StatAna.hs revision 0e25a738b51db1508b2abc35ed1b6dcae3842d66
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf{- |
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sfModule : $Header$
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sfCopyright : DFKI GmbH 2009
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sfLicense : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sfMaintainer :
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sfStability : experimental
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sfPortability : portable
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sfstatic analysis of modal logic parts
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sfmodule ExtModal.StatAna where
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sfimport ExtModal.AS_ExtModal
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sfimport ExtModal.Print_AS ()
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sfimport ExtModal.ExtModalSign
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sfimport CASL.Fold
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sfimport CASL.Sign
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sfimport CASL.MixfixParser
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sfimport CASL.StaticAna
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sfimport CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sfimport CASL.ShowMixfix
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sfimport CASL.Overload
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sfimport CASL.Quantification
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sfimport Common.AS_Annotation
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sfimport Common.DocUtils
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sfimport Common.GlobalAnnotations
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sfimport Common.Keywords
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sfimport Common.Lib.State
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sfimport Common.Id
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sfimport Common.Result
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sfimport Common.ExtSign
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sfimport qualified Common.Lib.MapSet as MapSet
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sfimport qualified Data.Map as Map
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sfimport qualified Data.Set as Set
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sfimport Control.Monad
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sfinstance TermExtension EM_FORMULA where
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf freeVarsOfExt sign frm = case frm of
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf BoxOrDiamond _ m _ _ f _ ->
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf Set.union (freeModVars sign m) $ freeVars sign f
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf Hybrid _ _ f _ -> freeVars sign f
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf UntilSince _ f1 f2 _ -> Set.union (freeVars sign f1) $ freeVars sign f2
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf PathQuantification _ f _ -> freeVars sign f
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf StateQuantification _ _ f _ -> freeVars sign f
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf NextY _ f _ -> freeVars sign f
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf FixedPoint _ _ f _ -> freeVars sign f
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf ModForm (ModDefn _ _ _ afs _) ->
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf Set.unions $ map (freeVars sign . item)
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf $ concatMap (frameForms . item) afs
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sffreeModVars :: Sign EM_FORMULA e -> MODALITY -> Set.Set (VAR, SORT)
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sffreeModVars sign md = case md of
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf SimpleMod _ -> Set.empty
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf TermMod t -> freeTermVars sign t
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf ModOp _ m1 m2 -> Set.union (freeModVars sign m1) $ freeModVars sign m2
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf TransClos m -> freeModVars sign m
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf Guard f -> freeVars sign f
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf :: (BASIC_SPEC EM_BASIC_ITEM EM_SIG_ITEM EM_FORMULA
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf , Sign EM_FORMULA EModalSign, GlobalAnnos)
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf -> Result (BASIC_SPEC EM_BASIC_ITEM EM_SIG_ITEM EM_FORMULA
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf , ExtSign (Sign EM_FORMULA EModalSign) Symbol
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf , [Named (FORMULA EM_FORMULA)])
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sfbasicEModalAnalysis =
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf basicAnalysis frmTypeAna basItemStatAna sigItemStatAna mixfixAna
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sffrmTypeAna :: Min EM_FORMULA EModalSign
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sffrmTypeAna sign form = let
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf checkMod term_mod = case term_mod of
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf SimpleMod s_id ->
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf if tokStr s_id == emptyS
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf || Set.member (simpleIdToId s_id) (modalities $ extendedInfo sign)
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf then return $ SimpleMod s_id
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf else Result [mkDiag Error "unknown modality" s_id]
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf $ Just $ SimpleMod s_id
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf ModOp o md1 md2 -> do
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf new_md1 <- checkMod md1
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf new_md2 <- checkMod md2
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf return $ ModOp o new_md1 new_md2
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf TransClos md -> fmap TransClos $ checkMod md
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf Guard frm -> fmap Guard $ minExpFORMULA frmTypeAna sign frm
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf TermMod t -> let
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf ms = modalities $ extendedInfo sign
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf r = do
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf t2 <- oneExpTerm frmTypeAna sign t
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf let srt = sortOfTerm t2
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf trm = TermMod t2
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf supers = supersortsOf srt sign
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf if Set.null $ Set.intersection (Set.insert srt supers) ms
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf then Result [mkDiag Error
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf ("unknown term modality sort '"
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf ++ showId srt "' for term") t ]
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf $ Just trm
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf else return trm
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf in case t of
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf Mixfix_token tm ->
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf if Set.member (simpleIdToId tm) ms
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf || tokStr tm == emptyS
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf then return $ SimpleMod tm
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf else Result
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf [mkDiag Error "unknown modality" tm]
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf $ Just $ SimpleMod tm
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf Application (Op_name (Id [tm] [] _)) [] _ ->
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf if Set.member (simpleIdToId tm) ms
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf then return $ SimpleMod tm
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf else r
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf _ -> r
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf checkFrame (FrameForm vs fs r) = do
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf nfs <- mapAnM (minExpFORMULA frmTypeAna sign . mkForall vs) fs
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf return $ FrameForm [] nfs r
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf in case form of
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf BoxOrDiamond choice md leq_geq number f pos -> do
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf new_md <- checkMod md
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf new_f <- minExpFORMULA frmTypeAna sign f
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf if number >= 0
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf then return $ BoxOrDiamond choice new_md leq_geq number new_f pos
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf else Result [mkDiag Error "negative number grading" number]
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf $ Just $ BoxOrDiamond choice new_md leq_geq number new_f pos
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf Hybrid choice nm f pos -> do
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf new_f <- minExpFORMULA frmTypeAna sign f
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf if Set.member nm (nominals $ extendedInfo sign)
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf then return $ Hybrid choice nm new_f pos
3d27420bf1f5d019774995b66e3ba0955de6df6csf else Result [mkDiag Error "unknown nominal" nm]
3d27420bf1f5d019774995b66e3ba0955de6df6csf $ Just $ Hybrid choice nm new_f pos
3d27420bf1f5d019774995b66e3ba0955de6df6csf UntilSince choice f1 f2 pos -> do
3d27420bf1f5d019774995b66e3ba0955de6df6csf new_f1 <- minExpFORMULA frmTypeAna sign f1
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf new_f2 <- minExpFORMULA frmTypeAna sign f2
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf return $ UntilSince choice new_f1 new_f2 pos
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf PathQuantification choice f pos -> do
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf new_f <- minExpFORMULA frmTypeAna sign f
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf return $ PathQuantification choice new_f pos
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf StateQuantification t_dir choice f pos -> do
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf new_f <- minExpFORMULA frmTypeAna sign f
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf return $ StateQuantification t_dir choice new_f pos
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf NextY choice f pos -> do
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf new_f <- minExpFORMULA frmTypeAna sign f
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf return $ NextY choice new_f pos
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf FixedPoint choice fpvar f pos -> do
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf new_f <- minExpFORMULA frmTypeAna sign f
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf return $ FixedPoint choice fpvar new_f pos
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf ModForm (ModDefn is_time isTerm anno_list forms pos) -> do
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf new_forms <- mapAnM checkFrame forms
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf return $ ModForm $ ModDefn is_time isTerm anno_list new_forms pos
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sfanaFrameForm :: Mix b s EM_FORMULA EModalSign -> FrameForm
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf -> State (Sign EM_FORMULA EModalSign) (FrameForm, FrameForm)
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sfanaFrameForm mix ff@(FrameForm vs fs r) = if null fs then do
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf mapM_ addVars vs
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf return (ff, ff)
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf else do
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf (resFs, fufs) <- anaLocalVarForms (anaFORMULA mix) vs fs r
0d03aadb6c364ae976af4c904aa3625d2512d101sf return (FrameForm vs resFs r, FrameForm [] fufs r)
clearVarMap :: State (Sign f e) ()
clearVarMap = do
e <- get
put e { varMap = Map.empty }
modItemStatAna mix (ModDefn is_time isTerm anno_list forms pos) = do
mapM_ ( (updateExtInfo . addMod) . item ) anno_list
clearVarMap -- forget vars beyond this point
new_forms <- mapAnM (anaFrameForm mix) forms
clearVarMap -- forget vars after this point
let res_forms = map (fmap fst) new_forms
ana_forms = filter (not . null . frameForms . item)
$ map (fmap snd) new_forms
unless (null ana_forms)
$ addSentences $ map (\ af ->
makeNamed (getRLabel af) $ ExtFORMULA $ ModForm
$ ModDefn is_time isTerm anno_list [emptyAnno $ item af] pos)
when is_time $ mapM_ ( (updateExtInfo . addTimeMod ) . item ) anno_list
when isTerm $ do
sig <- get
mapM_ ( (updateExtInfo . addTermMod sig) . item ) anno_list
return $ ModDefn is_time isTerm anno_list res_forms pos
basItemStatAna mix basic_item = case basic_item of
ModItem md -> fmap ModItem $ modItemStatAna mix md
Nominal_decl anno_list pos -> do
mapM_ (updateExtInfo . addNom . item) anno_list
mapM_ (addPred (emptyAnno ()) (PredType []) . mkId . (: []) . item)
return $ Nominal_decl anno_list pos
addTermMod :: Sign f e -> Id -> EModalSign -> Result EModalSign
addTermMod fullSign tmi sgn = let
tm = termMods sgn
srts = sortSet fullSign
in if Set.member tmi srts then
if Set.member tmi tm
then Result [mkDiag Hint "repeated term modality" tmi] $ Just sgn
else let sps = Set.difference tm $ supersortsOf tmi fullSign in
if Set.null sps
then return sgn { termMods = Set.insert tmi tm }
else Result [mkDiag Warning
("term modality known for supersorts " ++ showDoc sps "")
tmi] $ Just sgn
else Result [mkDiag Error "unknown sort in term modality" tmi] $ Just sgn
addTimeMod :: Id -> EModalSign -> Result EModalSign
addTimeMod tmi sgn = let tm = time_modalities sgn in
if Set.member tmi tm
then Result [mkDiag Hint "repeated time modality" tmi] $ Just sgn
else if Set.size tm >= 1
then Result [mkDiag Hint "more than one time modality" tmi] $ Just sgn
else return sgn { time_modalities = Set.insert tmi tm }
addMod :: Id -> EModalSign -> Result EModalSign
addMod mi sgn =
let m = modalities sgn in
if Set.member mi m then
Result [mkDiag Hint "repeated modality" mi] $ Just sgn
else return sgn { modalities = Set.insert mi m }
addNom :: SIMPLE_ID -> EModalSign -> Result EModalSign
addNom ni sgn =
let n = nominals sgn in
if Set.member ni n then
Result [mkDiag Hint "repeated nominal" ni] $ Just sgn
else return sgn { nominals = Set.insert ni n }
sigItemStatAna mix sig_item = case sig_item of
Rigid_op_items rig ann_list pos -> do
new_list <- mapM (ana_OP_ITEM frmTypeAna mix) ann_list
unless rig $ mapM_
(\ nlitem -> case item nlitem of
Op_decl ops typ _ _ ->
mapM_ (updateExtInfo . addFlexOp (toOpType typ)) ops
Op_defn op hd _ _ -> maybe (return ())
(\ ty -> updateExtInfo $ addFlexOp (toOpType ty) op)
$ headToType hd
) new_list
return $ Rigid_op_items rig new_list pos
Rigid_pred_items rig ann_list pos -> do
new_list <- mapM (ana_PRED_ITEM frmTypeAna mix) ann_list
unless rig $ mapM_ ( \ nlitem -> case item nlitem of
Pred_decl preds typ _ ->
mapM_ (updateExtInfo . addFlexPred (toPredType typ) ) preds
Pred_defn prd (Pred_head args _ ) _ _ ->
updateExtInfo $ addFlexPred (PredType $ sortsOfArgs args) prd
) new_list
return $ Rigid_pred_items rig new_list pos
addFlexOp :: OpType -> Id -> EModalSign -> Result EModalSign
addFlexOp typ i sgn = return
sgn { flexOps = addOpTo i typ $ flexOps sgn }
addFlexPred :: PredType -> Id -> EModalSign -> Result EModalSign
addFlexPred typ i sgn = return
sgn { flexPreds = MapSet.insert i typ $ flexPreds sgn }
mixfixAna = emptyMix
{ getSigIds = extraSigItems
, putParen = parenExtForm
, mixResolve = resolveExtForm
extraSigItems :: EM_SIG_ITEM -> IdSets
extraSigItems s = let e = Set.empty in case s of
Rigid_op_items _ annoted_list _ ->
(unite2 $ map (ids_OP_ITEM . item) annoted_list, e)
Rigid_pred_items _ annoted_list _ ->
((e, e), Set.unions $ map (ids_PRED_ITEM . item) annoted_list)
parenMod m = case m of
ModOp o md1 md2 -> ModOp o (parenMod md1) $ parenMod md2
TransClos md -> TransClos $ parenMod md
Guard frm -> Guard $ mapFormula parenExtForm frm
TermMod t -> TermMod $ mapTerm parenExtForm t
_ -> m
parenExtForm :: EM_FORMULA -> EM_FORMULA
parenExtForm f = case f of
BoxOrDiamond choice md leq_geq nr frm pos ->
BoxOrDiamond choice (parenMod md) leq_geq nr
(mapFormula parenExtForm frm) pos
Hybrid choice nom frm pos ->
Hybrid choice nom (mapFormula parenExtForm frm) pos
UntilSince choice f1 f2 pos ->
UntilSince choice (mapFormula parenExtForm f1)
(mapFormula parenExtForm f2) pos
PathQuantification choice frm pos ->
PathQuantification choice (mapFormula parenExtForm frm) pos
StateQuantification t_dir choice frm pos ->
StateQuantification t_dir choice (mapFormula parenExtForm frm) pos
NextY choice frm pos ->
NextY choice (mapFormula parenExtForm frm) pos
FixedPoint choice fpvar frm pos ->
FixedPoint choice fpvar (mapFormula parenExtForm frm) pos
ModForm (ModDefn ti te is fs pos) -> ModForm $ ModDefn
ti te is (map (fmap parenFrameForm) fs) pos
parenFrameForm :: FrameForm -> FrameForm
parenFrameForm (FrameForm vs fs r) =
FrameForm vs (map (fmap $ mapFormula parenExtForm) fs) r
resolveMod :: MixResolve MODALITY
resolveMod ga ids m = case m of
ModOp o md1 md2 -> do
new_md1 <- resolveMod ga ids md1
new_md2 <- resolveMod ga ids md2
return $ ModOp o new_md1 new_md2
TransClos md -> fmap TransClos $ resolveMod ga ids md
Guard frm -> fmap Guard
$ resolveMixFrm parenExtForm resolveExtForm ga ids frm
TermMod t -> fmap TermMod
$ resolveMixTrm parenExtForm resolveExtForm ga ids t
_ -> return m
resolveExtForm :: MixResolve EM_FORMULA
resolveExtForm ga ids f =
let recResolve = resolveMixFrm parenExtForm resolveExtForm ga ids
in case f of
BoxOrDiamond choice ms leq_geq nr frm pos -> do
nms <- resolveMod ga ids ms
new_frm <- recResolve frm
return $ BoxOrDiamond choice nms leq_geq nr new_frm pos
Hybrid choice nom frm pos -> do
new_frm <- recResolve frm
return $ Hybrid choice nom new_frm pos
UntilSince choice f1 f2 pos -> do
new_f1 <- recResolve f1
new_f2 <- recResolve f2
return $ UntilSince choice new_f1 new_f2 pos
PathQuantification choice frm pos -> do
new_frm <- recResolve frm
return $ PathQuantification choice new_frm pos
StateQuantification t_dir choice frm pos -> do
new_frm <- recResolve frm
return $ StateQuantification t_dir choice new_frm pos
NextY choice frm pos -> do
new_frm <- recResolve frm
return $ NextY choice new_frm pos
FixedPoint choice fpvar frm pos -> do
new_frm <- recResolve frm
return $ FixedPoint choice fpvar new_frm pos
ModForm (ModDefn ti te is fs pos) -> do
nfs <- mapAnM (resolveFrameForm ga ids) fs
return $ ModForm $ ModDefn ti te is nfs pos
resolveFrameForm :: MixResolve FrameForm
resolveFrameForm ga ids (FrameForm vs fs r) = do
let ts = varDeclTokens vs
nfs <- mapAnM (resolveMixFrm parenExtForm
(extendMixResolve ts resolveExtForm) ga
$ extendRules ts ids) fs
return $ FrameForm vs nfs r
anaFORMULA :: Mix b s EM_FORMULA EModalSign -> Sign EM_FORMULA EModalSign
anaFORMULA mix sig f = do
let mix2 = extendMix (Map.keysSet $ varMap sig) mix
-- the unknown predicates are not needed for mixfix resolution
r <- resolveFormula parenExtForm
resolveExtForm (globAnnos sig) (mixRules mix2) f
let pm2 = Set.fold
(\ t -> MapSet.insert (simpleIdToId t) (PredType []))
(predMap sig)
$ getFormPredToks f
sig2 = sig { predMap = pm2 }
n <- minExpFORMULA frmTypeAna sig2 r
return (r, n)
getEFormPredToks :: EM_FORMULA -> Set.Set Token
getEFormPredToks ef = case ef of
BoxOrDiamond _ _ _ _ f _ -> getFormPredToks f
Hybrid _ _ f _ -> getFormPredToks f
UntilSince _ f1 f2 _ ->
Set.union (getFormPredToks f1) (getFormPredToks f2)
NextY _ f _ -> getFormPredToks f
PathQuantification _ f _ -> getFormPredToks f
StateQuantification _ _ f _ -> getFormPredToks f
FixedPoint _ _ f _ -> getFormPredToks f
ModForm _ -> Set.empty
getFormPredToks :: FORMULA EM_FORMULA -> Set.Set Token
getFormPredToks = foldFormula
(constRecord getEFormPredToks Set.unions Set.empty)
{ foldMixfix_formula = \ f ts -> case f of
Mixfix_formula (Mixfix_token t) -> Set.singleton t
_ -> ts }