFormPredToks f
ExtFORMULA (PathQuantification _ f _ ) -> getFormPredToks f
ExtFORMULA (StateQuantification _ _ f _ ) -> getFormPredToks f
ExtFORMULA (FixedPoint _ _ f _ ) -> getFormPredToks f
Predication _ ts _ -> Set.unions $ map getTermPredToks ts
Definedness t _ -> getTermPredToks t
Existl_equation t1 t2 _ ->
Set.union (getTermPredToks t1) $ getTermPredToks t2
Strong_equation t1 t2 _ ->
Set.union (getTermPredToks t1) $ getTermPredToks t2
Membership t _ _ -> getTermPredToks t
_ -> Set.empty
getTermPredToks :: TERM EM_FORMULA -> Set.Set Token
getTermPredToks trm = case trm of
Application _ ts _ -> Set.unions $ map getTermPredToks ts
Sorted_term t _ _ -> getTermPredToks t
Cast t _ _ -> getTermPredToks t
Conditional t1 f t2 _ -> Set.union (getTermPredToks t1) $
Set.union (getFormPredToks f) $ getTermPredToks t2
Mixfix_term ts -> Set.unions $ map getTermPredToks ts
Mixfix_parenthesized ts _ -> Set.unions $ map getTermPredToks ts
Mixfix_bracketed ts _ -> Set.unions $ map getTermPredToks ts
Mixfix_braced ts _ -> Set.unions $ map getTermPredToks ts
_ -> Set.empty