WriteFn.hs revision 7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7f
{- |
Module : ./Driver/WriteFn.hs
Description : Writing various formats, according to Hets options
Copyright : (c) Klaus Luettich, C.Maeder, Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : Christian.Maeder@dfki.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(DevGraph)
Writing various formats, according to Hets options
module Driver.WriteFn
( writeSpecFiles
, writeVerbFile
, writeLG
) where
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Text.XML.Light
import System.FilePath
import Control.Monad
import Data.List (partition, (\\), intercalate)
import Data.Maybe
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Id
import Common.IRI (IRI, simpleIdToIRI, iriToStringShortUnsecure, setAngles)
import Common.Json (ppJson)
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.ExtSign
import Common.LibName
import Common.Result
import Common.Parsec (forget)
import Common.Percent
import Common.GlobalAnnotations (GlobalAnnos)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Common.SExpr
import Common.IO
import Comorphisms.LogicGraph
import Logic.Coerce
import Logic.Comorphism (targetLogic)
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Logic.LGToXml
import Logic.LGToJson
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Prover
import Proofs.StatusUtils
import Static.GTheory
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.CheckGlobalContext
import Static.DotGraph
import qualified Static.PrintDevGraph as DG
import Static.ComputeTheory
import qualified Static.ToXml as ToXml
import qualified Static.ToJson as ToJson
import CASL.Logic_CASL
import CASL.CompositionTable.Pretty2
import CASL.CompositionTable.ToXml
import CASL.CompositionTable.ComputeTable
import CASL.CompositionTable.ModelChecker
import CASL.CompositionTable.ParseTable2
import OWL2.Medusa
import OWL2.MedusaToJson
import Haskell.CreateModules
import Isabelle.CreateTheories
import Isabelle.IsaParse
import Isabelle.IsaPrint (printIsaTheory)
import SoftFOL.CreateDFGDoc
import SoftFOL.DFGParser
import SoftFOL.ParseTPTP
import TPTP.Logic_TPTP
import qualified TPTP.Pretty as TPTPPretty
import FreeCAD.XMLPrinter (exportXMLFC)
import FreeCAD.Logic_FreeCAD
import VSE.Logic_VSE
import VSE.ToSExpr
import OWL2.CreateOWL
import OWL2.Logic_OWL2
import OWL2.ParseOWL (convertOWL)
import qualified OWL2.ManchesterPrint as OWL2 (prepareBasicTheory)
import qualified OWL2.ManchesterParser as OWL2 (basicSpec)
import RDF.Logic_RDF
import qualified RDF.Print as RDF (printRDFBasicTheory)
import CommonLogic.Logic_CommonLogic
import qualified CommonLogic.AS_CommonLogic as CL_AS (exportCLIF)
import qualified CommonLogic.Parse_CLIF as CL_Parse (cltext)
import qualified CommonLogic.Print_KIF as Print_KIF (exportKIF)
import Driver.Options
import Driver.ReadFn (libNameToFile)
import Driver.WriteLibDefn
import OMDoc.XmlInterface (xmlOut)
import OMDoc.Export (exportLibEnv)
writeVerbFile :: HetcatsOpts -> FilePath -> String -> IO ()
writeVerbFile opts f str = do
putIfVerbose opts 2 $ "Writing file: " ++ f
writeEncFile (ioEncoding opts) f str
-- | compute for each LibName in the List a path relative to the given FilePath
writeVerbFiles :: HetcatsOpts -- ^ Hets options
-> String -- ^ A suffix to be combined with the libname
-> [(LibName, String)] -- ^ An output list
-> IO ()
writeVerbFiles opts suffix = mapM_ f
where f (ln, s) = writeVerbFile opts (libNameToFile ln ++ suffix) s
writeLibEnv :: HetcatsOpts -> FilePath -> LibEnv -> LibName -> OutType
-> IO ()
writeLibEnv opts filePrefix lenv ln ot =
let f = filePrefix ++ "." ++ show ot
dg = lookupDGraph ln lenv in case ot of
Prf -> toShATermString (ln, lookupHistory ln lenv)
>>= writeVerbFile opts f
XmlOut -> writeVerbFile opts f $ ppTopElement
$ ToXml.dGraph opts lenv ln dg
JsonOut -> writeVerbFile opts f $ ppJson
$ ToJson.dGraph opts lenv ln dg
SymsXml -> writeVerbFile opts f $ ppTopElement
$ ToXml.dgSymbols opts dg
OmdocOut -> do
let Result ds mOmd = exportLibEnv (recurse opts) (outdir opts) ln lenv
showDiags opts ds
case mOmd of
Just omd -> writeVerbFiles opts ".omdoc"
$ map (\ (libn, od) -> (libn, xmlOut od)) omd
Nothing -> putIfVerbose opts 0 "could not translate to OMDoc"
GraphOut (Dot showInternalNodeLabels) -> writeVerbFile opts f
$ dotGraph f showInternalNodeLabels "" dg
_ -> return ()
writeSoftFOL :: HetcatsOpts -> FilePath -> G_theory -> IRI
-> SPFType -> Int -> String -> IO ()
writeSoftFOL opts f gTh i c n msg = do
let cc = case c of
ConsistencyCheck -> True
ProveTheory -> False
mDoc <- printTheoryAsSoftFOL i n cc
$ (if cc then theoremsToAxioms else id) gTh
maybe (putIfVerbose opts 0 $
"could not translate to " ++ msg ++ " file: " ++ f)
( \ d -> do
let str = shows d "\n"
case parse (if n == 0 then forget parseSPASS else forget tptp)
f str of
Left err -> putIfVerbose opts 0 $ show err
_ -> putIfVerbose opts 3 $ "reparsed: " ++ f
writeVerbFile opts f str) mDoc
writeFreeCADFile :: HetcatsOpts -> FilePath -> G_theory -> IO ()
writeFreeCADFile opts filePrefix (G_theory lid _ (ExtSign sign _) _ _ _) = do
fcSign <- coercePlainSign lid FreeCAD
"Expecting a FreeCAD signature for writing FreeCAD xml" sign
writeVerbFile opts (filePrefix ++ ".xml") $ exportXMLFC fcSign
writeIsaFile :: HetcatsOpts -> FilePath -> G_theory -> LibName -> IRI
-> IO ()
writeIsaFile opts filePrefix raw_gTh ln i = do
let Result ds mTh = createIsaTheory raw_gTh
addThn = (++ '_' : iriToStringShortUnsecure i)
fp = addThn filePrefix
showDiags opts ds
case mTh of
Nothing ->
putIfVerbose opts 0 $ "could not translate to Isabelle theory: " ++ fp
Just (sign, sens) -> do
let tn = addThn . reverse . takeWhile (/= '/') . reverse $ case
libToFileName ln of
[] -> filePrefix
lstr -> lstr
sf = shows (printIsaTheory tn sign sens) "\n"
f = fp ++ ".thy"
case parse parseTheory f sf of
Left err -> putIfVerbose opts 0 $ show err
_ -> putIfVerbose opts 3 $ "reparsed: " ++ f
writeVerbFile opts f sf
when (hasPrfOut opts && verbose opts >= 3) $ let
(axs, rest) = partition ( \ s -> isAxiom s || isDef s) sens
in mapM_ ( \ s -> let
tnf = tn ++ "_" ++ senAttr s
tf = fp ++ "_" ++ senAttr s ++ ".thy"
in writeVerbFile opts tf $ shows
(printIsaTheory tnf sign $ s : axs) "\n") rest
writeTheory :: [String] -> String -> HetcatsOpts -> FilePath -> GlobalAnnos
-> G_theory -> LibName -> IRI -> OutType -> IO ()
writeTheory ins nam opts filePrefix ga
raw_gTh@(G_theory lid _ (ExtSign sign0 _) _ sens0 _) ln i ot =
let fp = filePrefix ++ "_" ++ i'
i' = encode (iriToStringShortUnsecure $ setAngles False i)
f = fp ++ "." ++ show ot
th = (sign0, toNamedList sens0)
lang = language_name lid
in case ot of
FreeCADOut -> writeFreeCADFile opts filePrefix raw_gTh
ThyFile -> writeIsaFile opts filePrefix raw_gTh ln i
DfgFile c -> writeSoftFOL opts f raw_gTh i c 0 "DFG"
| lang == language_name TPTP -> do
th2 <- coerceBasicTheory lid TPTP "" th
let tptpText = show (TPTPPretty.printBasicTheory th2)
writeVerbFile opts f tptpText
| otherwise -> putIfVerbose opts 0 $ "expected RDF theory for: " ++ f
TheoryFile d -> do
if null $ show d then
writeVerbFile opts f $ shows (DG.printTh ga i raw_gTh) "\n"
else putIfVerbose opts 0 "printing theory delta is not implemented"
when (lang == language_name VSE) $ do
(sign, sens) <- coerceBasicTheory lid VSE "" th
let (sign', sens') = addUniformRestr sign sens
lse = map (namedSenToSExpr sign') sens'
unless (null lse) $ writeVerbFile opts (fp ++ ".sexpr")
$ shows (prettySExpr $ SList lse) "\n"
SigFile d -> do
if null $ show d then
writeVerbFile opts f $ shows (pretty $ signOf raw_gTh) "\n"
else putIfVerbose opts 0 "printing signature delta is not implemented"
when (lang == language_name VSE) $ do
(sign, sens) <- coerceBasicTheory lid VSE "" th
let (sign', _sens') = addUniformRestr sign sens
writeVerbFile opts (f ++ ".sexpr")
$ shows (prettySExpr $ vseSignToSExpr sign') "\n"
SymXml -> writeVerbFile opts f $ ppTopElement
$ ToXml.showSymbolsTh opts ins nam ga raw_gTh
HaskellOut -> case printModule raw_gTh of
Nothing ->
putIfVerbose opts 0 $ "could not translate to Haskell file: " ++ f
Just d -> writeVerbFile opts f $ shows d "\n"
ComptableXml -> if lang == language_name CASL then do
th2 <- coerceBasicTheory lid CASL "" th
let Result ds res = computeCompTable i th2
showDiags opts ds
case res of
Just td -> writeVerbFile opts f $ tableXmlStr td
Nothing -> return ()
else putIfVerbose opts 0 $ "expected CASL theory for: " ++ f
MedusaJson -> if lang == language_name OWL2 then do
th2 <- coerceBasicTheory lid OWL2 "" th
let Result ds res = medusa i th2
showDiags opts ds
case res of
Just td -> writeVerbFile opts f $ medusaToJsonString td
Nothing -> return ()
else putIfVerbose opts 0 $ "expected OWL2 theory for: " ++ f
| lang == language_name RDF -> do
th2 <- coerceBasicTheory lid RDF "" th
let rdftext = shows (RDF.printRDFBasicTheory th2) "\n"
writeVerbFile opts f rdftext
| otherwise -> putIfVerbose opts 0 $ "expected RDF theory for: " ++ f
OWLOut ty -> case ty of
Manchester -> case createOWLTheory raw_gTh of
Result _ Nothing ->
putIfVerbose opts 0 $ "expected OWL theory for: " ++ f
Result ds (Just th2) -> do
let sy = defSyntax opts
ms = if null sy then Nothing
else Just $ simpleIdToIRI $ mkSimpleId sy
owltext = shows
(printTheory ms OWL2 $ OWL2.prepareBasicTheory th2) "\n"
showDiags opts ds
when (null sy)
$ case parse (OWL2.basicSpec Map.empty >> eof) f owltext of
Left err -> putIfVerbose opts 0 $ show err
_ -> putIfVerbose opts 3 $ "reparsed: " ++ f
writeVerbFile opts f owltext
_ -> let flp = getFilePath ln in case guess flp GuessIn of
OWLIn _ -> writeVerbFile opts f =<< convertOWL flp (show ty)
_ -> putIfVerbose opts 0
$ "OWL output only supported for owl input types ("
++ intercalate ", " (map show plainOwlFormats) ++ ")"
| lang == language_name CommonLogic -> do
(_, th2) <- coerceBasicTheory lid CommonLogic "" th
let cltext = shows (CL_AS.exportCLIF th2) "\n"
case parse (many (CL_Parse.cltext Map.empty) >> eof) f cltext of
Left err -> putIfVerbose opts 0 $ show err
_ -> putIfVerbose opts 3 $ "reparsed: " ++ f
writeVerbFile opts f cltext
| otherwise -> putIfVerbose opts 0 $ "expected Common Logic theory for: "
++ f
| lang == language_name CommonLogic -> do
(_, th2) <- coerceBasicTheory lid CommonLogic "" th
let kiftext = shows (Print_KIF.exportKIF th2) "\n"
writeVerbFile opts f kiftext
| otherwise -> putIfVerbose opts 0 $ "expected Common Logic theory for: "
++ f
_ -> return () -- ignore other file types
modelSparQCheck :: HetcatsOpts -> G_theory -> IO ()
modelSparQCheck opts gTh@(G_theory lid _ (ExtSign sign0 _) _ sens0 _) =
case coerceBasicTheory lid CASL "" (sign0, toNamedList sens0) of
Just th2 -> do
table <- parseSparQTableFromFile $ modelSparQ opts
case table of
Left err -> putIfVerbose opts 0
$ "could not parse SparQTable from file: " ++ modelSparQ opts
++ "\n" ++ show err
Right y -> do
putIfVerbose opts 4 $ unlines
["lisp file content:", show $ table2Doc y, "lisp file end."]
let Result d _ = modelCheck (counterSparQ opts) th2 y
if null d then
putIfVerbose opts 0 "Modelcheck succeeded, no errors found"
else showDiags
(if verbose opts >= 2 then opts else opts {verbose = 2}) d
_ ->
putIfVerbose opts 0 $ "could not translate Theory to CASL:\n "
++ showDoc gTh ""
writeTheoryFiles :: HetcatsOpts -> [OutType] -> FilePath -> LibEnv
-> GlobalAnnos -> LibName -> IRI -> Int -> IO ()
writeTheoryFiles opts specOutTypes filePrefix lenv ga ln i n =
let dg = lookupDGraph ln lenv
nam = getDGNodeName $ labDG dg n
ins = getImportNames dg n
in case globalNodeTheory dg n of
Nothing -> putIfVerbose opts 0 $ "could not compute theory of spec "
++ show i
Just raw_gTh0 -> do
let tr = transNames opts
Result es mTh = if null tr then return (raw_gTh0, "") else do
comor <- lookupCompComorphism (map tokStr tr) logicGraph
tTh <- mapG_theory comor raw_gTh0
return (tTh, "Translated using comorphism " ++ show comor)
(raw_gTh, tStr) =
fromMaybe (raw_gTh0, "Keeping untranslated theory") mTh
showDiags opts $ map (updDiagKind
(\ k -> if k == Error then Warning else k)) es
unless (null tStr) $ putIfVerbose opts 2 tStr
putIfVerbose opts 4 $ "Sublogic of " ++ show i ++ ": " ++
show (sublogicOfTh raw_gTh)
unless (modelSparQ opts == "") $
modelSparQCheck opts (theoremsToAxioms raw_gTh)
mapM_ (writeTheory ins nam opts filePrefix ga raw_gTh ln i)
writeSpecFiles :: HetcatsOpts -> FilePath -> LibEnv -> LibName -> DGraph
-> IO ()
writeSpecFiles opts file lenv ln dg = do
let gctx = globalEnv dg
gns = Map.keys gctx
mns = map $ \ t -> Map.findWithDefault (simpleIdToIRI t) (tokStr t)
$ Map.fromList $ map (\ i -> (iriToStringShortUnsecure i, i)) gns
ga = globalAnnos dg
ns = mns $ specNames opts
vs = mns $ viewNames opts
filePrefix = snd $ getFilePrefix opts file
outTypes = outtypes opts
specOutTypes = filter ( \ ot -> case ot of
ThyFile -> True
DfgFile _ -> True
TPTPFile -> True
XmlOut -> True
JsonOut -> True
OmdocOut -> True
TheoryFile _ -> True
SigFile _ -> True
OWLOut _ -> True
CLIFOut -> True
KIFOut -> True
FreeCADOut -> True
HaskellOut -> True
ComptableXml -> True
MedusaJson -> True
SymXml -> True
_ -> False) outTypes
allSpecs = null ns
noViews = null vs
ignore = null specOutTypes && modelSparQ opts == ""
mapM_ (writeLibEnv opts filePrefix lenv ln) $
if null $ dumpOpts opts then outTypes else EnvOut : outTypes
mapM_ ( \ i -> case Map.lookup i gctx of
Just (SpecEntry (ExtGenSig _ (NodeSig n _))) ->
writeTheoryFiles opts specOutTypes filePrefix lenv ga ln i n
_ -> unless allSpecs
$ putIfVerbose opts 0 $ "Unknown spec name: " ++ show i
) $ if ignore then [] else
if allSpecs then gns else ns
unless noViews $
mapM_ ( \ i -> case Map.lookup i gctx of
Just (ViewOrStructEntry _ (ExtViewSig _ (GMorphism cid _ _ m _) _)) ->
writeVerbFile opts (filePrefix ++ "_" ++ show i ++ ".view")
$ shows (pretty $ Map.toList $ symmap_of (targetLogic cid) m) "\n"
_ -> putIfVerbose opts 0 $ "Unknown view name: " ++ show i
) vs
mapM_ ( \ n ->
writeTheoryFiles opts specOutTypes filePrefix lenv ga ln
(simpleIdToIRI $ genToken $ 'n' : show n) n)
$ if ignore || not allSpecs then [] else
nodesDG dg
\\ Map.fold ( \ e l -> case e of
SpecEntry (ExtGenSig _ (NodeSig n _)) -> n : l
_ -> l) [] gctx
doDump opts "GlobalAnnos" $ putStrLn $ showGlobalDoc ga ga ""
doDump opts "PrintStat" $ putStrLn $ printStatistics dg
doDump opts "DGraph" $ putStrLn $ showDoc dg ""
doDump opts "DuplicateDefEdges" $ let es = duplicateDefEdges dg in
unless (null es) $ print es
doDump opts "LibEnv" $ writeVerbFile opts (filePrefix ++ ".lenv")
$ shows (DG.prettyLibEnv lenv) "\n"
writeLG :: HetcatsOpts -> IO ()
writeLG opts = do
doDump opts "LogicGraph" $ putStrLn $ showDoc logicGraph ""
if elem JsonOut $ outtypes opts then do
lG <- lGToJson logicGraph
writeVerbFile opts { verbose = 2 } (outdir opts </> "LogicGraph.json")
$ ppJson lG
else do
lG <- lGToXml logicGraph
writeVerbFile opts { verbose = 2 } (outdir opts </> "LogicGraph.xml")
$ ppTopElement lG