Print_AS.hs revision 2025793bdf95b956b34761af691fe9bde01f6d83
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : DFKI GmbH 2009
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
printing AS_ExtModal ExtModalSign data types
module ExtModal.Print_AS where
import Common.Keywords
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Id
import qualified Common.Lib.MapSet as MapSet
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import ExtModal.AS_ExtModal
import ExtModal.ExtModalSign
import ExtModal.Keywords
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL (FORMULA (..))
import CASL.ToDoc
instance Pretty EM_BASIC_ITEM where
pretty (ModDecl time term id_list ax_list _) = fsep
[(if time then keyword timeS else empty)
<+> (if term then keyword termS else empty)
<+> keyword modalityS
, semiAnnos pretty id_list
, if null ax_list then empty else
specBraces (semiAnnos pretty ax_list)]
pretty (Nominal_decl id_list _) = sep
[ keyword nominalS, semiAnnos pretty id_list ]
modPrec :: MODALITY -> Int
modPrec m = case m of
SimpleMod _ -> 0 -- strongest
TermMod _ -> 0 -- strongest
Guard _ -> 1
TransClos _ -> 2
ModOp Composition _ _ -> 3
ModOp Intersection _ _ -> 4
ModOp Union _ _ -> 5 -- weakest
printMPrec :: Bool -> MODALITY -> MODALITY -> Doc
printMPrec b oP cP =
(if (if b then (>) else (>=)) (modPrec oP) $ modPrec cP then id else parens)
$ pretty cP
instance Pretty MODALITY where
pretty mdl = case mdl of
SimpleMod idt ->
if tokStr idt == emptyS then empty else pretty idt
TermMod t -> pretty t
Guard sen -> prJunct sen <> keyword quMark
TransClos md -> printMPrec False mdl md
<> keyword tmTransClosS
ModOp o md1 md2 -> printMPrec True mdl md1
<> keyword (show o)
<> printMPrec False mdl md2
instance Pretty RIGOR where
pretty Rigid = keyword rigidS
pretty Flexible = keyword flexibleS
instance Pretty EM_SIG_ITEM where
pretty (Rigid_op_items rig op_list _) =
cat [pretty rig <+> keyword (opS ++ pluralS op_list),
space <> semiAnnos pretty op_list]
pretty (Rigid_pred_items rig pred_list _) =
cat [pretty rig <+> keyword (predS ++ pluralS pred_list),
space <> semiAnnos pretty pred_list]
instance Pretty NOMINAL where
pretty (Nominal idt) = pretty idt
instance FormExtension EM_FORMULA where
isQuantifierLike ef = case ef of
UntilSince {} -> False
_ -> True
isEMJunct f = case f of
ExtFORMULA (UntilSince {}) -> True
_ -> isJunct f
prJunct :: FORMULA EM_FORMULA -> Doc
prJunct f = (if isEMJunct f then parens else id) $ pretty f
instance Pretty EM_FORMULA where
pretty ef = case ef of
BoxOrDiamond choice modality leq_geq number s _ ->
let sp = case modality of
SimpleMod _ -> (<>)
_ -> (<+>)
mdl = pretty modality
in sep [ (if choice then brackets mdl else less `sp` mdl `sp` greater)
<+> if not leq_geq && number == 1 then empty else
keyword (if leq_geq then lessEq else greaterEq)
<> text (show number)
, prJunct s]
Hybrid choice nom s _ ->
keyword (if choice then atS else hereS) <+> pretty nom
<+> prJunct s
UntilSince choice s1 s2 _ -> printInfix True sep (prJunct s1)
(keyword $ if choice then untilS else sinceS)
$ prJunct s2
PathQuantification choice s _ ->
keyword (if choice then allPathsS else somePathsS) <+> prJunct s
NextY choice s _ ->
keyword (if choice then nextS else yesterdayS) <+> prJunct s
StateQuantification dir_choice choice s _ ->
keyword (if dir_choice then if choice then generallyS else eventuallyS
else if choice then hithertoS else previouslyS)
<+> prJunct s
FixedPoint choice p_var s _ -> sep
[ keyword (if choice then muS else nuS) <+> pretty p_var
, bullet <+> prJunct s]
instance Pretty EModalSign where
pretty = printEModalSign id
-> Doc
printEModalSign sim sign =
let mds = modalities sign
tims = time_modalities sign
terms = termMods sign
nms = nominals sign in
printSetMap (keyword rigidS <+> keyword opS) empty
(MapSet.toMap $ rigidOps sign)
printSetMap (keyword rigidS <+> keyword predS) empty
(MapSet.toMap $ rigidPreds sign)
vcat (map (\ (i, fs) -> fsep
$ [keyword timeS | Set.member i tims]
++ [keyword termS | Set.member i terms]
++ [keyword modalityS, idDoc i, sepBySemis
$ map (printAnnoted $ pretty . sim) fs])
$ Map.toList mds)
(if Set.null nms then empty else
keyword nominalS <+> sepBySemis (map sidDoc (Set.toList nms)))
printFormulaOfEModalSign :: FormExtension f => (FORMULA f -> FORMULA f)
-> [[Annoted (FORMULA f)]] -> Doc
printFormulaOfEModalSign sim = vcat . map
(sepBySemis . map (printAnnoted $ pretty . sim))