Parse_AS.hs revision e9458b1a7a19a63aa4c179f9ab20f4d50681c168
{- |
Module : ./ExtModal/Parse_AS.hs
Description : Parser for extended modal logic
Copyright : DFKI GmbH 2009
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
module ExtModal.Parse_AS (ext_modal_reserved_words) where
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Id
import Common.Parsec
import Common.Token
import Common.Lexer
import Common.AnnoState
import Common.Keywords
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.Formula
import CASL.OpItem
import CASL.Parse_AS_Basic
import ExtModal.AS_ExtModal
import ExtModal.Keywords
import Data.Maybe
-- | List of reserved words
ext_modal_reserved_words :: [String]
ext_modal_reserved_words = map show [Intersection, Union] ++
[ untilS
, sinceS
, allPathsS
, somePathsS
, nextS
, yesterdayS
, generallyS
, eventuallyS
, atS
, quMark
, hereS
, timeS
, nominalS
, nominalS ++ sS
, hithertoS
, previouslyS
, muS
, nuS
, diamondS
, orElseS
, oB
, cB
, termS
, rigidS
, flexibleS
, modalityS
, modalitiesS ]
boxParser :: AParser st (MODALITY, BoxOp, Range)
boxParser = do
let asESep = pToken . tryString
open <- oBracketT <|> asESep oB
let isBox = tokStr open == "["
modal <- parseModality
close <- if isBox then cBracketT else asESep cB
return (modal, if isBox then Box else EBox, toRange open [] close)
diamondParser :: AParser st (MODALITY, BoxOp, Range)
diamondParser = do
open <- asKey lessS
modal <- parseModality
close <- asKey greaterS
return (modal, Diamond, toRange open [] close)
<|> do
d <- asKey diamondS
let p = tokPos d
return (SimpleMod $ Token emptyS p, Diamond, p)
rekPrimParser :: AParser st (FORMULA EM_FORMULA)
rekPrimParser = genPrimFormula modalPrimFormulaParser ext_modal_reserved_words
infixTok :: AParser st (Token, Bool)
infixTok = pair (asKey untilS) (return True)
<|> pair (asKey sinceS) (return False)
-- | Modal infix formula parser
modalFormulaParser :: AParser st EM_FORMULA
modalFormulaParser = do
p1 <- modalPrimFormulaParser
option p1 $ do
(t, b) <- infixTok
f2 <- rekPrimParser
return $ UntilSince b (ExtFORMULA p1) f2 $ tokPos t
<|> do
(f1, (t, b)) <- try $ pair rekPrimParser infixTok
f2 <- rekPrimParser
return $ UntilSince b f1 f2 $ tokPos t
prefixModifier :: AParser st (FormPrefix, Range)
prefixModifier = let mkF f r = return (f, tokPos r) in
(asKey allPathsS >>= mkF (PathQuantification True))
<|> (asKey somePathsS >>= mkF (PathQuantification False))
<|> (asKey nextS >>= mkF (NextY True))
<|> (asKey yesterdayS >>= mkF (NextY False))
<|> (asKey generallyS >>= mkF (StateQuantification True True))
<|> (asKey eventuallyS >>= mkF (StateQuantification True False))
<|> (asKey hithertoS >>= mkF (StateQuantification False True))
<|> (asKey previouslyS >>= mkF (StateQuantification False False))
<|> do
mnb <- (asKey muS >> return True)
<|> (asKey nuS >> return False)
z <- varId ext_modal_reserved_words
mkF (FixedPoint mnb z) z
<|> do
ahb <- (asKey atS >> return True)
<|> (asKey hereS >> return False)
nom <- simpleId
mkF (Hybrid ahb nom) nom
<|> do
(modal, b, r) <- boxParser <|> diamondParser
(lgb, val) <- option (True, 1) $ do
lgb <- option False $ (asKey lessEq >> return False)
<|> (asKey greaterEq >> return True)
number <- getNumber << skipSmart
return (lgb, value 10 number)
return (BoxOrDiamond b modal lgb val, r)
-- | Modal formula parser
modalPrimFormulaParser :: AParser st EM_FORMULA
modalPrimFormulaParser = fmap ModForm modDefnParser <|> do
(f, r) <- prefixModifier
em_formula <- rekPrimParser
return $ PrefixForm f em_formula r
-- | Term modality parser
parsePrimModality :: AParser st MODALITY
parsePrimModality =
let fp = formula $ greaterS : ext_modal_reserved_words in do
f <- try fp
case f of
Mixfix_formula t -> return $ TermMod t
_ -> asSeparator quMark >> return (Guard f)
<|> (oParenT >> parseModality << cParenT)
<|> fmap Guard fp -- fail if something was consumed in the first try
<|> fmap (SimpleMod . Token emptyS . Range . (: [])) getPos
parseTransClosModality :: AParser st MODALITY
parseTransClosModality = do
t <- parsePrimModality
mt <- many $ asKey tmTransClosS
return $ if null mt then t else TransClos t
parseCompModality :: AParser st MODALITY
parseCompModality = parseBinModality Composition parseTransClosModality
parseInterModality :: AParser st MODALITY
parseInterModality = parseBinModality Intersection parseCompModality
parseUnionModality :: AParser st MODALITY
parseUnionModality = parseBinModality Union parseInterModality
parseBinModality :: ModOp -> AParser st MODALITY -> AParser st MODALITY
parseBinModality c p = do
t1 <- p
option t1 $ do
asKey $ show c
t2 <- parseBinModality c p
return $ ModOp c t1 t2
-- | orElse binds weakest
parseModality :: AParser st MODALITY
parseModality = parseBinModality OrElse parseUnionModality
instance TermParser EM_FORMULA where
termParser = aToTermParser modalFormulaParser
-- Signature parser
rigor :: AParser st Bool
rigor = (asKey rigidS >> return True)
<|> (asKey flexibleS >> return False)
sigItemParser :: AParser st EM_SIG_ITEM
sigItemParser = do
rig <- rigor
itemList ext_modal_reserved_words opS opItem (Rigid_op_items rig)
<|> itemList ext_modal_reserved_words predS predItem (Rigid_pred_items rig)
instance AParsable EM_SIG_ITEM where
aparser = sigItemParser
-- Basic item parser
mKey :: AParser st Token
mKey = asKey modalityS <|> asKey modalitiesS
nKey :: AParser st Token
nKey = asKey nominalS <|> asKey (nominalS ++ sS)
modDefnParser :: AParser st ModDefn
modDefnParser = do
mtime <- optionMaybe $ asKey timeS
mterm <- optionMaybe $ asKey termS
k <- mKey
(ids, ks) <- separatedBy
(annoParser $ sortId ext_modal_reserved_words) anSemiOrComma
parseAxioms (ModDefn (isJust mtime) (isJust mterm) ids)
$ catRange $ k : ks
basicItemParser :: AParser st EM_BASIC_ITEM
basicItemParser = fmap ModItem modDefnParser <|> do
k <- nKey
(annoId, ks) <- separatedBy (annoParser simpleId) anSemiOrComma
return $ Nominal_decl annoId $ catRange $ k : ks
parseAxioms :: ([Annoted FrameForm] -> Range -> a) -> Range -> AParser st a
parseAxioms mki pos =
do o <- oBraceT
someAxioms <- annosParser parseFrames
c <- cBraceT
return $ mki someAxioms
$ pos `appRange` toRange o [] c
<|> return (mki [] pos)
parseFrames :: AParser st FrameForm
parseFrames = do
v <- pluralKeyword varS
(vs, ps) <- varItems ext_modal_reserved_words
return $ FrameForm vs [] $ catRange $ v : ps
<|> do
f <- forallT
(vs, ps) <- varDecls ext_modal_reserved_words
a <- annos
emDotFormulae a vs $ catRange $ f : ps
<|> emDotFormulae [] [] nullRange
axiomsToFrames :: [Annotation] -> [VAR_DECL] -> Range
-> BASIC_ITEMS () () EM_FORMULA -> FrameForm
axiomsToFrames a vs posl ais = case ais of
Axiom_items (Annoted ft qs as rs : fs) ds ->
let aft = Annoted ft qs (a ++ as) rs
in FrameForm vs (aft : fs) (posl `appRange` ds)
_ -> error "axiomsToFrames"
emDotFormulae :: [Annotation] -> [VAR_DECL] -> Range -> AParser st FrameForm
emDotFormulae a v p = fmap (axiomsToFrames a v p)
$ dotFormulae False ext_modal_reserved_words
instance AParsable EM_BASIC_ITEM where
aparser = basicItemParser