Ship.hs revision 146624fa77c493092758e919a639cd4cb4fcb066
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) C. Maeder DFKI GmbH
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
monitor syntax
module ExtModal.Ship where
import OWL2.ShipSyntax
import OWL2.AS
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Parsec
import Control.Monad
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
data PreOp = X | F | G | QuantF QuantifierType [ABox]
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data BinOp = Until | Impl deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Foltl
= ABoxass Bool ABox
| Call Bool String [String]
| JoinedF JunctionType [Foltl]
| PreOp PreOp Foltl
| BinOp Foltl BinOp Foltl
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Header = Header String [String]
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Monitor = Monitor Header (Maybe String) Foltl
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type ABoxLit = (Bool, ABox)
type ABoxDeletes = [Either ABoxLit [String]]
type ABoxs = [ABox]
type ABoxAnds = [ABoxLit]
data CondEffect = CondEffect ABox ABoxDeletes
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Action = Action Header ABoxs ABoxDeletes [CondEffect]
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data IndEffect = IndEffect String ABoxs ABoxDeletes ABoxs
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Process = Process Header Proc
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Proc
= While ABoxAnds Proc
| Quest ABox
| IfElse ABoxAnds Proc Proc
| Switch [(Maybe ABoxAnds, Proc)]
| Forall ABoxs Proc
| Init Foltl
| CallP String [String]
| BinP BinP [Proc]
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data BinP = Semi | Pipe | SeqPlus deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Ship
= ShipP Process
| ShipA Action
| ShipI IndEffect
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
ppJFoltl :: Bool -> JunctionType -> Foltl -> Doc
ppJFoltl notLast j f = case f of
BinOp {} -> parens
PreOp (QuantF {}) _ | notLast -> parens
JoinedF t _ | t /= j && t == UnionOf -> parens
_ -> id
$ ppFoltl f
ppBFoltl :: Foltl -> Doc
ppBFoltl f = case f of
BinOp {} -> parens
_ -> id
$ ppFoltl f
ppFoltl :: Foltl -> Doc
ppFoltl ft = case ft of
ABoxass b a -> (if b then id else (notDoc <+>)) $ ppABox a
Call b s ps -> (if b then keyword "run" else empty)
<+> text s <> if null ps then empty else
parens (sepByCommas $ map text ps)
JoinedF t l -> case reverse l of
[] -> empty
f : r -> fsep . prepPunctuate (text $ case t of
UnionOf -> "or "
IntersectionOf -> "and ")
. reverse $ ppJFoltl False t f : map (ppJFoltl True t) r
PreOp p f -> let
d1 = ppPreOp p
d2 = ppFoltl f
in case p of
QuantF {} -> fsep [d1, bullet <+> d2]
_ -> d1 <+> d2
BinOp f1 o f2 -> fsep
[ ppBFoltl f1
, case o of
Until -> keyword "U"
Impl -> implies
, ppBFoltl f2 ]
ppPreOp :: PreOp -> Doc
ppPreOp o = case o of
QuantF q as -> keyword (showQuant q) <+> sepByCommas (map ppABox as)
_ -> keyword (show o)
ppHeader :: Header -> Doc
ppHeader (Header name ps) = text name <>
(if null ps then empty else parens $ sepByCommas $ map text ps)
<+> equals
ppMonitor :: Monitor -> Doc
ppMonitor (Monitor h mc ft) = fsep
$ (keyword "monitor" <+> ppHeader h)
: case mc of
Nothing -> []
Just c -> [doubleQuotes . text $ filter (/= '"') c]
++ [ppFoltl ft]
ppMon :: [Monitor] -> Doc
ppMon = vsep . map ppMonitor
ppABoxLit :: ABoxLit -> Doc
ppABoxLit (b, a) = (if b then empty else keyword "not") <+> ppABox a
ppABoxDelete :: Either ABoxLit [String] -> Doc
ppABoxDelete e = case e of
Left a -> ppABoxLit a
Right l -> keyword "delete" <+> parens (sepByCommas $ map text l)
ppABoxDeletes :: ABoxDeletes -> Doc
ppABoxDeletes = sepByCommas . map ppABoxDelete
ppABoxs :: ABoxs -> Doc
ppABoxs = sepByCommas . map ppABox
ppABoxAnds :: ABoxAnds -> Doc
ppABoxAnds = fsep . prepPunctuate (text "and ") . map ppABoxLit
ppCondEffect :: CondEffect -> Doc
ppCondEffect (CondEffect a as) =
fsep [keyword "if" <+> parens (ppABox a), ppABoxDeletes as]
eqKey :: String -> Doc
eqKey s = keyword s <+> equals
ppAction :: Action -> Doc
ppAction (Action h pre eff cs) = fsep
[ keyword "action" <+> ppHeader h
, braces $ vcat
$ [ eqKey "pre" <+> ppABoxs pre
, eqKey "effect" <+> ppABoxDeletes eff]
++ map ppCondEffect cs]
ppIndEffect :: IndEffect -> Doc
ppIndEffect (IndEffect n is cs ds) = fsep
[ keyword "indirect" <+> keyword "effect" <+> ppHeader (Header n [])
, braces $ vcat
[ eqKey "init" <+> ppABoxs is
, eqKey "causes" <+> ppABoxDeletes cs
, eqKey "cond" <+> ppABoxs ds]]
ppProcess :: Process -> Doc
ppProcess (Process h p) = fsep
[ keyword "function" <+> ppHeader h, braces $ ppProc p]
ppProc :: Proc -> Doc
ppProc pr = case pr of
While as p -> fsep
[keyword "while" <+> parens (ppABoxAnds as), ppProc p]
Quest a -> ppABox a <> text "?"
IfElse as p1 p2 -> fsep
[ keyword "if" <+> parens (ppABoxAnds as), ppProc p1
, keyword "else" <+> ppProc p2]
Switch cs -> keyword "switch" <+>
vcat (map (\ (m, p) -> fsep
[keyword "case" <+> maybe (text "_") ppABoxAnds m, implies <+> ppProc p])
Forall as p -> fsep
[keyword "forall" <+> ppABoxs as, implies <+> ppProc p]
Init f -> keyword "init" <+> ppFoltl f
CallP n ps -> text n <> parens (sepByCommas $ map text ps)
BinP o ps -> case reverse ps of
[] -> empty
f : r -> fsep . prepPunctuate (ppBinP o)
. reverse $ ppBinProc False o f : map (ppBinProc True o) r
isPrim :: Proc -> Bool
isPrim p = case p of
Quest _ -> True
CallP {} -> True
Init {} -> True
_ -> False
lastIsPrim :: Proc -> Bool
lastIsPrim pr = case pr of
While _ p -> lastIsPrim p
IfElse _ _ p -> lastIsPrim p
Forall _ p -> lastIsPrim p
Switch l -> null l || lastIsPrim (snd $ last l)
_ -> isPrim pr
ppBinProc :: Bool -> BinP -> Proc -> Doc
ppBinProc first b p = case p of
BinP o ps | o <= b -> if first && not (null ps || isPrim (last ps))
then parens else id
_ | first -> if isPrim p then id else parens
_ | lastIsPrim p -> id
_ -> parens
$ ppProc p
ppBinP :: BinP -> Doc
ppBinP b = text $ case b of
Semi -> "; "
Pipe -> "| "
SeqPlus -> "+> "
ppShip :: Ship -> Doc
ppShip s = case s of
ShipP p -> ppProcess p
ShipA a -> ppAction a
ShipI i -> ppIndEffect i
ppShips :: [Ship] -> Doc
ppShips = vsep . map ppShip
foltl, primFoltl, preFoltl, quantFoltl, andFoltl, orFoltl :: CharParser st Foltl
primFoltl = fmap (ABoxass True) (try abox)
<|> fmap (ABoxass False) (skipKey "not" >> (try abox <|> parent abox))
<|> parent foltl
preFoltl = liftM2 PreOp
(choice $ map (\ p -> skipKey (show p) >> return p) [X, F, G])
<|> primFoltl
quantFoltl = do
q <- quant << skip
as <- sepBy abox commaP
f <- foltl
return $ PreOp (QuantF q as) f
<|> preFoltl
<|> (option False (skipKey "run" >> return True) >>= callFoltl)
andFoltl = binP (JoinedF IntersectionOf) "and" quantFoltl
orFoltl = binP (JoinedF UnionOf) "or" andFoltl
impliesP :: GenParser Char st ()
impliesP = tryString "=>" >> skip
foltl = do
f <- orFoltl
option f $ liftM2 (BinOp f)
((skipKey "U" >> return Until) <|> (impliesP >> return Impl))
optNoms :: GenParser Char st [String]
optNoms = optionL . parent $ sepBy nominal commaP
callFoltl :: Bool -> GenParser Char st Foltl
callFoltl b = liftM2 (Call b)
(reserved (map show [X, F, G]
++ ["run", "monitor", "and", "or", "U"]) nominal)
header :: CharParser st Header
header = liftM2 Header nominal optNoms << equalP
monitor :: CharParser st Monitor
monitor = do
skipKey "monitor"
h <- header
mc <- optionMaybe $ char '"' >> many (noneOf "\n\"") << skipChar '"'
f <- foltl
return $ Monitor h mc f
mon :: CharParser st [Monitor]
mon = many1 monitor
aBoxLit :: CharParser st ABoxLit
aBoxLit = pair (option True $ skipKey "not" >> return False) abox
aBoxDelete :: CharParser st (Either ABoxLit [String])
aBoxDelete = fmap Right (skipKey "delete" >> parent (sepBy nominal commaP))
<|> fmap Left aBoxLit
aBoxDeletes :: CharParser st ABoxDeletes
aBoxDeletes = sepBy aBoxDelete commaP
aBoxs :: CharParser st ABoxs
aBoxs = sepBy abox commaP
aBoxAnds :: CharParser st ABoxAnds
aBoxAnds = sepBy1 aBoxLit (skipKey "and")
condEffect :: CharParser st CondEffect
condEffect = skipKey "fi" >> liftM2 CondEffect (parent abox) aBoxDeletes
skipEqKey :: String -> CharParser st ()
skipEqKey s = skipKey s >> equalP
action :: CharParser st Action
action = do
h <- skipKey "action" >> header
braced $ do
as <- skipEqKey "pre" >> aBoxs
ds <- skipEqKey "effect" >> aBoxDeletes
cs <- many condEffect
return $ Action h as ds cs
indEffect :: CharParser st IndEffect
indEffect = do
s <- skipKey "indirect" >> skipKey "effect" >> nominal
braced $ do
as <- skipEqKey "init" >> aBoxs
cs <- skipEqKey "causes" >> aBoxDeletes
ds <- skipEqKey "cond" >> aBoxs
return $ IndEffect s as cs ds
process :: CharParser st Process
process = skipKey "function" >> liftM2 Process header proc
primProc, preProc, semiProc, pipeProc, proc :: CharParser st Proc
primProc = braced proc
<|> parent proc
<|> fmap Init (skipKey "init" >> foltl)
<|> fmap Quest (try $ abox << skipChar '?')
<|> liftM2 CallP
(reserved ["while", "forall", "if", "switch", "init"] nominal)
preProc = liftM2 While (skipKey "while" >> parent aBoxAnds) proc
<|> liftM3 IfElse (skipKey "if" >> parent aBoxAnds) proc
(skipKey "else" >> proc)
<|> liftM2 Forall (skipKey "forall" >> aBoxs) (impliesP >> proc)
<|> fmap Switch (skipKey "switch" >>
many (skipKey "case" >> pair
(fmap Just aBoxAnds <|> (skipChar '_' >> return Nothing))
(impliesP >> proc)))
<|> primProc
semiProc = binC (BinP Semi) ';' preProc
pipeProc = binC (BinP Pipe) '|' semiProc
proc = binPP (BinP SeqPlus) ((tryString "+>" >> skip) <|> skipChar '+') pipeProc
ship :: CharParser st Ship
ship = fmap ShipP process <|> fmap ShipA action <|> fmap ShipI indEffect
ships :: CharParser st [Ship]
ships = many ship