WriteFn.hs revision 11280087fb7891a39bae5305886e76c0cc30886c
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Klaus L�ttich, C.Maeder, Uni Bremen 2002-2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : maeder@tzi.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(DevGraph)
This module provides functions to write a pretty printed abstract
syntax and all the other formats.
module Driver.WriteFn where
import System.IO
import Common.Utils
import Common.Result
import Common.GlobalAnnotations (GlobalAnnos)
import Common.ConvertGlobalAnnos()
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import Common.SimpPretty (writeFileSDoc)
import Common.ATerm.Lib
import Common.ATerm.ReadWrite
import Syntax.Print_HetCASL
import Syntax.AS_Library (LIB_DEFN(), LIB_NAME())
import Static.DevGraph
import Proofs.Proofs
import ATC.DevGraph()
import ATC.GlobalAnnotations()
import ATC.Proofs()
import Driver.Version
import Driver.Options
Write the given LIB_DEFN in every format that HetcatsOpts includes.
Filenames are determined by the output formats.
@param opt - Options Either default or given on the comandline
@param ld - a LIB_DEFN read as ATerm or parsed
write_LIB_DEFN :: GlobalAnnos -> FilePath -> HetcatsOpts -> LIB_DEFN -> IO ()
write_LIB_DEFN ga file opt ld = sequence_ $ map write_type $ outtypes opt
write_type :: OutType -> IO ()
write_type t =
case t of
HetCASLOut OutASTree OutAscii -> printAscii t
PrettyOut PrettyAscii -> printAscii t
PrettyOut PrettyLatex -> do
putIfVerbose opt 3 ("Generating OutType: " ++ (show t))
write_casl_latex opt ga (casl_latex_filename file opt) ld
EnvOut -> return () -- implemented in hets.hs
-- (requires environment)
_ -> do putStrLn ( "Error: the OutType \"" ++
show t ++ "\" is not implemented")
return ()
printAscii ty = do
putIfVerbose opt 3 ("Generating OutType: " ++ (show ty))
write_casl_asc opt ga (casl_asc_filename file opt) ld
Produces the filename of the pretty printed CASL-file.
@param opt - Options from the command line
@return path - full path to the generated file
casl_asc_filename :: FilePath -> HetcatsOpts -> FilePath
casl_asc_filename file opt =
let (base,_,_) = fileparse [".casl",".tree.gen_trm",".het"] file
in (outdir opt) ++ "/" ++ base ++ ".pp.het"
-- maybe an optin out-file is better
write_casl_asc :: HetcatsOpts -> GlobalAnnos -> FilePath -> LIB_DEFN -> IO ()
write_casl_asc opt ga oup ld =
do hout <- openFile oup WriteMode
putIfVerbose opt 3 (show (printText0_eGA ga))
hPutStr hout $ printLIB_DEFN_text ga ld
hClose hout
casl_latex_filename :: FilePath -> HetcatsOpts -> FilePath
casl_latex_filename file opt =
let (base,_,_) = fileparse [".casl",".tree.gen_trm",".het"] file
in (outdir opt) ++ "/" ++ base ++ ".pp.tex"
-- maybe an optin out-file is better
debug_latex_filename :: FilePath -> FilePath
debug_latex_filename = (\(b,p,_) -> p++ b ++ ".debug.tex") .
fileparse [".pp.tex"]
write_casl_latex :: HetcatsOpts -> GlobalAnnos -> FilePath -> LIB_DEFN -> IO ()
write_casl_latex opt ga oup ld =
do hout <- openFile oup WriteMode
putIfVerbose opt 3 (show (printText0_eGA ga))
hPutStr hout $ printLIB_DEFN_latex ga ld
hClose hout
doIfVerbose opt 5
(do dout <- openFile (debug_latex_filename oup) WriteMode
hPutStr dout $ printLIB_DEFN_debugLatex ga ld
hClose dout)
return ()
writeShATermFile :: (ShATermConvertible a) => FilePath -> a -> IO ()
writeShATermFile fp atcon = writeFile fp $ toShATermString atcon
writeShATermFileSDoc :: (ShATermConvertible a) => FilePath -> a -> IO ()
writeShATermFileSDoc fp atcon =
writeFileSDoc fp $ writeSharedATermSDoc (versionedATermTable atcon)
versionedATermTable :: (ShATermConvertible a) => a -> ATermTable
versionedATermTable atcon =
case {-# SCC "att0" #-} toShATerm emptyATermTable hetcats_version of
(att0,versionnr) ->
case {-# SCC "att1" #-} toShATerm att0 atcon of
(att1,aterm) -> {-# SCC "att3" #-}
fst $ addATerm (ShAAppl "hets" [versionnr,aterm] []) att1
toShATermString :: (ShATermConvertible a) => a -> String
toShATermString atcon = writeSharedATerm (versionedATermTable atcon)
globalContexttoShATerm :: FilePath -> GlobalContext -> IO ()
globalContexttoShATerm fp gc = writeShATermFileSDoc fp gc
writeFileInfo :: HetcatsOpts -> [Diagnosis] -> String -> LIB_NAME -> LibEnv
-> IO()
writeFileInfo opts diags' file ln lenv =
if hasErrors diags' then return () -- errors are reported elsewhere
else case Map.lookup ln lenv of
Nothing -> putStrLn ("*** Error: Cannot find library "++show ln)
Just gctx -> do
let envFile = rmSuffix file ++ ".env"
putIfVerbose opts 2 ("Writing "++envFile)
catch (globalContexttoShATerm envFile gctx) $ \ err -> do
putIfVerbose opts 2 (envFile ++ " not written")
putIfVerbose opts 3 ("see following error description:\n"
++ shows err "\n")
write_casl_asc_stdout :: HetcatsOpts -> GlobalAnnos -> LIB_DEFN -> IO(String)
write_casl_asc_stdout opt ga ld =
do putIfVerbose opt 3 (show (printText0_eGA ga))
return $ printLIB_DEFN_text ga ld
write_casl_latex_stdout :: HetcatsOpts -> GlobalAnnos -> LIB_DEFN -> IO(String)
write_casl_latex_stdout opt ga ld =
do putIfVerbose opt 3 (show (printText0_eGA ga))
return $ printLIB_DEFN_latex ga ld
{-doIfVerbose opt 5
(do dout <- openFile (debug_latex_filename oup) WriteMode
hPutStr dout $ printLIB_DEFN_debugLatex ga ld
hClose dout)
proofStatusToShATerm :: FilePath -> ProofStatus -> IO()
proofStatusToShATerm filepath proofStatus =
writeShATermFileSDoc filepath proofStatus